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talbaineric 6194th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Samurai Tenka..I'm intrigued" , posted Sat 8 Oct 05:22
quote: You know, it's a thing to not come often and all, but at least you could read the board every once in a while.
You can't come here without making the most basic research, ask things that got answered 2 month ago and crossposted everywhere, and manage not to be extremely rude.
Or at the very least unpleasant.
I'm extermely sorry boardmaster Iggy. I apologize. If anything, I have something that's called a "life", I think is the proper term they use these days. Something that might be new to you, Iggy. You should actually get one sometime.
Anyway, my bad, I'll look up the thread instead.
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