Shadow of the Colossus - Forums

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2252th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Sun 23 Oct 01:37post reply

"All sons of old gods, DIE!"

Yes, I know SotC has been mentioned elsewhere but I figured it probably deserved its own thread. Ancient, epic and fused with a sense of melancholy, the game grabbed me from the moment the first Colossus lumbered onto the screen. Looking like the fusion of the ideas of Joseph Campbell, Maurice Sendak and the lawn and garden section of Sears the Colossi don't come across like over-sized bosses but forgotten titans from ages past. When games try to elicit emotions from a player it often feels like cheap melodrama. SotC, however, manages to inspire a sense of awe. Even the lonely travelling through deserted lands to reach each Colossus is a perfect compliment in tone to the frantic giant killing you have to do when you finally get to your destination. Everything in the game is put together to make for an enthralling experience. SotC isn't for everybody but I'm very impressed by it.

Oh, and it seems a minor thing in the midst of all the destruction you are causing to fulfill your end of the Faustian bargain you made, but I quite like that you are able to pat and play with your horse. This may be the first time I've come across a videogame horse that comes across like an actual animal and not just a transport vehicle you use to get from A to B.


1393th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Sun 23 Oct 03:03post reply

I really like the game since it's not just an Ico sequel... although it seems like it might be the same world as Ico.

The Colossi designs are great as well, even though they're all basically a golem... there's a good variety. I think I've liked the flying one the best so far.

I like how the horse has a mind of it's own... he knows better than to run into walls or ledges and will generally follow you if possible.

3264th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Sun 23 Oct 18:38post reply

Just a question, is the scenario here just fur fun, or really addicting like Ico's one?

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

124th Post

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"Re(1):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Sun 23 Oct 20:49:post reply

"All sons of old gods, DIE!"

Yes, I know SotC has been mentioned elsewhere but I figured it probably deserved its own thread. Ancient, epic and fused with a sense of melancholy, the game grabbed me from the moment the first Colossus lumbered onto the screen. Looking like the fusion of the ideas of Joseph Campbell, Maurice Sendak and the lawn and garden section of Sears the Colossi don't come across like over-sized bosses but forgotten titans from ages past. When games try to elicit emotions from a player it often feels like cheap melodrama. SotC, however, manages to inspire a sense of awe. Even the lonely travelling through deserted lands to reach each Colossus is a perfect compliment in tone to the frantic giant killing you have to do when you finally get to your destination. Everything in the game is put together to make for an enthralling experience. SotC isn't for everybody but I'm very impressed by it.

Oh, and it seems a minor thing in the midst of all the destruction you are causing to fulfill your end of the Faustian bargain you made, but I quite like that you are able to pat and play with your horse. This may be the first time I've come across a videogame horse that comes across like an actual animal and not just a transport vehicle you use to get from A to B.

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 |ii.l/ /┃ ┃{. / /     < Great Thread! I gonna get this game! Thanks!
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Nothing Serious. Casuals Only.

[this message was edited by kilvear on Sun 23 Oct 20:52]

1232th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Sun 23 Oct 21:44post reply

Kilvear, I love your avatar, and your website, and you!

Maese Spt
45th Post

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"Re(3):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Mon 24 Oct 19:58post reply

Is it advisable to play ICO before playing this game?

Both games look very appealing to me, but I have yet to play them. So I´m thinking about wich one should I pick for a start. I guess Shadow of the Colossus' magnificent look attracts me more right now, but still...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1485th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Mon 24 Oct 20:04post reply

Is it advisable to play ICO before playing this game?

Yes. If you're going to play ICO, play it first. You'l be grateful when you win SoTC. They're both very different...but the direction and "feel" in both are similar, and they're arguably closely connected.

But...ICO is slower, less impressive. It would seem boring after SoTC, and that wouldn't do it justice.

Maese Spt
51th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Tue 25 Oct 04:40post reply

Is it advisable to play ICO before playing this game?

Yes. If you're going to play ICO, play it first. You'l be grateful when you win SoTC. They're both very different...but the direction and "feel" in both are similar, and they're arguably closely connected.

Yeah, just as I thought. Thanks for the advice, I´ll follow it!

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

Joe Randel
455th Post

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"Re(1):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Tue 25 Oct 10:58post reply

I don't own a PS2 nor did I own a PS1 but damn, I totally feel left out in the cold when I see games like this. I've gotten over missing Ico too but now that whole mess is being thrown in my face again. Dang it! I should get me a PS2.

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

1394th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Shadow of the Colossus" , posted Tue 25 Oct 11:45post reply

Man... some of the later Colossi are pretty damn tough. As the game progresses their weakpoints become less and less obvious. It's no longer just a case of using the sword to point out where they're vulnarable... it becomes a matter of looking at your surroundings and figuring out why those platforms have 2 levels... or why there's torches... or why there's geysers. Really smart design on this game.