Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US demo - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Cain Highwind
625th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US demo" , posted Thu 20 Oct 17:42post reply

It's pretty cool. I mean people who played the Japanese version will already know what makes it good and worthwhile. However for those who didn't know, they're adding a lot of tweaks to the US version including voice acting.

And I found the voice acting very good and sutiable to the game. Much like the 3D graphics and all the other stuff in DQVIII, the voice acting just fits to the whole DQ feel.

To me the voice acting reminds me of a lighthearted fantasy epic (Time Bandits, Willow, and Princess Bride come to my mind). All the actors come from a UK voice studio according to S-E themselves. King Trode sounds like a higher pitched Yoda (sans the backwards talking), Yangus sounds just like you'd expect (as many people have been saying) a sort of gruff "thug-like" British accent saying things like "Wot she say? Come to 'er 'ouse she says." and "This ain't good guv"

Kalderasha, the fortune teller (I think his name was different in the Japanese version) has a Russian/"Eastern European" accent.

What I really liked is, as mentioned before, the voice acting is really spot on, not serious, just lighthearted with a bit of comedy. The accents don't feel stereotypical, but rather natural to the characters. The boss you fight in the cavern has a funny "Daffy Duck" lisp who keeps getting spitting out a lot of Spoonerisms and mixed up English.

Of course I've only heard a small handful of characters. No Kukule/Angelo, Jessica, or anyone else. Pretty mention everyone previously mentioned above is all I heard, but I'm REALLY looking forward to playing the game. I'd really recommend people who played the Japanese version to check it out.

That and there's supposed to be the music from the Symphonic soundtrack inserted in, but from what I could tell in the demo, ONLY the Title Screen music is Orchestral.


1446th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Thu 20 Oct 20:12post reply

I found the gameplay to be too "old school" to be of any interest to me. It feels like a game I've already beaten over a decade ago. I'm more interested in semi-new experiences.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

6878th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Thu 20 Oct 23:09post reply

I'm more interested in semi-new experiences.

Bata kun
2709th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Thu 20 Oct 23:35post reply

Forgive me for being slow, but "VIII" is the first one to go outside of Japan, right?

704th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Thu 20 Oct 23:47post reply

Forgive me for being slow, but "VIII" is the first one to go outside of Japan, right?

Not quite. We've gotten I, II, III, IV, VII, and now VIII.

I think Enix USA was having money trouble around the time V and VI would have come out. There was definitely demand for them though.

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420th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 00:13post reply

Why have they changed the title from "Dragon Warrior" to "Dragon Quest" in the US now? I'm happy to see they switched back to the original title, but this is something unusual, I think.

1447th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 00:18post reply

I've played the demo more and it makes me wish there wasn't any gameplay to get in the way of the excellent storytelling. Which is the complete reverse of how I feel about most games. Like already said, the voice acting is great and the dialogue is all well written with the characters animated and expressive... and the gameplay is just so damn dull.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

Bata kun
2710th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 01:10post reply

Not quite. We've gotten I, II, III, IV, VII, and now VIII.

I think Enix USA was having money trouble around the time V and VI would have come out. There was definitely demand for them though.

Really? Since when? As far back as three years ago?

Why have they changed the title from "Dragon Warrior" to "Dragon Quest" in the US now? I'm happy to see they switched back to the original title, but this is something unusual, I think.

I guess it's because that's what people all over the world call the series by, the U.S. included. I've always called it by "Dragon Quest" myself.

3068th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 01:22post reply

I've played the demo more and it makes me wish there wasn't any gameplay to get in the way of the excellent storytelling. Which is the complete reverse of how I feel about most games. Like already said, the voice acting is great and the dialogue is all well written with the characters animated and expressive... and the gameplay is just so damn dull.

That's how I feel about the series as well. Regarding gameplay, the Dragon Quest series does pretty much everything I hate about RPGS but I'd like to be able to go through and see the plots.

851th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 02:19post reply

I guess it's just not DQ without the antiquated gameplay and Akira Toriyama. I'm sure there will be some new gameplay stuff just like DQ7. Really looking forward to this one and Fire Emblem.

Cain Highwind
626th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 03:25post reply

Why have they changed the title from "Dragon Warrior" to "Dragon Quest" in the US now? I'm happy to see they switched back to the original title, but this is something unusual, I think.

In the US, back in the late 80s, TSR registered the name Dragon Quest as some kind of D&D spinoff, so they couldn't use it. And now being the name hasn't been used for quite some time, Square-Enix USA was finally able to register the name.

705th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 03:30post reply


Really? Since when? As far back as three years ago?

Well, the original game was given away for free with subscriptions to Nintendo Power magazine in the late 80s. Even with that, it was popular enough to warrant subsequent games getting translated.

Unless you're asking about the Dragon Quest V and VI situation, in which case I think it was sometime in the mid-90s. Enix USA was having trouble but wanted to bring the games out, then they folded completely. The Gameboy remakes of the earlier games were released here by Squenix.

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1475th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 05:22post reply

I don't think it's fair to judge the gameplay for a DQ game by the demo. People who have played DQ7 can attest to the fact that the system is much more complex by the end of the game. If you don't like turn-based battles, then this is a much larger problem.

634th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 08:36post reply

Personally i really wish there wasn't any voice acting at all in rpgs that have a heritage as dragon quest or ff(i'm still trying to recover from the ffx experience in voice acting apart from the scenario).
And the fact that it makes you wish there wasn't any gameplay involved to interrupt you from the storytelling sequence is not a good sign to me.
I'm really looking forward to playing this nonetheless

Bata kun
2719th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 12:25post reply

In the US, back in the late 80s, TSR registered the name Dragon Quest as some kind of D&D spinoff, so they couldn't use it. And now being the name hasn't been used for quite some time, Square-Enix USA was finally able to register the name

Wow. Never knew that. Now, I know.


Really? Since when? As far back as three years ago?

Well, the original game was given away for free with subscriptions to Nintendo Power magazine in the late 80s. Even with that, it was popular enough to warrant subsequent games getting translated.

Unless you're asking about the Dragon Quest V and VI situation, in which case I think it was sometime in the mid-90s. Enix USA was having trouble but wanted to bring the games out, then they folded completely. The Gameboy remakes of the earlier games were released here by Squenix.

Oh, I was referring to both cases. Must take notes.

1448th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Just played the Dragon Quest VIII US de" , posted Fri 21 Oct 20:21post reply

I don't think it's fair to judge the gameplay for a DQ game by the demo. People who have played DQ7 can attest to the fact that the system is much more complex by the end of the game. If you don't like turn-based battles, then this is a much larger problem.

I like Nocturne. This is no Nocturne, though the random battles are far less frequent, thankfully.

Funny thing about the D&D Dragon Quest is it was marketed as an anti-videogame game. I have ads in some old comic books slamming videogames and then showing the excited freak children playing DQ with a dragon leaning over them, about to eat them. So it's no surprise no one heard of it.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.