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kofoguz 232th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Thu 27 Oct 20:54:
quote: Q:^ A:I dont know. But I guess they don't have a separate date.
Anyway, There two vids send by eight one at the s-c and ng .com. The sub boss shion in action.
how about a fucking link-nyo
Ok ok, I thought all cafe lose interest in this game anyway here match vids: Kula, Gato,Terry vs Kula, Gato, Maxima. K,Kula,Iori vs Maxima,Gato,Kula And Also full and better version of tgs vid Credits to Zepp from S-C.com.
I like Kula and Gato colors(except the zombie version).

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Thu 27 Oct 20:56] |
Phoenix 853th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(8):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Fri 28 Oct 19:06
Word is that they upped the animation quality noticeably. I guess SNKP did use the extra time in a productive manner. Scary. That theory about Jyazu (Kizuna Encounter's final boss) in the cyberfanatix forum is interesting.
"Being that he is nothing but an evil SPIRIT, who doesn't gain power until he's been trapped inside of the Sword of the Beast King (Shishioh/King Lion's) sword. He doesn't age, and he's technically immortal.
I know this may be a long shot, but what if this is the set up into Kizuna Encounter? I mean, what if Jyazu gets trapped after you fight him? Sho see's this, and takes the sword to hide it away. Then several decades later when Jake Abbot finds the sword, and becomes Shishioh / King Lion. This leads into Sho's grandchild or whatever to seek out the sword, etc, etc in Kizuna Encounter, further linking the past and future."
I know diddley squat about KE.
shin ramberk 199th Post

Regular Customer
| "KOFXI Spoilers (possibly just rumors)" , posted Sat 29 Oct 04:20:
Someone on Cyberfanatix quoted a fellow from SRK.com about the ending sequence in KOFXI, stop reading, unless you want to be spoiled. Here is the quote from Cyberfanatix, its veracity is unconfirmed so don't blame me if its totally wrong.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Orochi Iori defeats Kyo, then Ash appears. Shingo asks him to help. Ash whoops the f*&^# out of Orochi Iori and steals the purple Orochi flames. Elizabeth, Beni and Duo appear (Elizabeth and Ash used to be partners). The three of them try to defeat Ash, he dismisses them as weaklings, dodges and disappears, promising he´ll defeat Kyo next.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Here is my speculation (contains further spoilers so stop reading if you don't want to be spoiled.) Maybe in KOFXII we'll see Ash absorb Kyo's flames and then we'll have a match up with K' versus Ash for all the marbles. Maybe Ash is a manifestation of the Orochi god. He's come back and figures the only way to stop from getting defeated again is by absorbing the powers of his greatest enemies. Maybe the God's Caliber team for KOFXII will be K', Kula and... SHINGO!?!? Who else could stand up to a villain that has all of the old God's Caliber powers. I wonder what kind of power up Ash will get with the Orochi flames and what will happen to Iori in KOFXII. KOFXI sure made a big deal of pointing out the four important flame users in its intro. Hrm...
Ha! End stupid speculation. Its a nice curveball that SNK has thrown us by making Ash a villain. He's already much better then lame ass K9999.
[this message was edited by shin ramberk on Sat 29 Oct 04:23] |
Burning Ranger 1326th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Sat 29 Oct 08:37
quote: Ok ok, I thought all cafe lose interest in this game anyway here match vids: Kula, Gato,Terry vs Kula, Gato, Maxima. K,Kula,Iori vs Maxima,Gato,Kula And Also full and better version of tgs vid Credits to Zepp from S-C.com.
I like Kula and Gato colors(except the zombie version).
Wow... I want the soundtrack... I WANT THIS GAME! It looks so nice.
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger
 ...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!
Cain Highwind 628th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(5):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Sat 29 Oct 09:17
quote: Ok ok, I thought all cafe lose interest in this game anyway here match vids: Kula, Gato,Terry vs Kula, Gato, Maxima. K,Kula,Iori vs Maxima,Gato,Kula And Also full and better version of tgs vid Credits to Zepp from S-C.com.
I like Kula and Gato colors(except the zombie version).
Wow... I want the soundtrack... I WANT THIS GAME! It looks so nice.
The game looks VERY impressive and the soundtrack is by far the best Playmore Era soundtrack made (I guess when they got the SRZ for NBC, they stuck around) Not to mention unlike past KoFs the AST quality is in the original game. WOO!
I too want to get this soundtrack, and the mook.
Anyonme notice in that second vid, that Gato has a palette that makes him look like YunFei? (Green clothes, grey hair)
NARUTO 3270th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Sun 30 Oct 22:19
quote: Word is that they upped the animation quality noticeably. I guess SNKP did use the extra time in a productive manner. Scary. That theory about Jyazu (Kizuna Encounter's final boss) in the cyberfanatix forum is interesting.
"Being that he is nothing but an evil SPIRIT, who doesn't gain power until he's been trapped inside of the Sword of the Beast King (Shishioh/King Lion's) sword. He doesn't age, and he's technically immortal.
I know this may be a long shot, but what if this is the set up into Kizuna Encounter? I mean, what if Jyazu gets trapped after you fight him? Sho see's this, and takes the sword to hide it away. Then several decades later when Jake Abbot finds the sword, and becomes Shishioh / King Lion. This leads into Sho's grandchild or whatever to seek out the sword, etc, etc in Kizuna Encounter, further linking the past and future."
I know diddley squat about KE.
Nonsense... In KE Jyazu is clearly the brother of Gozu and Mezu, who storyline wise are maybe even not born yet... So Jyazu too...
