The Mercenaries ... (RE4) - Forums

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3233th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The Mercenaries ... (RE4)" , posted Wed 28 Sep 20:59post reply

I've Just finished RE4 and unlocked the Mercenaries & Ada sub-games. Well I've some question about those games:

- Is it me or we can't save during Ada's missions?
- Any shop's?
- Is there a sure way to kill the Gatling Ganados?

For the mercenaries I just did a pityfull score of 8050 for my 1st try, so...
- Is there a path to follow or just a good shooting point to find?
- How many point we need to unlock the special characters?


Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...


38th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):The Mercenaries ... (RE4)" , posted Wed 28 Sep 21:22post reply

I've Just finished RE4 and unlocked the Mercenaries & Ada sub-games. Well I've some question about those games:

- Is it me or we can't save during Ada's missions?
- Any shop's?
- Is there a sure way to kill the Gatling Ganados?

For the mercenaries I just did a pityfull score of 8050 for my 1st try, so...
- Is there a path to follow or just a good shooting point to find?
- How many point we need to unlock the special characters?


Assignment Ada

- Nope, you can't save during Ada's assignment.
- No shops either.
- Try sniping him from afar.


- Hmm, there are FAQs for these things, and it's been a while since I played seriously, so I can't help, sorry.
- 30k is needed on each stage for unlocking the characters (I think? or was it 40k...) and 60k is needed on each stage if you want to unlock another weapon in the main game.

3234th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ONSY, help please!" , posted Thu 29 Sep 23:32post reply

I've palyed more the mercenaries now (didn't touch Ada yet) And I've made a 30K + point with leon on the 3 1st stage which unlocked Ada, Krauzer and Hunk (YES!!)

I think that in most a them there is a path like to found, when I was used to the village I did a 90K score with Hunk.

BTW: did the weapon we use in mercenaries are upgraded or not?
Is it me or it is a bit harder to target someone with Krauser's bow?
And did the monsters come ramdomly for each character? because with Hunk they give me unfinite chainsaw women in the village..

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

3000th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 02:03post reply

I'm killing myself to play through without continuing. Is there any point to this? The game keeps track of it, but I can't find what the actual benefit is! It's not in any faqs I've seen...

1003th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 02:37post reply

I'm killing myself to play through without continuing. Is there any point to this?

The point is that Capcom wants you to kill yourself.

3001th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 02:58post reply

oh man, that was my 3k post. jeebus.

3237th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 17:48post reply

BTW, I've restarted a game with the new outfit, and I was thinking that I'll keep my old equipement but no. I just have the ridiculous equipement of the beginning, I even lost my pesetas...How can we make a million then?

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

Time Mage
2258th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 18:04post reply

BTW, I've restarted a game with the new outfit, and I was thinking that I'll keep my old equipement but no. I just have the ridiculous equipement of the beginning, I even lost my pesetas...How can we make a million then?

Strange, there is for sure a way to start with your old equipment. Maybe you have chosen "new game", instead of loading your endgame saved file.

3240th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 18:23post reply

Strange, there is for sure a way to start with your old equipment. Maybe you have chosen "new game", instead of loading your endgame saved file.

ACH SO!!!..... You must be right! ^ ^
Still I was surprised since the new game allow me to wear the special costumes as well...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

Time Mage
2259th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 19:43post reply

Still I was surprised since the new game allow me to wear the special costumes as well...

That's because the unlocked stuff is saved on the system data, while each specific playthrough is saved in its own file.

Taa kun
507th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):ONSY, help please!" , posted Sat 1 Oct 02:02post reply


Is it me or it is a bit harder to target someone with Krauser's bow?

It is, since his bow is on his side, the angle of the laser pointer is not the same. So it's not the usual thing.

But once you get used to it, you can feel the monstrous power of the bow.

My best is around 150K with Kraüser...

Tsukurimashou... Tsukurimashou...
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na ?

3004th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 02:02post reply

and nobody knows about no-death bonus? did everyone continue? no wonder this game takes me so much longer than everyone else...

3535th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 02:27post reply

and nobody knows about no-death bonus? did everyone continue? no wonder this game takes me so much longer than everyone else...

I've played this game so much, but I've never finished it with a no deaths rate (death occur usually during those QTE events or during Ashley's part), I'll try it next week to see if you get anything for no deaths.

3006th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 02:42post reply

I'll try it next week to see if you get anything for no deaths.

cool. I mean I've *had* deaths, I just always restart when I do. If I get there before you do, I'll report here. But since you're probably all powered up, I bet you could do it faster!

3536th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 03:17post reply

I bet you could do it faster!

