videogame / insert credit wiki - Forums
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2989th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"videogame / insert credit wiki" , posted Sun 25 Sep 08:45
as promised, there's now an insert credit wiki. Please, please feel free to contribute, and I even made it login-only to keep out some of the rabble, potentially.
Vava, now's your time to shine, with all of that Capcom knowledge! GO!
vava 58th Post
Occasional Customer
"Re(1):videogame / insert credit wiki" , posted Sun 25 Sep 09:37
This is going to be more complicated than i thought.......
aderack 166th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(1):videogame / insert credit wiki" , posted Sun 25 Sep 11:36
Hey, are you going to do something with categories? That'd make things smoother. More automatic.
Red Falcon
5586th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):videogame / insert credit wiki" , posted Sun 25 Sep 12:40
Vava, are you named after Vava from Rockman X?
quote: I elect Iggy to write the section about Tim Rogers
I'd be more interested in Tim's section on Iggy.
Oh no, wait...that would probably have more information on Tim than the Tim section. But then again, the Tim section might have a fair bit of information about Iggy as well.
quote: I elect Iggy to write the section about Tim Rogers I'd be more interested in Tim's section on Iggy. Oh no, wait...that would probably have more information on Tim than the Tim section. But then again, the Tim section might have a fair bit of information about Iggy as well.
I think the best way to do it is to have both of use write our own sectionpart of the siterule the world me killing him and feeding his corpse to pigs..
"Re(6):videogame / insert credit wiki" , posted Mon 26 Sep 08:23
Wow, it's really getting started! People seem to be making the formatting a lot nicer, which is fine by me!!
quote: For that, you have to write things about the SMT franchise on my wiki.
... actually I just wanted you to do that anyway ;_;
NO. DEAR GOD NO. People who REALLY know about SMT are in a different class than me. I'm like the shit on their boots...only they don't have shit on their boots because they're too good for do you know what that makes me? NOTHING. I am nothing but an imaginary possibility that can't exist in the same realm of reality that the TRUE CHOSEN live in.
Edit: Oh, and Akiman didn't design the characters for King Gainer. He only designed King Gainer...the robot.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Mon 26 Sep 10:40]
quote: Edit: Oh, and Akiman didn't design the characters for King Gainer. He only designed King Gainer...the robot. Yeah, Kinu Nishimura did the characters.
Greetings from hong kong from bootation and simonbelmont.
Also i would like to add an edit that has been accused of meandering long winded reviews with seemingly no point in sight. Of videogames.
Oh ya do u guys know of like the worlds longest escalator here? Im totally getting wireless on my ibook at the hotel. I think i need to go to kowloon to find a nintendo ds case and a little tv dvd divx combo thingie.
quote: NO. DEAR GOD NO. People who REALLY know about SMT are in a different class than me. I'm like the shit on their boots...only they don't have shit on their boots because they're too good for do you know what that makes me? NOTHING. I am nothing but an imaginary possibility that can't exist in the same realm of reality that the TRUE CHOSEN live in.
Well, that's fine. At least you'd provide a foundation for someone to come back in and edit or add to.
2992th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(10):videogame / insert credit wiki" , posted Tue 27 Sep 01:06
yeah, and I hope that everyone who mentioned things that were wrong went in and changed them!
This wiki is becoming excellent - just look at the very nice Climax page, which was written by tim (proving to all that he writes the way he writes because he likes to, not because it's the only way he knows how).
2996th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Re(10):videogame / insert credit wiki" , posted Wed 28 Sep 03:16
btw, to anyone who had trouble registering, there is now a support page that should help...
quote: That's fine. This is about games though, not about us.
It would be a great idea though, I mean, a wiki about MMCafe members. The tricky thing would be to find someone objective to write about every individual.
quote: That's fine. This is about games though, not about us.
It would be a great idea though, I mean, a wiki about MMCafe members. The tricky thing would be to find someone objective to write about every individual.
Who needs to be objective? The key would be bashing everyone equally.
"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):videogame / insert credit" , posted Wed 5 Oct 03:44
I don't get jack about that wiki thing. How the hell am I supposed to create a page in the first place ?
3014th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):videogame / insert credit" , posted Wed 5 Oct 04:05
quote: I don't get jack about that wiki thing. How the hell am I supposed to create a page in the first place ?
check out the tips areas - but basically, when you put something in two brackets, it creates a link. You click that link, once you've submitted, and then you've got a blank page to work with.
ie, submitting French Bread doujin circle - go to the doujin area (do we have a doujin companies area? we should!), then add [[French Bread]]. then submit - then click the french bread link, and start adding stuff! Other people can clean it up for you, maybe...