The evil spirit maybe, but not Jyazu him self, and have was released during the tournament since the crow are watching you in most of the KE backgroud...
As a personal opinion Hayaté and Jyazu are the ridiculous and stupidest hidden characters taht playmore can put in a KOF, just like the MOTW characters BTW. Not because they are bad characters, far from it but Those have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do in KOF, the time line never fits. It looks more from an pityfull excuse from Playmore who didn't put them in NGBC...
An until PLaymore or the Arcadia comfirm them, Hayate and Jyazu are fake for me... This is once again not a good KOF game...One day we'll have something as good or better than 98 and MOTW.
 Tu Fuis Ego eris... Like you I was Like me you'll be...
Cain Highwind 631th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(10):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Mon 31 Oct 05:58:
quote: The evil spirit maybe, but not Jyazu him self, and have was released during the tournament since the crow are watching you in most of the KE backgroud...
As a personal opinion Hayaté and Jyazu are the ridiculous and stupidest hidden characters taht playmore can put in a KOF, just like the MOTW characters BTW. Not because they are bad characters, far from it but Those have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do in KOF, the time line never fits. It looks more from an pityfull excuse from Playmore who didn't put them in NGBC...
An until PLaymore or the Arcadia comfirm them, Hayate and Jyazu are fake for me... This is once again not a good KOF game...One day we'll have something as good or better than 98 and MOTW.
I will agree that KE characters in it...is just weird (and would've been better in NBC). But I don't find it necessarily bad. I don't like your logic though. The game automatically sucks now JUST because they decided KoF isn't a canon story anymore? They're doing what KoF ORIGINALLY was, an all star SNK fighting game combining SNK's old and forgotten franchises and slapping a story that brings them together. SNK did say on their 10th Anniversary site that King Lion was supposed to be in KoF 2001 (but the whole bankruptsy thing probably prevented that). And you're saying MotW characters can't be in KoF? They fit in a hell of a lot better than the KE characters. Even IF we were to conisder a canon timeline, KoF would be coming up to MotW (2008). Personally though, they're just adding characters the same way they did with earlier KoFs, not really caring if it fits or not. Personally I find it kind of sad people are all obsessed with Canon and all that. KoF is simply it's own continuity (IMO, I pretty much always saw it as an all star game with a story+original characters), I don't think it was EVER meant to connect to other games. I mean come on Naruto, you haven't played the damn game, and you're saying it's bad because of a couple out of place characters? Forgetting gameplay, music, and everything else.
quote: This game has intensely long loading times on stage changes.
I'm sorry I just don't see it. I mean it is long assuming you can't skip it. But I think it's cool that they made it similar to stage intros for SvC and KoF 97, which I personally liked and find no reason to complain.
[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Mon 31 Oct 06:05] |
Grave 929th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Re(10):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Mon 31 Oct 17:34:
Fuck the whining about the plot, what characters belong where, whatever. Who cares? This looks like the most exciting fighting game SNK's made since Garou. The sprites are still hideous, but the pacing looks incredible, it looks like a ton of fun. I can't wait to play it. There, I said it.
I can't remember the last time I said that about any SNK product. Not KOF, not Metal Slug, not SS, nothing.
This could be a very good thing.
edit: HYPERBOLE POWERS ACTIVATE actually the last SNK product I said that about was NGBC, which I completely forgot existed until about 5 minutes ago. This looks about ten hundred times more fun. Still, they have been doing exciting things lately, even if these exciting things are full of sprites that are somehow both blurry and pixelly that make me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
I feel like after finally playing NeoWave I would get excited about any KOF that wasn't NeoWave, but XI actually looks good and this never stops amazing me.
[this message was edited by Grave on Mon 31 Oct 17:38] |
Moriya 48th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):Re(10):New KOF XI Thread...." , posted Tue 1 Nov 07:14
quote: I will agree that KE characters in it...is just weird (and would've been better in NBC). But I don't find it necessarily bad. I don't like your logic though. The game automatically sucks now JUST because they decided KoF isn't a canon story anymore? They're doing what KoF ORIGINALLY was, an all star SNK fighting game combining SNK's old and forgotten franchises and slapping a story that brings them together. SNK did say on their 10th Anniversary site that King Lion was supposed to be in KoF 2001 (but the whole bankruptsy thing probably prevented that). And you're saying MotW characters can't be in KoF? They fit in a hell of a lot better than the KE characters. Even IF we were to conisder a canon timeline, KoF would be coming up to MotW (2008). Personally though, they're just adding characters the same way they did with earlier KoFs, not really caring if it fits or not. Personally I find it kind of sad people are all obsessed with Canon and all that. KoF is simply it's own continuity (IMO, I pretty much always saw it as an all star game with a story+original characters), I don't think it was EVER meant to connect to other games. I mean come on Naruto, you haven't played the damn game, and you're saying it's bad because of a couple out of place characters? Forgetting gameplay, music, and everything else.
My thoughts exactly... and to me, it seems a little odd that most people actually thought that KOF was connected to the other series, story-wise. I mean, the AOF characters are much younger than they're supposed to be, Geese never died, Terry "aged" to his Garou self while Athena and Shingo are still in high school... better yet, from 95 to 2005, no character (other than Terry, it seems) ever aged... it would never fit in the regular SS/LB/AOF/FF/BO/MOTW/KE timeline.
I think the real problem is: people ignored all of those "hints", so SNKP decided to slap the truth in their faces now. And whoever had the slightest hope of seeing KOF fit into the regular SNK timeline has to just accept it now.
"Tsuki yo ni agake."