Capcom Classics Collection - Forums

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2220th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Thu 29 Sep 22:12post reply

"You can't beat me with paramecuim alone."

I picked the Capcom Classics Collection up last night and so far I'm impressed. Of the games I've tried so far the ports seem to be spot-on. Not only are the games ported well but there are plenty of extras such as a great deal of art and character bios you can unlock. For example, I played through Capcom's ode to alternative lifestyles, Final Fight. Not only did Roxy and Poison show up in your quest to wrestle strange men in public restrooms but Poison's bio even listed the correct gender. Most of the conditions for unlocking the extras are obvious things such as beating the game but one of the requirements for FF was that you had to eat Eddie E's gum. I was hoping for a bit more information about the programmers for the games -and maybe a listing of the drugs they were on when they created Lost/Forgotten Worlds- but for $19.99 I can't complain.

Oh, and the loading screen when a new game initially boots up features Zangief spinning. I like this compilation.

"I'll burn him with my aura!"


999th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Thu 29 Sep 22:52:post reply

Some say the version of Bionic Commando is a bit different from the arcade, do you confirm?
I already bought the PS1 compilation, so I won't buy it again even some games were added. It's obvious Capcom is milking these games dry. Why don't they take a handful of them and expand them so they meet today's lifespan requirements, by adding new levels, or new characters? The best thing of course would be to port them to the Revolution and implement a Nunchak control -- what a blast it'd be then.

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Thu 29 Sep 22:54]

176th Post

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"Re(2):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Fri 30 Sep 05:18post reply

Some games?

Have you... looked at what's on this compilation?

47th Post

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"Re(1):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Fri 30 Sep 07:17post reply

Not only did Roxy and Poison show up in your quest to wrestle strange men in public restrooms but Poison's bio even listed the correct gender.

So whats her/his correct genre?


149th Post

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"Re(2):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Fri 30 Sep 07:32post reply

I just got it also and its awsome. Namco should be seriously embarrassed with their 50th Museum though. Its pathetic.

501th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Fri 30 Sep 15:10:post reply

It's obvious Capcom is milking these games dry. Why don't they take a handful of them and expand them so they meet today's lifespan requirements, by adding new levels, or new characters?

Yeah, I second that. In fact, I think Capcom should make lots of remakes/conversions/upgradings of those classic games we all know, something similar to what they did in Strider 2 for PSOne.

Edit: Wow, now my name is red and it has a shadow that's what happens when reaching 500 posts?

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Fri 30 Sep 15:14]

2225th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Sat 1 Oct 00:46post reply

Some say the version of Bionic Commando is a bit different from the arcade, do you confirm?

I haven't played enough of the arcade version of BC to be able to spot any translation errors. Can anyone else help out? Also, has anyone tried things like Cody's infinite or other little glitches from the original arcade games?


I already bought the PS1 compilation, so I won't buy it again even some games were added.

Since this is the first time that several of these games have been released as home ports in the US so I considered this a good buy. Compliations can either be seen as a nostalgic overview of a company or as a cheap money grab using past glories. Since I'm happy with this collection I'm going with the first choice on this one. As an aside the $19.99 I paid for this set is the same as the list price that Nintendo put on the games in the Classic NES Series they put out on the GBA several moons back so there are much lousier deals out there when it comes to retro games.

Not only did Roxy and Poison show up in your quest to wrestle strange men in public restrooms but Poison's bio even listed the correct gender.

So whats her/his correct genre?

She's still the best looking man in Capcom's character roster.

1008th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Sat 1 Oct 02:40post reply


She's still the best looking man in Capcom's character roster.

Yes, but Zangief is a close sencond.

Maese Spt
21th Post

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"Re(4):Capcom Classics Collection" , posted Sat 1 Oct 03:21post reply


She's still the best looking man in Capcom's character roster.

Yes, but Zangief is a close sencond.

The green conehead guy from Star Gladiator deserves a bit of love too.

"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months"