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Maese Spt 41th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(5):More on Gensô Suikoden V" , posted Fri 21 Oct 06:07
quote: I think it takes place after IV and before I
I think so as well. I bet it will be about 10 or 20 years before the Gate Rune Wars.
And I agree with Pollyanna in all her statements. But actually I think a prequel isn´t a bad thing per se. That is, as long as it´s well done, settles some obscure plotlines and has a meaning to the rest of the story overall... and it seems to be the case this time. Or so I want to believe at least.
BTW, is Rhapsodia any good? I´m curious about this game, I like the "gaiden" concept. Suikoden IV´s story left a lot of potentially juicy things underdeveloped, so it could be interesting to retell the tale from a didfferent point of view, much like Suikogaiden did with Suikoden II. Should I look forward to Rhapsodia, then?
P.S. Yeah, thanks heavens the artwork remains as good as usual in this fifth chapter, but there is a new artist, I believe. That´s not Ishikawa Fumi´s nor Kawano Junko´s work.
The brave do not fear the grave
Pollyanna 1476th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):More on Gensô Suikoden V" , posted Fri 21 Oct 06:37
Rhapsodia is great if you like challenging "old school" SRPGs. You don't have a whole lot of options/character building, but the system is solid and the battles are challenging. The plot is neither good nor bad (though the new characters are almost all bland). It made me appreciate that I liked a large number of the supporting cast in Suiko 4, and unlike Suiko 4, you have a large number of choices when it comes to who you can use on your team.
The one thing that ruins that (and the game, in my opinion) is that some characters can die permenantly and others can't. Naturally, the main characters can't. Naturally, I don't want to use them. When a character is defeated in combat, they either withdraw, or die. It's random, but if they die, then they're gone for good.
The problem here is that the game is so brutal sometimes that it's totally possible to die in one hit, or at the very least, before you have the chance to do anything about it. If you had one person to protect (as you sometimes do) it's one thing, but it's another thing entirely when 2/3 of your party can die in one shot and then be gone forever. Naturally, there's a LOT of resetting (or choosing "retry", rather).
At first, I enjoyed the challenge, but the system just causes too much irritation. There are also fights where you have to protect people, who, of course, can also die in one shot, and who, of course, sometimes refuse to heal themselves our stay out of HUGE ENEMY CROWDS.
Adon 1547th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Fire Emblem" , posted Fri 21 Oct 07:14
quote: Rhapsodia is great if you like challenging "old school" SRPGs. You don't have a whole lot of options/character building, but the system is solid and the battles are challenging. The plot is neither good nor bad (though the new characters are almost all bland). It made me appreciate that I liked a large number of the supporting cast in Suiko 4, and unlike Suiko 4, you have a large number of choices when it comes to who you can use on your team.
The one thing that ruins that (and the game, in my opinion) is that some characters can die permenantly and others can't. Naturally, the main characters can't. Naturally, I don't want to use them. When a character is defeated in combat, they either withdraw, or die. It's random, but if they die, then they're gone for good.
The problem here is that the game is so brutal sometimes that it's totally possible to die in one hit, or at the very least, before you have the chance to do anything about it. If you had one person to protect (as you sometimes do) it's one thing, but it's another thing entirely when 2/3 of your party can die in one shot and then be gone forever. Naturally, there's a LOT of resetting (or choosing "retry", rather).
At first, I enjoyed the challenge, but the system just causes too much irritation. There are also fights where you have to protect people, who, of course, can also die in one shot, and who, of course, sometimes refuse to heal themselves our stay out of HUGE ENEMY CROWDS.
When dying permanently do you have the option of restarting the mission to correct that mistake? From what you are describing this game seems to be playing like Fire Emblem. Except there is not retreat in Fire Emblem you are simply just dead. Speaking of Fire Emblem, any one play the new one for GC
Maese Spt 43th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(7):More on Gensô Suikoden V" , posted Mon 24 Oct 19:50
quote: The one thing that ruins that (and the game, in my opinion) is that some characters can die permenantly and others can't. Naturally, the main characters can't. Naturally, I don't want to use them. When a character is defeated in combat, they either withdraw, or die. It's random, but if they die, then they're gone for good.
