Another Comic Thread (Late October) - Forums

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Burning Ranger
1322th Post

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"Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Wed 26 Oct 12:04post reply

Just one question- has anyone picked up that X-men: Bizarre Love Triangle TPB? I saw it at the comic store and it looked interesting. COmments?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

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shin ramberk
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"Re(1):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Wed 26 Oct 12:16post reply

Just one question- has anyone picked up that X-men: Bizarre Love Triangle TPB? I saw it at the comic store and it looked interesting. COmments?

Skip it. It has some interesting moments. I really like Milligan (he wrote it) but this is just average. Its fun. But average. If you want a fun superhero book get the Young Avengers paperback that will get released this wednesday (tomorrow).

Burning Ranger
1324th Post

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"NYX/X23 Hardcover" , posted Thu 27 Oct 10:07post reply

Today, I picked up Captain Atom: Armageddon (which I think will secretly tie in to Infinite Crisis).

But I also saw the big NYX/X23 hardcover. The comic shop owner told me it contained the entire X23 run along with NYX. I'm tempted to get it but I'm wary of the $35 price tag. Question: is this hardcover worth it? I've especially been interested in reading X23, since I'm keen on the concept of a teen female Wolverine. Discuss!

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

3085th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):NYX/X23 Hardcover" , posted Thu 27 Oct 12:29post reply

Today, I picked up Captain Atom: Armageddon (which I think will secretly tie in to Infinite Crisis).

But I also saw the big NYX/X23 hardcover. The comic shop owner told me it contained the entire X23 run along with NYX. I'm tempted to get it but I'm wary of the $35 price tag. Question: is this hardcover worth it? I've especially been interested in reading X23, since I'm keen on the concept of a teen female Wolverine. Discuss!

NYX was great at first, especially Middleton's art. The art in the last two issues was by someone else, as there was an extremely long delay and Middleton (I think) got nabbed up by DC. The art is close in style though, so it was ok. The story was good, but NYX would've been better if it had remained an ongoing and had come out on time. I still think it was great. The X23 mini is very good. Is it worth 35 bucks for both series in hardcover? I think so. I actually have both of the series. I swear if I knew that debut issue of NYX with X23 was going to be worth so much so soon I'd have bought more than one copy.

Hungry Like the Wolf

2258th Post

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"Re(1):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Fri 28 Oct 01:06post reply

For reasons I'm not quite certain of the cast of Killer 7 became left handed and are set to appear in a twelve issue series. While it's too early to know for sure at this point this seems like far too conventional an approach for the story. Perhaps if it was drawn by Bill Sienkiewicz or they ditched the monthly comic format altogether and published the adaptation as a pop-up book it would do a better job of invoking the spirit of the game.

Burning Ranger
1325th Post

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"Re(2):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Fri 28 Oct 08:39post reply

For reasons I'm not quite certain of the cast of Killer 7 became left handed and are set to appear in a twelve issue series. While it's too early to know for sure at this point this seems like far too conventional an approach for the story. Perhaps if it was drawn by Bill Sienkiewicz or they ditched the monthly comic format altogether and published the adaptation as a pop-up book it would do a better job of invoking the spirit of the game.

Why not just consolidate all Capcom titles under Studio Udon? Oh well, I'll need to play K7 before I even consider getting the comic.

In other news, there's going to be a 'New' Marvel Mangaverse. Some designs have been released-- some good, some horrendous. And Human Torch is still a girl.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

1999th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Fri 28 Oct 08:47:post reply

Why not just consolidate all Capcom titles under Studio Udon?

In Studio Udon's own words they have their hands full with the three Capcom titles they have right now. They do intend to pick up other Capcom licenses in the future.

I'm enjoying New Avengers and Young Avengers right now. Defenders limited series is really cool and funny, I hope it gets picked up as a regular series.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 28 Oct 09:37]

Krzyzewski Man
1128th Post

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"Re(1):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Fri 28 Oct 11:12post reply

This cannot pass without a mention of Seven Soldiers. It really is the best thing in comics right now.

Of course, the same company's putting out all that Crisis shite, so what have you.


Iron D
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"Re(2):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Fri 28 Oct 11:18post reply

Wow. And all I've been following as of late is Infinite Crisis and House of M. It may be a big crossover thingamajiggy, but I still say that Villains United was ultra tight, and definitely made my summer.

Zelkin. Pimped.

1999th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Fri 28 Oct 12:16post reply

Wow. And all I've been following as of late is Infinite Crisis and House of M. It may be a big crossover thingamajiggy, but I still say that Villains United was ultra tight, and definitely made my summer.

Personally I think DC has the better crossover. House of M seems kind of short overall. In HOM they figured out the world was fake a bit too quickly for me.

Villains United was really cool.

Not sure what to make of this big Spider-Man crossover, other than I'm not all that crazy about Peter David's take on Spider-Man, he rules writing Hulk though.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2000th Post

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"Re(4):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Fri 28 Oct 12:16post reply

Oh and one more thing -

2,000 posts!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Iron D
2677th Post

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"Re(4):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Sun 30 Oct 11:30post reply

Personally I think DC has the better crossover. House of M seems kind of short overall. In HOM they figured out the world was fake a bit too quickly for me.

Villains United was really cool.

Oh, without a doubt IC crushed House of M. Not to say that HoM sucked...FF: HoM was a fun read, as was the Captain America HoM tie-in. And the mini itself is a decent read, but I agree with you on the fact that they found out the world was fake too quickly. Heck the main story didn't even tie into all the tie-ins that well.

IC of course also has the advantage that this thing has been building for a couple of years now.

