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CHAZumaru 225th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Screw Breaker" , posted Tue 27 Sep 00:49
Screw breaker is the new game from Pokemon's creators Game Freaks, for those who did not follow. The game has had quite a discrete promotion ever since its stealth presentation at E3, and was released last thursday in Japan - which was incidently my last day in tokyo. I had 7000 yen planned for Hissatsu Urakagyou (about which I'd like to hear some comments if anyone has any) but I spent them for 3rd Strike and Screw Breaker instead, therefore I have been spending the last few days on it.
Screw Breaker is a brillant platformer to say the least. I first considered it as a good substitue before he release of Gunstar Super Heroes - which was quite promising at the TGS - but it turns out to be the smartest original (as in "not a port or rehash of a 10 years old hit") platform-action game on the GBA so far. As you might know, the game is packed in a special cartridge (about the size of the Play-Yan) that allows a convincing rumble feature. You play the role of a preteen girl named Dori Kururi that becomes the new 親分 of a local gang after her father gets injured in a gang fight, and faces both other gangsters as well as the Police (led by the lovely 警部 Carrie) as you pursue your father's work. To rob banks, museums, temples et al, you are helped by a spheric robot name Rasender 8 which is equipped with a giant drill (and a cute little red kaban that holds your equipment).
The game mostly revolves (pun!) around drilling and all the various situations one could get in with a giant drill - actually Game Freaks has been able to include an astonishing array of different actions and situations. I'm in the middle of the fifth world, and the game has kept finding new ways to use the robot's drill, and I wouldn't do justice to the game by spoiling them away. Not only that, but the game features a bunch of interesting sequences such as infiltration or Kurukururin-like stages. There are apparently a shitload of secrets to find and many new ways to run through old levels once you acquire new abilities.
In a nutshell, if you felt for the Micro or want to use the GBA port of your DS and therefore are looking for a GBA game to give the game a chance, Screw Breaker seriously deserves your attention.
By the way, I wanted to post about the game on IC, but the forums are apparently dead ?
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CHAZumaru 233th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Screw Breaker" , posted Mon 3 Oct 02:00
Yeah, I fully agree with the Treasure feel. I think it has to do with the way the gameplay is thought up. Instead of building levels around the character's moves, they built the puzzles they wanted the player to face, and tweaked the oyabun's moves according to the level design's balance. It can clearly be felt with abilities such as the  dash (useless at first glance yet incredibly precise once you understand its role in the game), or the fact you can slow down your fall by drilling, or how messed up the drill bounce can get one you master it. The more you play, the more you find out how smart and incredibly well balanced the gameplay is - moreover in the secret levels that are exclusively built around the idea of abusing Screw Breaker's mechanics. It feels like a puzzle well built, and the latest major games that felt that way were Radiant and Ikaruga. Besides that and all the good ideas (gimmicks?) encountered throughtout the game, the Treasure feel also comes from the rythm-breaking sequences such as mid-level minibosses and mid-level brawling sequences which are totally Treasure-like.
I just completed the game, getting all hidden treasures, finishing all secret levels and maxing out the life containers. It's been a long time since I've been caught in a game to the point of coming back at it less than half an hour after turning the DS off. The secret levels are fantastic, and the hunt for hidden treasures inside all levels is quite entertaining as you are not forced to complete the level afterwards.
Overall, a fantastic action game.
Rid 6874th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):errrr..." , posted Wed 19 Oct 04:44
quote: New save, all the way to 2-2... same codes.
Are you sure about what you're saying, Rid ? Could you please double-check with your own save ? Maybe you did it at random yet found the correct ones after some time (as, like you say, there's a little confirmation when you made it to the right spot). Did you use the memos when playing and could you tell me what's written on them when you double check your own game ?
Otherwise, it might be that there's a random code for each cartridge, or that I am extremly (un)lucky with the randomizer, but either possibilities seems very unlikely.
Hummm, I played it on emulator (waiting for the US version to get it), but I remember some talk about the random codes in GameFAQs, and I remember getting a different one from the ones they mentioned...
So not sure then :(