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Undead Fred 2518th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):the Master Chief in DOA4..." , posted Tue 18 Oct 12:06
After 10 years now Sony still doesn't have a major title that everyone thinks of as being "Sony". Where is their Samus Aran or Mario?
Well, for a while, Sony sort of kind of had Crash Bandicoot, but they don't really have a character with staying power. But hey, I've got nothing against them not having some long-standing worn-out franchise to represent them.
Yeah, this is a pointless little cross-over, but as it's been said, it's not the only one. I like dumb little crossovers (you know, like Reiko showing up in MGS3S or Spawn in SC2), but I guess I'm "bleh" over Master Chief showing up in DOA4 just because Halo 2 was so beyond over-hyped that it left a bad taste in my mouth to the point where I want to avoid all contact with Halo for a long time.
Maese Spt 33th Post

Rare Customer

| "Would Itagaki dare to put Heihachi on PS3 ?" , posted Tue 18 Oct 19:56
BTW DOA4 is maybe going the way SC2 was, since the game have been already annouced multi-support (no more X-box exclusive, same for Ninja gaiden 2.), the game may have a different hidden character...
Wait a minute... DOA4 is not Xbox exclusive? WTF? So Itagaki will have to put his stinky pants down and go the same way his beloved Namco went with SC2? Nyaaaa haaa haaa, serves him well.
Anyway, I´d love to see what exclusive character will they put into PS3 version. I guess it would be the ICO protagonist, or something like that (maybe the Wanda to Kyôzo guy, as long as is a pure Sony character) but... honestly, it would rock to see Heihachi or Kazuya kicking arshes in a DOA. Thus Itagaki could teach us how Tekken series *should* be, after all those years of ranting...
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