King of Fighters EX2 question - Forums

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6873th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Tue 18 Oct 23:39post reply

Does Jun has an official profile?


1022th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 01:31:post reply

Does Jun has an official profile?

Not that I know of. I have checked Atlus site here:
and her movelist (from the Asian edition instruction manual):
chop buster, revolver drop, sunset low kick, chop buster special.
For more info, which I'm also interested in getting, we'll have to rely on a Japanese-speaking MMC member to help.
I sort of remember that Jun is older than the other KOF girls, and that she's a fashion freak. But I don't know who told me that, it might be bullshit. What I know is that she looks like Jamie Lee Curtis and she's a very pleasant character to play as.

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Wed 19 Oct 01:32]

6875th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 04:46post reply

She's fun to use, but her stand animation is... weird, maybe because of the low framerate.
I was drawing her for a friend and wanted to add some of her personality to the pic, but was unsuccesful since there insn't much to work around :(

246th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 04:56post reply

Jun reminds me of a transexual Big Bird.

Also, she and that loli goth girl are the only reasons I bought EX2.


701th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 05:07post reply

Jun reminds me of a transexual Big Bird.

Also, she and that loli goth girl are the only reasons I bought EX2.

What, man-Chizuru wasn't enough for you?

Also, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing Miu and Jun in a real KOF, simple as they are. As long as they both got more moves. Heck, even Reiji wouldn't be terrible.

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1858th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 08:27post reply

I didn't like any of them, really. I thought they were all pretty dull.

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226th Post

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"Re(6):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 09:08post reply

I didn't like any of them, really. I thought they were all pretty dull.

Reiji was quite alright.I want to see him in a real kof.


3261th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 19:05post reply

The storyline revolves on some weirdo, Gustav Munchausen,
trying to ressurrect Goenitz's spirit on some guy, Sinobu (the end boss) who is
the brother of Miu, one of Jun's teammates, the other being Mr. Congeniality
himself, Iori Yagami.
There's a lot to the general plot, they speak of the Ten Orochi Treasures, and
I'm getting the idea that Jun and her teammates are three of those treasures
(that's the idea I got from the in-game plot of Iori Team...).
Mr. Congeniality is, as always trying to kill Kyo, the Gothic Lolita is looking
for her brother and I'm assuming that Jun is only tagging along for the fun.
Jun's a fashion model and her last name's Kagami, that's just about all I know
of her...
Also, IMO, she isn't the bimbo she looks like since she knows the entire Orochi

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Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1023th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):King of Fighters EX2 question" , posted Wed 19 Oct 20:44post reply

Also, IMO, she isn't the bimbo she looks like since she knows the entire Orochi

Rumours say she just did a crash course.