Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Fri 23 Sep 15:33:post reply

pirate blah blah blah

Ok so I messed with the game for a while today... at first it seems like a total powerstone clone. No blocking, picking up and throwing objects, the jump attacks... but it does do some things differently. Specials are done by holding R1 and pressing attack or throw... it's different for different characters... Thing does smash attacks... Wolvie does claw attacks... etc. Story mode is not a fighting game BTW, it's a beat em up. Wolverine is the Prince of Persia... he can do all the wall running moves and flips... not to mention his bad ass t-shirt costume.

Also different from Powerstone is the addition of a dodge button... that... well dodges. No over the top supers... you can go into rage mode when your meter is full.

They also found a interesting way to explain why *insert famous marvel character here* isn't a playable character.

The game's pretty though... Thing looks kinda dumb though... small hands... shrunken face... kinda more like FF movie Thing.

edit- There's finishing moves during VS fights... like a fatality... just without gore. Johnny Ohm is an Elvis impersonator.

[this message was edited by Fuchikoma on Fri 23 Sep 18:50]


1437th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Fri 23 Sep 22:08post reply

One Piece Grand Battle is a far better Powerstone clone, if you're desperate for clones and don't want to just play the original. - My own personal waste of time.

844th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Sat 24 Sep 08:09post reply

The single player beat-em-up is pretty awful and the "original characters" are silly comic book stereotypes.

I guess all I can say is that it's as bad as most of us suspected. Now Ultimate Spidey, on the other hand... :)

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925th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Sat 24 Sep 08:27post reply

One Piece Grand Battle is a far better Powerstone clone, if you're desperate for clones and don't want to just play the original.

I find Grand Battle doesn't feel much like Power Stone at all. The only similarity I find is that you can run around the entire environment and throw shit. I'd buy it, but the dub voices give me a headache, "Chaser" is absurd, and it's missing two characters or more. The import version is $60.

I'd like to try the Marvel game, but the only games I'm going to be buying anytime soon are Phoenix Wright and Shadow of the Colossus.

I guess I'm sticking with Power Stone!

1164th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Sun 25 Sep 04:56post reply

Now Ultimate Spidey, on the other hand... :)

Did you also play the Spider-Man 2 game? I heard that they dumbed down the swinging system. Can you expand on that? All I see on other message boards is a bunch of bitching and no explanations.

528th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Sun 25 Sep 08:30post reply

Did you also play the Spider-Man 2 game? I heard that they dumbed down the swinging system. Can you expand on that? All I see on other message boards is a bunch of bitching and no explanations.

They dumbed down the swinging system and the game in general for the _PC_ version. Basically, the console and PC versions of the same game are leagues apart, for... some reason that I can't figure out. Should get the people bitching about console ports thinking though, as when they didn't do a straight port, it actually came out worse.


1440th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Sun 25 Sep 13:20post reply

They dumbed down the swinging system and the game in general for the _PC_ version. Basically, the console and PC versions of the same game are leagues apart, for... some reason that I can't figure out. Should get the people bitching about console ports thinking though, as when they didn't do a straight port, it actually came out worse.

They also dumbed down the swinging for Ultimate Spiderman in every version, which I believe is what he's talking about. - My own personal waste of time.

529th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Sun 25 Sep 22:57post reply

They also dumbed down the swinging for Ultimate Spiderman in every version, which I believe is what he's talking about.

Oh. D'oh.


1166th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Ultimate Spider-Man" , posted Mon 26 Sep 09:42post reply

I got USM yesterday and according to the save clock, I beat the story mode in 4 hours. What a shame.

I see what people were talking about when they say the web slinging system was dumbed down. In Spider-Man 2 you could go from one web to another having two webs out at a time, but in USM you shot one web release it and have to shot another. Although it is a shame they got rid of the SM2 webs swinging as it was more accurate to how you see Spider-Man swing around, to get the facest times in the race challenges you had to do the shot and release method similar to the one in USM to get the fastest times and I used that method most of the time in SM2 so it is no big deal to me.

