Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sat 15 Oct 03:08post reply

I picked up the US release/rejiggering of Devil Kings the other day and was pleasantly surprised. While it's obvious that Capcom liked Koei's titles so much that they wanted one of their own the unique combo system, variation between the characters and overall faster pace makes the game stand on its own.

I am curious about what changes were made between SB and DK. I know about the re-naming of the characters. While Koei games get a lot of mileage out of historical tidbits and character personalities [they may have the most chatty characters I've ever seen in an action game] I suspect that even SB wasn't using history as a selling point. Considering in DK I've managed to beat crowds of people to death with my cape the concern that the characters don't have the names they had in reality seems a bit pointless. The seeming loss of a few playable characters, however, perplexes me. Were some of the characters not as well put together as the others or were only slight varations of the main cast? I'm certain the game will offer more than enough for me to do anyway but I still don't understand the reasoning behind the character exclusions. Were there any other changes made between the two versions?

Random bits: Oda Nobunaga/Devil King and Nou hime/Lady Butterfly are the Fun Couple of the moment. A relationship built on conquest and slaughtering of your enemies is a happy relationship. Also, I like that Lady Butterfly rides side-saddle on horses instead of being forced into wearing a dress that would allow her to swing a leg over to the other stirrup.


259th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sat 15 Oct 03:33post reply

I only picked up the japanese version. Thuus, I can say little about the changes.

What I know is that all the names were changes (pretty obvious fact by now) and that the game lost it's historical appeal.
Which is not that deep anyway, but it's a better excuse to people go and slaught each other.

How are the voices in the DK version?
In SB you had a lot of famous seiyû like Takehito Koyasu playing Sarutobi Sasuke, Wakamoto Norio doing Nobunaga and Hayami Shô as Mitsuhide.

Let's see..
The Opening theme.
In SB, you have "crosswise", by T.M Revolution, and it quite a good song. What about DK?

And the last thing that gets to me, and may be a spoiler:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Before the final battle between Nobunaga and Mitsuhide, there's an anime sequence. In it's beggining it shows up the year when Nobunaga died in the Honnôji incident (1582, if I'm not mistaken). What will happen to this cutscene if DK doesn't use japanese history as its background?

End of Spoiler

I guess that's it for now.
Sorry for any stupidity inside.


1443th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sat 15 Oct 04:11post reply

Playing Drag-on Dragoon 2 instead, even though the camera makes me want to run into the Cavia offices swinging a giant sword.

The fact that they changed things for Devil Kings pretty much kills any interest I may of had in the game. - My own personal waste of time.

1468th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sat 15 Oct 04:27post reply

Playing Drag-on Dragoon 2 instead, even though the camera makes me want to run into the Cavia offices swinging a giant sword.

The fact that they changed things for Devil Kings pretty much kills any interest I may of had in the game.

It's hard for me to say which is the better game. I liked them both a lot, but I wouldn't be caught dead playing the American Basara, because the changes are idiotic. I was given the impression that they were actually going to TRY, but looking at it, they just tried to cover up that it was about Japanese history and failed. If they kept the anime cutscenes (or even the CG ones) it's pretty obviously about Japanese history...and if they took them out, that's even MORE lame. I know they didn't redraw them.

But half my love for DoD2 is the amazing voice cast, which I'm sure the American one will lack. The lesson is:Sometimes, America sucks.

Now, back to Code Age Commanders...

29th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sat 15 Oct 08:14post reply


Now, back to Code Age Commanders...

Code Age comanders is purdy. So very purdy. I don't quite understand everything yet....but its Purdy.

Tell me why do we work over-time Looking for that "SOMEONE"?
Why you lookin around in and out of town being lost and found
And when we find that special "SOMEONE"
Then the love turns part-time
Then you lose yourself
...Love is cozmo-naughty

1469th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sat 15 Oct 08:26post reply


Code Age comanders is purdy. So very purdy. I don't quite understand everything yet....but its Purdy.

If you need help, just ask me. I'm no pro, but I've gone through with Gene at least, so I have a decent grasp of the system.

