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talbaineric 6200th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Lion King in KHII and other S-E stuff" , posted Mon 17 Oct 03:19:
quote: but it is pretty pointless when you think about it. 99% of the Worlds/characters visted are from well after Walt's time... and it's clear Eisner has made sure Walt's spirit has no guiding force in the compnay, so it would come across more as "Hey! Look it's Walt Disney's ghost! Ain't that a fun thing" rather then "The creator of this universe is aiding me! How inspiring!"
Eisner is out. Like I said, I'm not a Disney fan, but even I'm glad that monster is no longer running Disney. Blech. Total control freak.
[mindless Disney rambling] Yeah, it seems, even though it's only been for 2 weeks, that Iger is already handling the company well. (apparently he's been running it since March after they wanted Eisner out). He's already been improving relations with shareholders and former partners (Steve Jobs etc). I can't wait to see what the next few years will bring.
Well, I think Eisner was responsible for a lot of bad shit that happened toward the end, but he did bring the company back out from the grave back in the early 80's. He made Disney TV animation (oh Darkwing Duck and Talespin, such good memories), resurregence in the theme parks and merchandising, and under his reign we did get a lot of good movies (and some not good ones but gotta look at the positives). But yeah, I think his last 5 years at the company will be remembered as dark times. I can say the only good things to come out of the last 5 years were probably Brother Bear, Lilo & Stitch, and some of their live action hits like Pirates of the Caribbean, Freaky Friday and Haunted Mansion (well, kinda nix the last one, it could've been better if Burton had been invovled somehow). [/mindless Disney rambling]
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[this message was edited by talbaineric on Mon 17 Oct 03:22] |