In addition to changing the web slinging they got rid of the 2 web slingshot(similar to the thing he used in the first movie to get to the bridge), air piledriver, the web lasso, perching from lamps. All of those were things I barely used, but were fun to do. But they removed the much more important web balls, long jump, the ability to web pull guns from bad guys hands and made wall running more of a matter of how fast or what angle you go into a wall than making it a simple command.

Eventhough USM is a much shorter game than Spider-Man 2 I found the story, gameplay and boss fights a lot better. The citizens in distress missions aren't as tedious as they just pop up on your map and you can do them if you want to, but they are limited to stopping gangs, getting people to the hospital and car jackers. But since they don't have the crappy voice actors from Spider-Man 2, it isn't as painful.

But it seems that like Spider-Man 2 the bulk of completeing the game is getting stupid tokens. There are comic, hidden, and land mark tokens in this game totaling over 200, I believe. Then there are also those stupid race challenges. Compared to Hulk, USM really lacks in the fun mini-challenges department.

The story was probably something written in the 6 issue Trade Paperback format the comics are usually written in with a bit of filler with Rhino(or is it R.H.I.N.O?). I wish they did something the length of atleast three story arcs to try and stetch the game to atleast 10 hours of story.

I rank it third below Hulk and X-Men Legends II on the list of recently released games based on specific books. I can't decide what I like better between Hulk and X-Men though. USM is definite rental material though.

Well, that is it for my rambling, continue on with Marvel Nemesis discussion if you wish.

2216th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Legendary Spider-Man" , posted Wed 28 Sep 01:09post reply

I rank it third below Hulk and X-Men Legends II on the list of recently released games based on specific books. I can't decide what I like better between Hulk and X-Men though. USM is definite rental material though.

How is X-Men Legends II? I enjoyed the first game but I did feel there were a few areas -such as the easily filled inventory and the power upgrades that combined with the stat cap to give you all sorts of ways to royally screw up your character- that could be improved. Did the programmers improve the game or did they find new ways to make minor mistakes?

1167th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Legendary Spider-Man" , posted Wed 28 Sep 12:46post reply


How is X-Men Legends II? I enjoyed the first game but I did feel there were a few areas -such as the easily filled inventory and the power upgrades that combined with the stat cap to give you all sorts of ways to royally screw up your character- that could be improved. Did the programmers improve the game or did they find new ways to make minor mistakes?

My inventory easily fills up in XML2 and you start off with around 10 or so characters to distribute your items to as well. I find myself always having to dump stuff or switch teams to dump stuff. But they have an inventory box at the base of operations so you can put all the stuff you want to keep that you don't need there. I don't get why they give you items for level 29 characters in the first level of the game.

As for stats, I am not really good at assigning points evenly to my special attacks. I just keep on adding to Wolverine's claw mastery and Optic Blast for Cyclops.

One complaint that I have is that the bosses seem to easy or Wolverine is still overpowered as I can kill most of the subbosses literally within a minute with Wolverine's Special Claw attack and I can kill regular bosses in about two, no more than three minutes with the same attack. I find that regular enemies with a "Enhanced Damage" aura around them are far more dangerous than any boss I have encountered so far. They can kill 2 members of my team if I don't notice them right away.

1172th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Marvel Nemesis= Powerstone" , posted Sun 9 Oct 03:23post reply

I know I am a little late to the party, but I got Marvel Nemesis for the X-box and wanted to share some thoughts.

First off, the gameplay isn't as bad as the demo made it seem to be. Although the system is pretty simple it is a nice 2-player game. It was a okay effort on EA's part. The only problems I have is the camera that zooms out too far. I am also not a fan of the dark, gritty graphics as it kind of dulls out the experience. Also the commerical for this game is TERRIBLE. I am kinda glad I bought this game before I saw the commerical because I am pretty sure that would have turned me off from the game.

It would be pretty sweet if EA took this game engine and applied it to something like a secret wars game. That would provide a large cast of popular characters for EA to work with.