The problem here is that the game is so brutal sometimes that it's totally possible to die in one hit, or at the very least, before you have the chance to do anything about it. If you had one person to protect (as you sometimes do) it's one thing, but it's another thing entirely when 2/3 of your party can die in one shot and then be gone forever. Naturally, there's a LOT of resetting (or choosing "retry", rather).
Hmm, that means bad news for me. I quit playing FF Tactics for similar reasons... it was too frustrating for me having to retry every three or two battles just because Belldandy, my lv.35 archer, had died for good.
But I´m such a GenSui fanboy that I think I´ll end up playing Rhapsodia anyway.
quote: Suikoden certainly has a backstory that could be expounded on,
You are right, Suikoden world has quite a story to tell. And a History as well. There is a brief example: http://www.suikox.com/timeline.html
I´ve been always curious about how Holy Kingdom of Harmonia would look like. It´s a pretty misterious country wich plays a role in almost every game of the series, but nothing much is known about it...
"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"
Maese Spt 80th Post

Occasional Customer
| "New scenario writer" , posted Fri 18 Nov 05:40
According to Suikox, Suikoden V will have a brand new scenario writer (wich is quite natural, since Murayama left Konami some time ago), a certain Kazuyoshi Tsugawa. I quote Suikox:
"7dream.com, the online retailing site of Japan's Seven Eleven revealed the scenario writer for Suikoden 5 (most likely a PR blunder) among other new information. The scenario writer is Kazuyoshi Tsugawa, his most notable work being Eternal Arcadia (aka Skies of Arcadia)"
He has also done the scenario for OZ, so he is alredy familiar with part of the Suikoden staff.
Well, while fanboys at Suikox boards seem very hyped about this Tsugawa guy, I don´t know what to think about him. I have not played Skies of Arcadia, so I don´t know if he´s a reliable guy to overcome such a task, since scenario is the true cornerstone of every GenSui. I wanna ask you, fellow MMCafers (who surely have played both OZ and Skies of Arcadia), what do you think.
Oh, and, by the way, Jeanne and Viki´s appearances have been officialy confirmed. Like if anyone had doubts about it...
"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"
Gojira 1871th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):New scenario writer" , posted Fri 18 Nov 19:44
quote: According to Suikox, Suikoden V will have a brand new scenario writer (wich is quite natural, since Murayama left Konami some time ago), a certain Kazuyoshi Tsugawa. I quote Suikox:
"7dream.com, the online retailing site of Japan's Seven Eleven revealed the scenario writer for Suikoden 5 (most likely a PR blunder) among other new information. The scenario writer is Kazuyoshi Tsugawa, his most notable work being Eternal Arcadia (aka Skies of Arcadia)"
He has also done the scenario for OZ, so he is alredy familiar with part of the Suikoden staff.
Well, while fanboys at Suikox boards seem very hyped about this Tsugawa guy, I don´t know what to think about him. I have not played Skies of Arcadia, so I don´t know if he´s a reliable guy to overcome such a task, since scenario is the true cornerstone of every GenSui. I wanna ask you, fellow MMCafers (who surely have played both OZ and Skies of Arcadia), what do you think.
Oh, and, by the way, Jeanne and Viki´s appearances have been officialy confirmed. Like if anyone had doubts about it...
Viki was already kind of confirmed in the trailer on Gamespot, but only in voice.
I've played Skies of Arcadia, and it's a mixed bag. I'll just say that scenario design was handled very well and leave it there. It was actually quite Gensui-like, so I don't think there's much to worry about. As for OZ, I'm interested in it but haven't played.
Maese Spt 88th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Art director´s blog" , posted Tue 22 Nov 18:18:
Thanks for the comments about that Tsugawa guy, your opinions pretty much confirm what I had already heard or thought. Let´s just keep the fingers crossed and hope for a good scenario this time...
BTW, a special edition os GenSui V will be sold in Japan, containing an artbook, a CD with the BGM and, most interesting, a special DVD featuring stuff and designs from the other four GenSuis (I hope they´d add something from Suikogaidens too). Sounds promising, indeed.
Also, Tanaka "King"´s (Suikoden V´s art director) blog is full of delicious comments on characters, voice actors and such. Right now, I´m pretty interested in why Lucretia, the Zhuge Liang-ish strategist, had that hair-dying trouble... lol!
EDIT: enjoy!----> http://www.blog.konami.jp/gs/genso_v/2005/11/000315.html
 "At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"
[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Tue 22 Nov 18:23] |