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Sano 1990th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(4):Castlevania Comic" , posted Thu 20 Oct 19:59:
I've read the entire comic book series.
The good - Dracula's ressurection. I've always pictured it looking the way they depicted it in issue one.
It was cool seeing the Belmont museum, I could almost pick out most of the Belmonts there.
The bad - Everything else. Oh, it's not worse than Malibu's SF comic because they are not going out of their way to rewrite history like Malibu(until the very end at least)but it's still pretty bad.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - The artwork looks like it was done by a kid in High School.
There is NO Castle exploration.
It's based on a Gameboy game, the first Gameboy Castlevania that no one played. If it's not extremely cool right out the gate it's going to have problems because most people won't relate to it. There are NO bosses, The Grim Reaper is not even in it and he's in every freaking game! Only villains they fight are Bats and Zombies and that is it!
All of his weapons, the Axe, Crucifix(not a Boomerang when in the game he has both), Holy Water and knife fit into a nice little jewel case not even the size of a briefcase. Awwww....
Castlevania? This is a story about a bunch of people that rally together to destroy the Count, wow, how original, where have I seen that before? A little book called DRACULA maybe? There's a slew of characters and intertwining stories, maybe they should of based it on Castlevania 3 instead?
There's a hint at the end that Belmont's son might infact be Dracula's since he kidnapped her and had his way with her. So, that would technically mean all future Belmonts are really Draculas from this point on... Um, yeah...
End of Spoiler
Anyway, it's in Trade Paper Back format now. I suggest you either check your library, Virgin, Barnes & Noble or if they allow reading at your comic store and give it a go reading it for free and judge for yourself. It just wasn't Castlevania to me, maybe it will appeal to others.
Ryu and Chun-Li forever!
[this message was edited by Sano on Thu 20 Oct 20:00] |
IkariDC 424th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(7):Castlevania Comic" , posted Sat 22 Oct 16:54
BTW how the whip works in the comic since we are past spoiler phase.
1. First Belmont wraps it around the enemy's neck.
2. Next the whip sets you on fire.
There is no whip cracking! Blasphemy I say!
I don't mind changes here and there like the Metal Gear Solid comic or the Kingdom Hearts Manga for example because not everything in the game can translate to a manga/comic. But when you lose the essence of what you are depicting that's when the trouble starts. No Castle exploration, no Bosses, no whip cracking, weapons fitting into a fruity jewel case, this comic is like the Hollywood Movie version of Castlevania. It would of been a lot better if they dubbed the entire event a side story than I wouldn't care. But they dubbed it as what actually happened in the first GB Castlevania game and that was the mistake IMHO. Give it a read yourself and see what you think. I've yet to come across anyone who liked the comic.
In the first GB Castlevania you had no sub-weapons, so you could build up your whip until you could launch fireballs, so what you say how he kills the enemies makes sense, but if he ALWAYS wraps it around their neck, that's kind of boring. I really don't know if the comic is based around the first or the second game so I can't comment any further, only that in the old skool Castlevania games, more than castle exploration, it was going forward.