Oodama... o_O - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Oodama... o_O" , posted Sat 1 Oct 05:46:post reply

I'm sorry if this is old news or sth... but I thought this might interest some of you:

Oodama for GC (Spanish link).

It's basically a strategy game, with some voice commanded (through GC's microphone, sold with Mario Party 6) specific orders... and a pinball.
Yup. While you command your soldiers in invading the enemy fortress whatsoever, and ringing the bell in the uppermost part of it (the actual goal) you can directly take part in the battle by sending your secret weapon, a giant metal ball, the Oodama, to demolish buildings and troop formations. And this ball is controled just like a pinball (you can even tilt the "battleground" with the stick).
The enemies, though, can even attack the flippers, so you cannot throw the ball anymore. What do you do in that case? Well, obviously you throw a giant burger to the enemies in order to distract them while you get everything repaired.

Yoot Saito is his name, originality is his game.


EDIT: Smileys.

Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-

My philosophy professor was a flan Myself

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Sat 1 Oct 05:48]


1010th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Oodama... o_O" , posted Sat 1 Oct 07:05post reply

I'm sorry if this is old news or sth... but I thought this might interest some of you:

Oodama for GC (Spanish link).

It's basically a strategy game, with some voice commanded (through GC's microphone, sold with Mario Party 6) specific orders... and a pinball.
Yup. While you command your soldiers in invading the enemy fortress whatsoever, and ringing the bell in the uppermost part of it (the actual goal) you can directly take part in the battle by sending your secret weapon, a giant metal ball, the Oodama, to demolish buildings and troop formations. And this ball is controled just like a pinball (you can even tilt the "battleground" with the stick).
The enemies, though, can even attack the flippers, so you cannot throw the ball anymore. What do you do in that case? Well, obviously you throw a giant burger to the enemies in order to distract them while you get everything repaired.

Yoot Saito is his name, originality is his game.


EDIT: Smileys.

This game has been announced for so long I am starting to doubt whether it'll ever be out. A rumour even said it was going to end up on the DS, and another said it could be played with the Kongas. I hope the latter proves to be right.