It is INDEED purdy, though. I play on a relatively large HD TV with component cables, which in 9 games out of 10 shows that the renders aren't as smooth as you think they are. But not on this jagged edges at all.

139th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sun 16 Oct 00:26post reply


Now, back to Code Age Commanders...

Is Code Age Commanders a beat'em up? Is it any good?

If I got the jap version would language be a prob?

3256th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sun 16 Oct 02:41post reply

Is Code Age Commanders a beat'em up? Is it any good?

If I got the jap version would language be a prob?

As far I know Square -enix announced it as an Action-RPG so...
But I'm maybe wrong, I'm curious about the game too...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1471th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sun 16 Oct 07:02post reply

You don't need to understand Japanese to play Code Age Commanders at all. If you're too lazy/stupid to translate the item screen (which is all in katakana) then maybe you should just play Irritating Stick or Poypoy or something.

Anyway, I don't know if Square tried to trick us by calling the game an action RPG, or if we merely assumed that it was because it was from Square, but it's absolutely not. It's a beat-em-up that plays like an SRPG. Which means that it's...not such an exciting action game. I mean, you have equipment, and you can sort of level up (but not really, you just sort of "evolve" after you do your super move a lot), but it's 100% linear, level-based action.

It's not a great game. It looks good and it's interesting. I like it, but I can't necessarily recommend it. If you like 3D action-type games and it looks interesting to you (I love the artwork and that was the draw for me), then give it a shot. It's a bit sluggish for an action game, but if they took this engine and made an action RPG, they'd have something really great.

3257th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Sun 16 Oct 18:45post reply

OK thanks for the infos, I'll try it since the did like the arts...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

2242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Tue 18 Oct 00:40post reply

Hmm, it seems there were a number of gameplay changes such as only being able to build up Musou/Fury meter by priming your opponents first. There may be others but I have yet to find a full listing of the differences.

It's funny, as far as I can tell the only major changes made to the story was re-naming the characters. It's like all these people from antiquity thought up knicknames for each other and insist on referring to each other that way. The game still makes references to historical events -albeit ones that are so stylized and anime-d out that they might as well be fiction- but still tries to be vague about its source material. Still, even if the game was literally translated into English I don't think anything would explain that weird anime sequence where the characters are meandering through the streets of modern Tokyo.

How are the voices in the DK version?
In SB you had a lot of famous seiyû like Takehito Koyasu playing Sarutobi Sasuke, Wakamoto Norio doing Nobunaga and Hayami Shô as Mitsuhide.

The English cast is a mixed bag which is often the case with this sort of thing. Spitting out tough guy trash talk is an under-appreciated art since striking the right balance between sounding flat or over the top isn't the easiest trick in the world.

Let's see..
The Opening theme.
In SB, you have "crosswise", by T.M Revolution, and it quite a good song. What about DK?

Ugh, I don't remember. I'll have to check this evening.

12th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Wed 19 Oct 12:39post reply


But half my love for DoD2 is the amazing voice cast, which I'm sure the American one will lack. The lesson is:Sometimes, America sucks.

Now, back to Code Age Commanders...

To be fair, I thought the American voice acting in Drakengaard was excellent. The voice of the dragon itself was especially wonderful (giving it an older female voice was an inspired choice). Give it a shot if you haven't heard it.

1472th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Sengoku Basara/Devil Kings/Whatever" , posted Wed 19 Oct 12:57post reply


To be fair, I thought the American voice acting in Drakengaard was excellent. The voice of the dragon itself was especially wonderful (giving it an older female voice was an inspired choice). Give it a shot if you haven't heard it.

Well, my implication isn't that the English version will be bad, but I've never heard a voice cast in a game that can even hold a candle to DOD2 (though if you combined the English and Japanese casts of MGS3, you'd be close). So for the English one to be as good, it would have to be better than every other dub produced in any country. Highly unlikely.

But yeah, that's appropriate for Angel, since she's voiced by a transvestite (who also voices Caim) in Japan.