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Maou 718th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(3):Soul Calibur 3 kitaaaaaa!" , posted Fri 28 Oct 02:20
Waaaaah SCIII! I haven't been this excited about a game for years, tell more when you have the urge, Ishmael! Hmm, the US fonts did look kind of crummy, but maybe by the time I get the Japan version next month it'll be prettier text. In other aesthetics, though, I'm much more excited about III...its rainy, raft-filled levels look to have the epic, gorgeous feeling of I and not the more enclosed, limited stages of II, so I can't wait. And making our own characters, while being just as dumb and unbalancing as collecting weapons, should be a riot.
Nate 708th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(4):Soul Calibur 3 kitaaaaaa!" , posted Fri 28 Oct 04:26:
quote: Waaaaah SCIII! I haven't been this excited about a game for years, tell more when you have the urge, Ishmael! Hmm, the US fonts did look kind of crummy, but maybe by the time I get the Japan version next month it'll be prettier text. In other aesthetics, though, I'm much more excited about III...its rainy, raft-filled levels look to have the epic, gorgeous feeling of I and not the more enclosed, limited stages of II, so I can't wait. And making our own characters, while being just as dumb and unbalancing as collecting weapons, should be a riot.
I've played it. My friends and I have already unlocked a lot of stuff and yet we still have plenty more to unlock.
I guess I can give a few observations. Potential SPOILERS follow, do not read if you don't want to be SPOILED.
*Tira is awesome. I like her fighting style a lot, as well as her character. She says "I'll cut your heart out!" in a bizarre mannish voice when you pick her a lot of the time. Her 2P outfit is far superior to 1P and its weird-ass hair.
*Kilik is beastly. It took three of us to beat him, but then again we were using Zasalamel...
*Zasalamel, by the way...um. Not so good. He borrows some moves from Kilik/Seung Mina, but is mostly original. Weird to use. At least for us. We're definitely not as into him as Tira or Setsuka or our created characters.
*Setsuka I didn't get a chance to play as, but my friend says she's pretty good. Extremely short range, but she has a lot of moves for getting in close and avoiding and countering, apparently.
*Cassandra and her quotes make me laugh. Was she always this sarcastic? She seems roughly the same as in SCII, but I didn't really go through all her movelist.
*I managed to do pretty well as Siegfried, for some reason. I like his 2P costume.
*1P Tales of Souls (not sure on the name) mode gets old after a while because the same events happen AGAIN AND AGAIN. Be ready to dodge that stupid clock gear on Zasalamel's stage every time you play.
*Create-a-soul mode is slightly disappointing at first. You need to go through the Chronicles of the Sword mode to be able to use more than one weapon type (you're stuck with one default kind if you don't, usually a blah sword/dagger, staff for the Saint, tambourines for the Dancer) in each class. The variety of items you can put on your character is nice, though. I think the whole "good/evil depending on clothes thing" was misinterpreted, though. It depends on what you wear, not what color it is. The two bars under you character indicate alignment depending on clothes.
*Lots and lots of guest characters, some of which are pretty cool looking. Basically everyone who has an in-game model in any mode is playable. We still don't have them all unlocked. What I want to know is why Rock is a full-on character but Hwang isn't.
*Stages! There are some REALLY nice stages. My personal favorite has a floor that's completely black surrounded by a dungeon-like area and will-o-wisps. Oh, and the only things lighting the floor are spotlights on each character. Really nice music, too. There are plenty of other good ones. Cassandra's stage (the gallery on fire) comes to mind. Play through as Zasalamel and check out his final stage. It's CRAZY. Yoshimitsu has a nice one. I like Rock's, too, for some reason.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
[this message was edited by Nate on Fri 28 Oct 04:31] |
Gojira 1859th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):Soul Calibur 3 kitaaaaaa!" , posted Fri 28 Oct 10:16
Olcadan is funny. He's like a Sesame Street character. Even without the mask he looks like a muppet. It's great.
It's really amazing how much they changed some characters. Since I play Raphael I tried him first, and they kept a lot of his moves the same, but changed the execution around so I had no idea where everything was. It just didn't seem necessary, but I got used to it anyway. So far a lot of the stuff that people were afraid would break the game in early reports is all removed. So until people find new broken stuff it's balanced for now.
Tale of Souls can get really hard. You can't adjust the difficulty ever, so one minute you might be fighting a character that just stands there and lets you smack him, and the next you're fighting some guy who blocks everything, dodges everything, breaks every single throw and whips out a 50% stun combo. I've just been focusing on one character and trying to get all the event scenes but there are so many story branches I can't find them all. I think the event scenes might have more to do with story branches than it seems.
I haven't done much with the Chronicles mode and creation yet because at the start there's hardly any options for creation. There's hundreds of things you have to buy or unlock before you can make anything worth looking at.
And yeah there's an ugliness and glitchiness to the way the character models look. I'd even go as far as to say that SC2 looked better in that area. The backgrounds look a little better, so that's probably why, but in the end I don't really care about the backgrounds much.
Overall it's a good diversion with way too much to unlock. In fact I think an average player will probably get bored and give up before unlocking 100% of everything, since that looks like it'll take a really long time.