Any news on SOTA SF figures? - Forums
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shin ramberk 181th Post
Regular Customer
"Any news on SOTA SF figures?" , posted Fri 7 Oct 01:22
Any news? I'm figuring that wave 3 Sota SF toys will be released this month since this is "Street Fighter" month with the comic book coming back and SF Alpha Generations also being released. But I'm wondering if Sota or if anyone else has mentioned what extras will be packed in with each figure.
I think its annoying that wave 5 has already been revealed but we're still waiting on wave 3. At least SOTA is still churning them out. I really want every single SF character in toy form.
"Re(1):Any news on SOTA SF figures?" , posted Fri 7 Oct 02:50:
quote: Any news? I'm figuring that wave 3 Sota SF toys will be released this month since this is "Street Fighter" month with the comic book coming back and SF Alpha Generations also being released. But I'm wondering if Sota or if anyone else has mentioned what extras will be packed in with each figure.
I think its annoying that wave 5 has already been revealed but we're still waiting on wave 3. At least SOTA is still churning them out. I really want every single SF character in toy form.
Now I just need a series 1 white Ryu...
Round 3 has been out at Hot Topic stores for the last month and a half. Although I ordered a set online I broke down and got Guile and Balrog. I think the rest are supposed to be arriving on the 20th of this month.
Other than that there hasn't been much news. But I am not too bothered as the newest marvel legends just came out and are keeping me busy.
BTW, I know a place you can get White Ryu for $20 + shipping, which is probably the best deal out there, but I don't have the link on hand at the moment. I will post it when I get home.
[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Fri 7 Oct 02:53]
1540th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
"Re(2):Any news on SOTA SF figures?" , posted Fri 7 Oct 03:03:
quote: Any news? I'm figuring that wave 3 Sota SF toys will be released this month since this is "Street Fighter" month with the comic book coming back and SF Alpha Generations also being released. But I'm wondering if Sota or if anyone else has mentioned what extras will be packed in with each figure.
I think its annoying that wave 5 has already been revealed but we're still waiting on wave 3. At least SOTA is still churning them out. I really want every single SF character in toy form.
Now I just need a series 1 white Ryu...
Round 3 has been out at Hot Topic stores for the last month and a half. Although I ordered a set online I broke down and got Guile and Balrog. I think the rest are supposed to be arriving on the 20th of this month.
Other than that there hasn't been much news. But I am not too bothered as the newest marvel legends just came out and are keeping me busy.
BTW, I know a place you can get White Ryu for $20 + shipping, which is probably the best deal out there, but I don't have the link on hand at the moment. I will post it when I get home.
Well, what I know. I had two sets on order from Voyager Toys. In the bizarre curse like status Voyager Toys seemed to just disappear. That is twice I had to reorder. The first time was with Southern Island when they decided they wanted to switch businesses. Right now I have 2 sets of wave 3, an Adon variant, and a case of wave 4 on order from cornerstone comics. Their web site has round 3 arriving in stores about Oct 10th. As mentioned earlier, HT has had them in stock for like 6 weeks now. Last I read from Jerry was they were experiencing the absurdity with shipping on the boat and customs. He should have info about that very soon. I think the variants are supposed to be Oct 20th. These dated continue to get pushed back though.
[this message was edited by Adon on Fri 7 Oct 03:03]
Dr Baghead
3516th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Any news on SOTA SF figures?" , posted Sat 8 Oct 02:19
quote:I think its annoying that wave 5 has already been revealed but we're still waiting on wave 3.
Even more annoying, Round 6 voting is going to start soon unless plans have changed.
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Shin Ramberk 183th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(2):Any news on SOTA SF figures?" , posted Sat 8 Oct 06:52
quote: BTW, I know a place you can get White Ryu for $20 + shipping, which is probably the best deal out there, but I don't have the link on hand at the moment. I will post it when I get home.
Post info on white ryu. I can't even find him on ebay any more.
"Toy thread version, I lost count" , posted Sat 8 Oct 08:09
quote: BTW, I know a place you can get White Ryu for $20 + shipping, which is probably the best deal out there, but I don't have the link on hand at the moment. I will post it when I get home.
Post info on white ryu. I can't even find him on ebay any more.
Sorry, forgot yesterday. Although Chunli and Sodom are WAY more expensive then they should be $20 for Ryu, Sagat or Bison isn't a bad deal.