Indeed, it'll take me one day or two, I'll let you know if I succeed

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(8):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 04:16post reply

and nobody knows about no-death bonus? did everyone continue? no wonder this game takes me so much longer than everyone else...

There's no no-death bonus. At least I didn't get anything for beating it with no continues (on standard difficulty with alternate costume).

3007th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 06:28post reply

There's no no-death bonus. At least I didn't get anything for beating it with no continues (on standard difficulty with alternate costume).

ugh, really? well I'll wait for onsy's report too...cause if there's nothing, I did all of this for no reason!!

Variable Savior
314th Post

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"Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 06:51:post reply

ugh, really? well I'll wait for onsy's report too...cause if there's nothing, I did all of this for no reason!!

arrghhh... same here. But maybe that's a good thing - I am so freakin sick of reloading after dying a cheesy Ashley induced death.

Is there a penalty for using first aid sprays?? I've only previously played RE2 but I recall someone saying using first aid sprays lowered your rank in the earlier games.

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Sat 1 Oct 06:54]

39th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 16:51post reply

There is no ranking at all in the main game. You get stats at the end, but no letter ranking. Therefore, all the old "no-nos" from previous RE games no longer apply; take your time, die all you want, and use all the First Aid Sprays you need, it doesn't matter.

In fact, the game adjusts the difficulty a bit depending on whether or not you die (sometimes, it'll remove some especially troublesome enemies if you continue a lot at a certain spot).

3242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):ONSY, help please!" , posted Sun 2 Oct 02:29post reply

It is, since his bow is on his side, the angle of the laser pointer is not the same. So it's not the usual thing.

But once you get used to it, you can feel the monstrous power of the bow.

My best is around 150K with Kraüser...

That's it, I'm used to the bow now... And I've unlocked everyone in the mercenaries. Still I'm far from the "handcanon" since my score are still low.

Leon = finished Vilage, castle, Mine with
30 < 35K just 4 star...
Ada= Vilage, 35K so lame...She's so week, and they send me so much chainsaw women...
Krauzer= Village, Water plant, 35K thank to his arm the water plant can be finished. those double chainsaw bastard are so lame un stupid...
Hunk= vilage, 90K (Ha!ha!)
Wesker = Castle 25K.

My problem is not the score himself but how to stay alive until the chopper comes...
Those one-kill-hiy enemy are a bit abused in a mode like the mercenaries...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

3008th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 05:08post reply


In fact, the game adjusts the difficulty a bit depending on whether or not you die (sometimes, it'll remove some especially troublesome enemies if you continue a lot at a certain spot).

ahh, no wonder I found some parts of the game more difficult than others did...I have no deaths at all!

I'm about to beat the game though, I think. maybe tonight. I'll let you all know what happens (if anything) when you beat the game the first time through with no deaths.

Time Mage
2260th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 19:26post reply

I'm about to beat the game though, I think. maybe tonight. I'll let you all know what happens (if anything) when you beat the game the first time through with no deaths.

Congratulations, you haven't unlocked anything!!


3009th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Mon 3 Oct 14:54post reply

yeah, so...nothing.

cept for the knowledge that I'm h4rdc0r3!!!

mission ada was fun though, and now I'm playing through as racoon city leon. I don't actually like this costume though.

2229th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Tue 4 Oct 00:16post reply

yeah, so...nothing.

cept for the knowledge that I'm h4rdc0r3!!!

The bonus for not dying is that you get to live! Isn't that enough of a reward?

Undead Fred
2510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Tue 4 Oct 06:11post reply

yeah, so...nothing.

cept for the knowledge that I'm h4rdc0r3!!!

The bonus for not dying is that you get to live! Isn't that enough of a reward?

Man, every time these RE4 threads pop up, it makes me want to play Mercenaries again. I've only got one stage that I haven't managed to break 100,000 yet- that combat zone with the chaingunners. I've only gotten 90,000 on that one.

3012th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Tue 4 Oct 06:28post reply

I suck at mercenaries!

and undead fred - planning to get stubbs?

Undead Fred
2511th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Tue 4 Oct 11:26post reply

and undead fred - planning to get stubbs?

Heh heh. Yes! I'm still a LITTLE iffy about it being good or not, but I saw some video of the game and it looks like it'll be fun. I think I'm mostly interested in biting people and making my own team of zombies.

Variable Savior
315th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(10):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Wed 5 Oct 07:05post reply

UDF - I think you'd enjoy this; considering your love of all things zombie

Blood marks heaven's path

Undead Fred
2514th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Any bonus for no deaths?" , posted Wed 5 Oct 10:33post reply

UDF - I think you'd enjoy this; considering your love of all things zombie

Oh, man... that book looks awesome.