KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums
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Cain Highwind
619th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 03:45 On the official site
The Anime looks great, and MI2 looks FAR better this time around. LEONA HAS PANTS (she looks better with them IMO)
Of course I'm expecting Mr 3D Fighting Scrooge NARUTO to come in and say "Bah more 3D crap" or something that sounds incredibly One-sided and fanboyish. But I don't care.
3530th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 03:48
Bah more 3D crap
burning kyo
2363th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 05:16
The anime is crappy, and it's very disappointing from G.I. productions. But I like the song on the trailer.
KOF:MI2, the game of the summer 2006 ;) I hope there'll be still more characters.
[welcome to the devil's nest]
Cain Highwind
621th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"Re(2):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 05:29:
quote: The anime is crappy, and it's very disappointing from G.I. productions. But I like the song on the trailer.
KOF:MI2, the game of the summer 2006 ;) I hope there'll be still more characters.
I'm glad I didn't watch the Anime you watched. Because the Anime from Production I.G. looks smoothly animated and puts the 99 DM intro to shame.
[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Fri 30 Sep 05:30]
kofoguz 193th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(2):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 05:30
quote: The anime is crappy, and it's very disappointing from G.I. productions. But I like the song on the trailer.
KOF:MI2, the game of the summer 2006 ;) I hope there'll be still more characters.
If this anime is only for MI2 then yes, Whip is in it too. After Kula's scene you can see her on the train. I hope that she'll be in the game.
"Re(3):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 06:06:
I noticed both old school Terry and MOTW Terry. OK! Now animate Busterwolf! Maybe Terry shouts his attacks differently depending on what clothes he wears. XD I wonder if they'll animate Saika? And Mai in urban clothing is win.
[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 30 Sep 06:13]
4107th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(4):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 06:46
quote: I noticed both old school Terry and MOTW Terry.
Geese tower seem to be in; that's always good news; also 'old terry' seems to be reenacting his Garou opening/Real bout ending where he streched out to reach out Geese's hand; of course we can't judge only because the takes look similar but it would be a nice touch it in fact that was the scene.
The animation don't look that bad, but the art style is kind of different to the 'image' that kof reflects; Athena is shown somewhat more adult and K' is shown as a 'strong complexion' guy (Athen is loly and K' is supposed to be skinny and strengh wise weak; his profile hinted that AND he looked slim/weak).... kinda like the OG ova where Excellen & Kyosuke somehow got and hormone boost and looked healthier/older respectibly.
See??? He is a God...
catalyst 77th Post
Occasional Customer
"Re(5):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 07:17
The animation don't look that bad, but the art style is kind of different to the 'image' that kof reflects; Athena is shown somewhat more adult and K' is shown as a 'strong complexion' guy (Athen is loly and K' is supposed to be skinny and strengh wise weak; his profile hinted that AND he looked slim/weak).... kinda like the OG ova where Excellen & Kyosuke somehow got and hormone boost and looked healthier/older respectibly.
Hm, I personally viewed K' to be a pretty strong guy in terms of storyline preferences, but I must agree he did emit that tall lanky personality for a person who is 6 foot and 143 pounds with a weak appearance. Same could be said for Ash Crimson but then again he isn't as much as a beefed up appearance as K' has. Then again paste any character with the Kusanagi flames and they could whomp on a few folks just my fan side for K' defending him.
This anime doesnt look so bad, as long as there is a resonable connection with the characters and storyline I think I'll be satisfied.
4108th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(6):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 07:34
quote: Hm, I personally viewed K' to be a pretty strong guy in terms of storyline preferences, but I must agree he did emit that tall lanky personality for a person who is 6 foot and 143 pounds with a weak appearance.
You are messing up the sentence, he is weak in the 'no muscle' way: he can't bounce; but he gets results because his powers are strong and he use them ruthlessly, so he is 'powerful'. If snk says that Kyo is the strongest fighter of the world (they did in 99') that doen't mean that Kyo can lift weight more than anyone else...
quote: as long as there is a resonable connection with the characters and storyline I think I'll be satisfied.
I don't what to sound rude but do you realize that this is kof???
See??? He is a God...
catalyst 78th Post
Occasional Customer
"Re(7):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 07:36
quote: Hm, I personally viewed K' to be a pretty strong guy in terms of storyline preferences, but I must agree he did emit that tall lanky personality for a person who is 6 foot and 143 pounds with a weak appearance.
You are messing up the sentence, he is weak in the 'no muscle' way: he can't bounce; but he gets results because his powers are strong and he use them ruthlessly, so he is 'powerful'. If snk says that Kyo is the strongest fighter of the world (they did in 99') that doen't mean that Kyo can lift weight more than anyone else...
as long as there is a resonable connection with the characters and storyline I think I'll be satisfied.