I am thinking of getting Bison from there to complete my round 1 MOC collection.
BTW, I was wondering if anyone here was around a store that still sells those X-Men Marvel Legends boxsets with the exclusive Rogue figure. I know it is as ugly as sin(like every other female in ML except Storm and Phoenix), but it would appear that is the only incarnation of Rogue we will probably be getting. It is $30 on ebay + $10 shipping on average.
shin ramberk 184th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(1):Toy thread version, I lost count" , posted Sat 8 Oct 15:42
"Re(1):Toy thread version, I lost count" , posted Sat 8 Oct 20:00
quote: BTW, I was wondering if anyone here was around a store that still sells those X-Men Marvel Legends boxsets with the exclusive Rogue figure. I know it is as ugly as sin(like every other female in ML except Storm and Phoenix), but it would appear that is the only incarnation of Rogue we will probably be getting. It is $30 on ebay + $10 shipping on average.
I have that figure. Do you want it MoC? If not, we might make a deal and exchange figures.
1171th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(2):Toy thread version, I lost count" , posted Sun 9 Oct 03:11
quote: I have that figure. Do you want it MoC? If not, we might make a deal and exchange figures.
Sure, let's try to work something out. I e-mailed you at the address listed on your website.
quote:Thanks for the link GekigangerV but that store looks slapped together. Have you ordered from them before?
I just ordered a Bison, so I will let you know how that turns out. If they turn out to be the real deal, it appears they have ML3 Ghost Rider and ML5 Blade still for order so I will try and get those too.
3554th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Toy thread version, I lost count" , posted Sun 9 Oct 04:11:
quote: Sure, let's try to work something out. I e-mailed you at the address listed on your website.
Damn, does that website still exist? It's been in limbo since forever. Anyway, I mailed you back.
[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Sun 9 Oct 04:15]
1175th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Hey Shin" , posted Fri 14 Oct 06:55
Just to let you know Shin, these guys are legit. I got my Bison in the mail today. So if you are still interested in that Ryu I am sure they could provide it for you.
But beware, as certain SF Round 1 figures were prone to break. So be extra careful while opening the figure and moving the joints for the first time. My original Bison figure's arm fell off, but lucky for me SOTA replaced the figure. However, they have since run out of replacement figures.
shin ramberk 186th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(1):Hey Shin" , posted Fri 14 Oct 07:44
Thanks for the heads up Geki. I think I will order him. He's the only figure I'm missing. I actually got a "player 2" grey Ryu just in case I couldn't find the white one. In some ways, the grey one is more fitting cause Ryu's gi is always dirty. But the grey ryu is missing the red hand guards and headband. (They're blue.) I gotta get me an honest to goodness white Ryu!
The round 4 figures are going to get a crazy amount of repaints though. Remy's my favorite character of all time, I think I might get like 8 versions of him. SHIT!
quote: Just to let you know Shin, these guys are legit. I got my Bison in the mail today. So if you are still interested in that Ryu I am sure they could provide it for you.
But beware, as certain SF Round 1 figures were prone to break. So be extra careful while opening the figure and moving the joints for the first time. My original Bison figure's arm fell off, but lucky for me SOTA replaced the figure. However, they have since run out of replacement figures.
"the latest news" , posted Fri 14 Oct 14:10
"- Ive been told all Street Fighter 3 figures should be out before end of the month. There is no official date"
Jerry SOTA Toys
1178th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Varients at SOTA site minus a couple" , posted Fri 28 Oct 03:18
Most of the series 3 variants are there, but they don't have Sunburned Sakura or Black Gen up yet. And no, the exclusive Black Sakura isn't Sunburned Sakura.
Oh and Shin, did you get your Ryu yet?
Dr Baghead
3519th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Corner Store Comics and Suncoast have them" , posted Fri 28 Oct 13:55
I got an e-mail from Corner Store Comics saying my order was shipped yesterday, and when I took my friend to the mall to pick up her copy of Nintendgos with the teal DS I noticed several boxes of SF3 at Suncoast...
So they're finally out at non-Hot Topic stores people! Now we just gotta wait for 'March' for Darkstalkers! (yeah, I know SF4 comes out before then, but I'm looking forward to DS more... gonna make me a Pirate Queen Shark figure)
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)