Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread - Forums

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Shin Ramberk
192th Post

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"Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Tue 25 Oct 01:33post reply

Uh, I was going to post a poll on the best Silent Hill game but I guess we can't do anymore polls. Anyhow, I want your opinions on what is your favorite/best/scariest Silent Hill game. Please keep in mind only Silent Hill games that have been released in the United States and for the PS1 or PS2.

The reason I'm asking this is because I recently bought Silent Hill 1 for the PS1. I had memories of being deathly afraid when playing this a long time ago. But then I started playing it again yesterday and well, it's just not that spooky. I was a little disappointed. Granted, I haven't progressed very far in the game. On the plus side, the puzzles are not brain-hurting difficult. (I hate most of RE's brain-hurting puzzles.)

So anyhow, please give me your opinions on the spookiest Silent Hill game. Or if there is another game that is even more spooky then Silent Hill, please suggest it. I haven't played much Resident Evil, but Resident Evil is more of a thriller/horror/action game. I liked SH cause it was just damn creepy and scary ass hell.

Sigh! Thank you all for your suggestions and opinions.


shin ramberk
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"Re(1):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Tue 25 Oct 01:36post reply

Best Silent Hill Game
Silent Hill (PS1)
Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
Silent Hill 3 (PS2)
Silent HIll 4 (PS2)

I guess I can still make polls. So here it is.

186th Post

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"Re(1):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Tue 25 Oct 02:34post reply

Actually, the best version of Silent hill is Restless Dreams, for the Xbox.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Tue 25 Oct 03:24post reply

Turok without a doubt.

It had the fog and the graphics scared me.

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"whats going on in this town" , posted Tue 25 Oct 07:34post reply

4 was the best for making me impatient enough to mod my playstation to play the import and see if it really was that bad (i am a very stupid man)

3 was the best for atmosphere/wall textures and heather's beautiful skin

2 was the best for music

1 was the best for being the only one i enjoyed as a game

138th Post

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"Re(1):whats going on in this town" , posted Tue 25 Oct 12:33post reply

Restless dreams.

1233th Post

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"Re(2):whats going on in this town" , posted Tue 25 Oct 17:45post reply


lock thread

Undead Fred
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"Re(1):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Wed 26 Oct 08:42post reply

(I hate most of RE's brain-hurting puzzles.)

Solution? No one will ever know...

Triangle Man hates Person Man. I have a hard time choosing between 1 and 3 for my favorite, but I loved the first three for different reasons. 1 was the best overall, and I liked being able to get the ending I wanted by triggering certain things in the game instead of vague "make sure you stay pretty healthy" requirements. SH2 had the biggest emotional impact out of the three, I'd say. The only complaint I had about SH3 was just that it wasn't a totally separate story... or just that we don't get to see any new parts of Silent Hill (and had to head back into Brookhaven).


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"Re(2):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Wed 26 Oct 15:12post reply

The first one was by far the greatest. The haunted school reminded me a lot of the Catholic grade school I used to attend.
The demon kids were a nice touch too.

Silent Hill 2 was dissapointing. But it was totally worth it when my dad walk in my room, saw me hacking up one of those naked torso creatures w/a bloody axe and asked me w/a rather concerned look why the fuck was I playing that Jeffrey Dahmer shit!? Kind of ironic since he gave my advice on how to beat a boss in the first game.

4 was pretty damn fun too. Insertcredit gave a really good review of it. 3 was dissapointing but hell I only paid $9 for it and got the damn soundtrack too. Heather was just a boring and unlikeable character. In other words a typical teenager. I'll take SH anyday over that overhyped shit Squenix shits out.

Now if only David Lynch would make videogames. Then the japs would have something to worry about...

Maese Spt
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"Re(3):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Wed 26 Oct 16:49post reply


Now if only David Lynch would make videogames. Then the japs would have something to worry about...

And the rest of the world as well...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

The Droogo
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"Re(1):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Wed 26 Oct 18:06post reply

it doesn't matter wich one is the best one.
is a matter of how do you play it.
for example try this:
One bottle of tequilla ( for the drunk players) or 2 joint of Hashish ( for the stoner players) first and then you can start playing the game at midnight with no lights on and the tv volume settings almost in maximum.
then you'll see yourself playing the game just if you were really inside the TV.
jajajajajajajajajaja -_-U
You can try this formula with almost every video game in a lonely night of monday.


Some people never go crazy
what truly horrible life they must lead
Charles Bukowski.

Undead Fred
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"Re(2):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Fri 28 Oct 07:49post reply

then you can start playing the game at midnight with no lights on and the tv volume settings almost in maximum.
Your neighbors must love you. :C

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"Re(1):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Fri 28 Oct 12:40post reply

I think Silent Hill 4 is superior to Silent Hill 3 in just about every way, DARKNESS AND FOG BE DAMNED.

the first game is definitely the creepiest, but SH2 is my favorite for burning images of dark hallways into my mind for days after I finished it. good times!

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"Re(1):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Fri 28 Oct 12:50post reply

1 has the best settings (the school and Nowhere rule).

2 had the best songs, best enemies and best story, with extra points for having an unconvential story and characters in a game (seriously, if 2 was a movie, it'd be a classic up with The Shining and be on the Criterion Collection).

3 had the best main character (I <3 Heather), best graphics, effects, and surroundings, and best ambient sound work.

4 had the best side character (I <3 Eileen), some of the best music ("Room of Angel," "Cradel of Forest," "Resting Confortably") and isn't as bad as many think.

So it's a toss up between 2 and 3.

LJ - DA - Flickr

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Sat 29 Oct 05:29:post reply

I liked 3 since Heather acted much more like a person would react in such a situation than James or Harry did (I haven't gotten around to 4). She seemed both scared, desperate and frustrated which came through pretty well. She looked like a meth addict though. The ending was bit too goofy for my taste with the ROFL I TRICKED YOU thing.

All of them do a good job of being depressing and freakish. It's like choosing a favorite child.

[this message was edited by Radish on Sat 29 Oct 05:32]

Undead Fred
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"Re(3):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Tue 1 Nov 09:31post reply

I liked 3 since Heather acted much more like a person would react in such a situation than James or Harry did (I haven't gotten around to 4). She seemed both scared, desperate and frustrated which came through pretty well.
The only thing I didn't like about Heather's reactions was that she didn't seem to totally take what was happening seriously... but I think that was just because she doubted whether she was really awake or not.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Tue 1 Nov 11:00post reply

The only thing I didn't like about Heather's reactions was that she didn't seem to totally take what was happening seriously... but I think that was just because she doubted whether she was really awake or not.

I always thought the wisecracks and not taking things seriously were just her way of dealing with the situation and keeping herself sane.

Makes the most sense to me.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

139th Post

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"Re(5):Best Silent Hill Poll and Thread" , posted Tue 1 Nov 12:45post reply

The only thing I didn't like about Heather's reactions was that she didn't seem to totally take what was happening seriously... but I think that was just because she doubted whether she was really awake or not.

I always thought the wisecracks and not taking things seriously were just her way of dealing with the situation and keeping herself sane.

Makes the most sense to me.

That's how I thought of it too.

My favorite is when she's dealing with Leonard.