Computer help - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Computer help" , posted Sun 16 Oct 04:57post reply

I'm not sure what's wrong. My computer won't shut off now for any reason. I've tried pressing the power button and I've tried shutting it down manually from the startup menu, nothing. The only way I can shut it off is to turn it off from the surge protector.

What could be causing this? I've tried running a virus scan but then it always freezes up halfway and never completes. Any remedies?

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Computer help" , posted Sun 16 Oct 07:32post reply

backup and reformat ? =P

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1228th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Computer help" , posted Sun 16 Oct 12:50post reply

Have you tried a different virus scanner?

1216th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Computer help" , posted Sun 16 Oct 16:14post reply

Have you tried a different virus scanner?

If the power button gives you nothing, then its likely your motherboard.

How long are you holding the button down? Usually it'll turn off after holding it for five or so seconds.

If it constantly freezes when virus scanning, reformat and reinstall Windows.

1230th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Computer help" , posted Sun 16 Oct 20:47:post reply

Before you go reformatting try other things first.

First make sure your basic motherboard/processor/RAM is calculating and moving data correctly with this

What OS are you using? I have a feeling this may be ME-tan's fault.

[this message was edited by sabo10 on Sun 16 Oct 20:47]

6198th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Computer help" , posted Mon 17 Oct 00:37post reply

Before you go reformatting try other things first.

First make sure your basic motherboard/processor/RAM is calculating and moving data correctly with this

What OS are you using? I have a feeling this may be ME-tan's fault.

Yeah, I'm thinking you all are right and it might be my motherboard. I've had my PC for 3 years and it might be starting to get old.

I use Windows XP as my OS.

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