I don't what to sound rude but do you realize that this is kof???
I realize that it is kof, but as long as the characters fit together and the story thats being put across makes sense then so be it.
As for the first statement, now I get what your saying much clearly.
Abster 235th Post
Frequent Customer
"Re(1):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 08:23
The anime looks good, and so does the game.
New chars? check Mai and Lien got their jiggle on? check Other KOF returns? check
"Re(8):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 08:25
So it's pretty certain Ash's gonne be in right?
And how does Lien keep her boobs from falling out?
1849th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
"Re(9):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Fri 30 Sep 09:47
quote: So it's pretty certain Ash's gonne be in right?
And how does Lien keep her boobs from falling out?
Duct tape?
Burning Ranger
1309th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Well..." , posted Fri 30 Sep 11:06
...Maximum Impact 2 seems to be a little better, but I'm don't like what I'm seeing as far as the combo system is concerned. On one hand, it seems like the game retains something of the original 2D game's pacing (kinda like the first MI did). But on the other hand, I'm seeing very fluid and long chains that are more at home in 3D fighters, and this is what's bugging me. Then there's this funny combo system that seems be a combination of SF3's Parry and PONG: the attacks just keep going back and forth. Still, I think there's a lot of potential in the game and I already see it as an improvement (somewhat) over the original.
As for Another Day... it all looks good-- except for Maxima. Why does his face look so small? It's like he's related to that guy in Family Guy with the wierd face that Peter has to draw!
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger ...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!
1135th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(1):Well..." , posted Fri 30 Sep 21:07
I noticed Soiree called Alba "Aniki". I haven't played MI, but didn't his character bio have him calling Alba "Oniichan" or "Oniitama" or "Oniichama" or something like that?
He doesn't do that in the game!?
2224th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Well..." , posted Sat 1 Oct 00:16
MI2: The video made the game look like the sloppy fun of the first one but did they do anything about the more abusable chain combos and the OTG stuff? That, and I already miss Leona's combat shorts.
Another Day: Is this going to be a series of vignettes or is it going to be a single story? Poor Mai, everyone else gets head shots in the promo pic but she has a picture of her chest while she gropes around for a fan.
quote: I noticed Soiree called Alba "Aniki". I haven't played MI, but didn't his character bio have him calling Alba "Oniichan" or "Oniitama" or "Oniichama" or something like that?
He doesn't do that in the game!?
Soiree is still sporting his little cowboy hat/vest combo and screams "Big Wednesday!" when he does his super so he's still doing better than posers like K' and Kyo.
burning kyo
2365th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Sat 1 Oct 02:18:
Oops ... I was talking only about KOF:AD of course :)
PS to Catalyst : Shooto is too cool :)
[welcome to the devil's nest]
[this message was edited by burning kyo on Sat 1 Oct 02:20]
""Another Day" song" , posted Sun 2 Oct 10:59
Has anyone figured out what that song is in the Another Day trailer?
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger ...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!
catalyst 79th Post
Occasional Customer
"Re(1): Another day theme song" , posted Sun 2 Oct 12:41
quote: Has anyone figured out what that song is in the Another Day trailer?
I've tried searching numerous times but I end up with the same official information everyone else knows about KOF another day. Probably someone else besides myself may run into it.
to burning Kyo and off topic: Shooto is pretty cool stuff, glad there is a fan into mixed martial arts on this board as well! Did you happened to see Pride's Bushido 9 gp?
Dr Orochi
501th Post
New Red Carpet Member
"Re(2):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Sun 2 Oct 13:46
quote: Bah more 3D crap
I'm going to have your children.
3538th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):KoF MI2 and Another Day trailers" , posted Mon 3 Oct 03:32
quote: I'm going to have your children.
But you already have 4! Where have you been my dear goat lover? I've missed you so much, did you lose my ICQ contact? did you get married? did you get goat AIDS? what can you tell me about your Skelletor life? I need answers, and I want them NOW!
Burning Kyo
2365th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2): Another day theme song" , posted Mon 3 Oct 03:45
quote:to burning Kyo and off topic: Shooto is pretty cool stuff, glad there is a fan into mixed martial arts on this board as well! Did you happened to see Pride's Bushido 9 gp?
Not yet, but I'm eager to see it
[welcome to the devil's nest]
kofoguz 203th Post
Frequent Customer
"Re(1):" , posted Mon 3 Oct 04:57
quote: Has anyone figured out what that song is in the Another Day trailer?
I dont know but I find myself try to sing that song. I wanna listen to full version and see the lyrics.
Also I loved MI2 song. Its neat. Did anyone else like it?