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exodus 3055th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Sales figures" , posted Sat 22 Oct 03:33:
I have to say, now that I have an 'assistant', the game has become 20x more annoying. Now, instead of having internal thoughts about things, and figuring crap out for myself, I have some ugly girl complaining she's hungry when I'm looking for clues, and saying HEY DOESN'T THAT LOOK SUSPICIOUS?
I mean every once in a while she gives up a useful hint, but man. I just don't want her there, she makes investigating take about three times as long, and her personality is just awful. It's seriously making me like the game a lot less, and I'm re-evaluating how much time I want to invest in it.
[edit] spellings am difuclut
[this message was edited by exodus on Sat 22 Oct 03:34] |
Pollyanna 1482th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):Sales figures" , posted Sat 22 Oct 03:52
quote: Is it just me, or is Exodus trying to maybe imply he never played GS until the US translation ?
Of course not. It's impossible. All the pants in the world couldn't save him if it was the case.
He's too cool for video games.
I hate this. I import a game, and if I talk about it, no one is interested, because no one is playing it (except maybe Fuchikoma, but I don't want to talk to him, because he's a dirty scallywag). Then when it omes out in America, I've forgotten about it, or people use weird names for the characters I don't know. OR they seem to think the American version is better somehow.
And did nobody pick up Minstrel Song? What about Shadow of the Collosus? That's the motherfucking game of the year, damn it!!!!
exodus 3055th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Sales figures" , posted Sat 22 Oct 04:31
It'd true, I'd never played GS...
I can speak japanese ok, but as I think I've mentioned, I'm about as literate as a small child. I just never paid attention in school. like on my tests I'd just leave the kanji section blank and ace the rest of it in order to pass.
And I haven't gotten shadown of colossus - I've yet to figure out how to play the demo, and aside from that, it looks like the game has some frustrating bits in it, and a lot of just riding around looking for things and holding your sword up. I dunno, it's no Ico, far's I can tell. Fumito Ueda's a bit of a wackjob, besides.
Pollyanna 1483th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(9):Sales figures" , posted Sat 22 Oct 05:13
quote: And I haven't gotten shadown of colossus - I've yet to figure out how to play the demo, and aside from that, it looks like the game has some frustrating bits in it, and a lot of just riding around looking for things and holding your sword up. I dunno, it's no Ico, far's I can tell. Fumito Ueda's a bit of a wackjob, besides.
Not so much riding around, no. I'm almost at the end and I've encountered 2 frustrating parts that remedy themselves fairly quickly (I kept getting stuck INSIDE one render, and another enemy just knocks you down too much). In my opinion, it's...well...I like it much more than ICO...much much more. I can't say it's better for -sure-, because it depends on your taste, but it's absolutely as good.
But you don't really LIKE video games, do you? The only thing I can figure out that you like is Korea, because you're always reporting on Korean things. Other than that, I can only imagine that you lead a completely empty life, pulled along by the puppet strings of awesomeosity.
exodus 3057th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Sales figures" , posted Sat 22 Oct 05:37:
quote: But you don't really LIKE video games, do you?
It's a tough question, and indeed not many people pick up on that fact. I mean, yeah, I pretty much hate most of them, but there are just a few that I like enough to keep playing. And I sure do own a lot of the things for some reason. So, yes and no. I don't like them per se, but I regard them as interesting and unique enough to be compelled by them.
quote: The only thing I can figure out that you like is Korea, because you're always reporting on Korean things.
Actually I kind of don't like korea, even though I haven't been there. I'm just impressed by how they're pulling themselves up by the bootstraps to become a real international player.
The thing I actually like is music. But I can't play it, I never talk about it to anyone aside from one friend. I just...think about it, and make mental connections about grander patterns, which I then forget, and all go to waste. I listen to music about 10 hours of every day, and buy about 20 CDs per month, and attend about a concert per week, on average. Strange, eh?
[edit] forgot a thing I like: girls. fashion I hate, but I have to figure it out, or else I can't date lesbians anymore.
[this message was edited by exodus on Sat 22 Oct 05:39] |
exodus 3057th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "phoenix rising" , posted Wed 26 Oct 01:58
quote: Or one might say that the localization is a combination of the translation and script!
Which I think is what he was saying, by extension.
quote: Also, Brandon...that's wonderful. Music is wonderful. If there's one thing I hate about my job, it's that it doesn't allow me to listen to music very often.
yeah, well I sit at a desk...perfect for musicness. Then I go home and listen to music, drive somewhere and listen to music...it's no wonder I spent $700 on CDs when I went to japan in september, and maybe $100 on games, half of which I intended to sell!
Anyway, about Phoenix Wright - the girl (maya) gets less annoying as things progress, and the DS exclusive trial has quite a pretty intro, with parallax scrolling and a 3D silhouette or two. I'm still enjoying the game, much to my surprise, and am now thinking of most conversations in terms of testimonies and evidence.