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Dash no Chris 321th Post
Bronze Customer
| "Epic Battles Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat TCG" , posted Tue 27 Sep 08:51
Dunno how many of you are into trading card games (and I've been away from this board for a bit, so I don't know if this might've been discussed recently), but Score Entertainment (makers of the Inuyasha, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Yu Yu Hakusho trading card games) have a new trading card game based on fighting games, called "Epic Battles." The first round of cards (just released this month) features 10 characters from Street Fighter III 3rd STRIKE and 10 characters from Mortal Kombat: Deception. Score claims to be working on getting other fighting game licenses from additional companies, and has indicated that they'll be adding characters from the DarkStalkers and Rival Schools series soon.
Had a chance to try the game out briefly last night, and it's not a bad little game. It's gonna take a little time getting used to the rules and getting familiar with the different card combination options, but I s'pose that's true of just about any TCG. The game's concept was actually cooked up by Blockbuster Video, who then signed up Score to actually do the work of producing the thing. Because of this, the game is being sold exclusively at Blockbuster outlets. Since not everyone has a Blockbuster on every other corner (like we seem to, here in Las Vegas), I picked up some extra starter decks to throw up on eBay (Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat).
So, anyone else here tried this thing out yet?
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