Rival School or Darkstalkers? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 08:07:post reply

Badass art


[this message was edited by e5150 on Fri 30 Sep 08:08]


6846th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 09:49post reply

Good drawing, but the ugliest Lei Lei I've seen in a while

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"Re(1):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 09:55post reply

Now there's a crossover idea I like!

Maese Spt
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"Re(2):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 16:18post reply

Rival Schools crew wins by far (in that picture at least).

"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months"

2223th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 23:54post reply

Cool art, but when I first saw the message title I thought that the art was going to feature something bizarre like Hsien-Ko taking classes at Seijyun High School or something. Not that high school students squaring off against supernatural creatures isn't bizarre in its own right...

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"Re(3):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 04:22post reply

Rival Schools crew wins by far (in that picture at least).

Agreed. The RS characters look good, but apart from Victor, I can't bear to look at the Darkstalkers. Hsien-Ko and Queen Bee are particularly ugly.

490th Post

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"Re(4):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 12:33post reply

Agreed. The RS characters look good, but apart from Victor, I can't bear to look at the Darkstalkers. Hsien-Ko and Queen Bee are particularly ugly.

Well, the majority of the Vampire characters are monsters.

Try surviving for a couple of centuries and see how good looking you turn out. LOL!

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 12:56post reply

Edge appears to be masturbating on the front lines.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 13:20post reply

Badass art


Wow, that is pretty sweet. :) The colors are amazing!

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 15:06post reply

Amazing. I think the Darkstalkers characters look spot on.

1537th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 17:16post reply

Hello neat art and welcome to my desktop

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"Re(1):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Mon 3 Oct 03:21:post reply

Rival Schools character looks good. Darkstalker character's face looks weird though.


[this message was edited by Slayzz on Mon 3 Oct 03:22]

11th Post

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"Re(2):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Mon 3 Oct 05:25post reply

Rival Schools character looks good. Darkstalker character's face looks weird though.

Mark Brooks is a great artist and he does alot of work for Marvel, but I think he has some problem drawing women's faces for some reason. Most likely, he has practiced mostly drawing men like Spider Man, Batman and their friends, so when it comes to drawing women, he's a little out of his element. Alot of artists I know have this problem. Also Demetri has a very wide head in this picture.

Undead Fred
2513th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Rival Schools or Darkstalkers?" , posted Tue 4 Oct 11:49post reply

Rival Schools character looks good. Darkstalker character's face looks weird though.

Mark Brooks is a great artist and he does alot of work for Marvel, but I think he has some problem drawing women's faces for some reason. Most likely, he has practiced mostly drawing men like Spider Man, Batman and their friends, so when it comes to drawing women, he's a little out of his element. Alot of artists I know have this problem. Also Demetri has a very wide head in this picture.

I think he's just got some structure problems. I have no idea if it's in his regular work too, but he's just got some minor structure issues with faces (and some parts of the body, like Hsien-ko's right arm and hand). His line work is very nice, and the coloring is also good, but there are just some weird things going on with the planes on the characters' faces not exactly matching up and stuff like that. Who knows, it's probably just that he's not used to drawing eyes like that.