What I really want to get into (but don't have the money for) is Mark Millar's Wanted. Also Invincible, which has some mega-expensive HC out there somewhere.

Zelkin. Pimped.

1261th Post

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"Re(5):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Sun 30 Oct 14:37post reply


What I really want to get into (but don't have the money for) is Mark Millar's Wanted. Also Invincible, which has some mega-expensive HC out there somewhere.

You mean this? Amazon has a decent deal on it.

As for commentary on comics, I've just been reading way too much manga lately to catch up. I'm gonna have a lot of back issues to pick up the next time I go to the comic shop, because Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunsou), Case Closed (Detective Conan), Death Note, Naruto, and the US Shonen Jump are keeping me pretty busy. And there's a new volume of Hellsing out... I've read the scanslation, but this has a better translation...

Too much manga...

19th Post

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"Re(6):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Sun 30 Oct 15:30post reply

Anyone here read Corey Lewis' PENG! or Sharknife? Really cool Capcom inspired stories... including command entered special moves. Also in December, Scott Pilgrim Vol. 3 is coming out, the real comic event I'm looking forward to... (though I am now interested in IC)

2001th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Sun 30 Oct 22:37post reply

I seem to have missed out on Sharknife when it came out, guess I'll try to look for it.

I really like Death Note, still shocked the Manga artist of Go! created that. Talk about range lol!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2003th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KOF comics this week" , posted Mon 31 Oct 00:33:post reply

My comic shop is saying that 3 issues of the Hong Kong KOF Maximum Impact comic (Issues 1, 2, and 3)will be out in stores this week all at 2.95 a peice.

Death Note 2 and the Rurouni Kenshin 20 will be out this week too. Exalted makes it's premiere.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Mon 31 Oct 00:34]

527th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):KOF comics this week" , posted Mon 31 Oct 08:58post reply

The only american comic that I really am interested in right now is this one

Hey Sano, if you like chinese comics, I'd suggest you not to miss Ma Wing Shing's 风云 (Storm Riders) and Andy Seto's 四大名捕 (4 Constables) whenever they become available again (circa spring 2006). I assure you they're far better than this KOF crap...

Iron D
2678th Post

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"Re(6):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Mon 31 Oct 11:15post reply


What I really want to get into (but don't have the money for) is Mark Millar's Wanted. Also Invincible, which has some mega-expensive HC out there somewhere.

You mean this? Amazon has a decent deal on it.

Hey, that is a nice deal! Hopefully that'll still be there once I get some money, as I'm broke at the moment. Thanks alot, Darkzero!

Zelkin. Pimped.

2003th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Another Comic Thread (Late October)" , posted Mon 31 Oct 23:43post reply

I gave up on Storm Riders, the schedule the book comes out is really irregular for me. And after -

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The Master dies (of natural causes... What?)

End of Spoiler

- the story just really seems to go nowhere to me. Maybe I'll get back into it someday. I was reading Weapon of the Gods and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, I enjoyed those. I think CTHD is finished and I don't think I'll get back into WOG. Too many comics, too little time...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

528th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Another Comic Thread (Early November)" , posted Wed 2 Nov 09:37post reply

I gave up on Storm Riders, the schedule the book comes out is really irregular for me. And after -

- the story just really seems to go nowhere to me. Maybe I'll get back into it someday.

What Master are you talking about? Do you mean Lord Conquer?

I'd tell you more about it, but I think summarizing 455 issues here is a bit hard for me...I'll just tell you that you still can expect great things to come from this series...

I was reading Weapon of the Gods and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

WOG = endless series. It's still running in Hong Kong, so I think you did the wisest thing...

BTW, does anyone have news about "WOG: The Invincible Armor" anime film which was scheduled for this year?

2005th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Another Comic Thread (Early November)" , posted Thu 3 Nov 01:02post reply


What Master are you talking about? Do you mean Lord Conquer?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Yeah, Lord Conqueror. Maybe I was brainwashed by the movie and expected it to be a big fight between Cloud and Wind instead of the two deciding he's an old fart now so let's forget about him and then he croaks. Forget about the prophecy laid out of Wind and Cloud going after him because he just croaks. Whaaa.... the remaining stories, anything involving Nameless, Du Lang training with the blind guy for vengeance, Wind and Cloud's love lives, It all seems to be going nowhere for me. Maybe I'm more used to an American comic / manga system where things for the most part seem to work in arcs instead of a bunch of stories that all seem like they will lead up to more tragedies.

End of Spoiler

I dunno, maybe I'll try getting back into it in 2006. Pretty back logged with comic book reading as is...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2006th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Another Comic Thread (Early November)" , posted Thu 3 Nov 01:13post reply

BTW, does anyone have news about "WOG: The Invincible Armor" anime film which was scheduled for this year?

WOG Anime, that should be amazing. Would love to see it.

Oh, I don't think SVC Chaos or the KOF Manwhas are great or anything but they are of characters that I know and love, and it's in English unlike all of the hundreds of game based stuff we are missing out on that's not in English, that's enough for me. The best video game Manwha comic in english I've ever read was Resident Evil: Code Veronica. I thought that was a perfect adoptation of the game, but that's just me. I'd love to read more RE Manwhas, it was much better than the RE Image stuff.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

529th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early November)" , posted Thu 3 Nov 07:50post reply


WOG Anime, that should be amazing. Would love to see it.

You wish it, you get it --> WOG Anime Trailer (red link on the bottom left side)

And the trailer for the upcoming Storm Riders anime movie can be found HERE

Now, it's time to wait for Jackie Chan's "Sword Searchers" (WOG's real action movie adaptation)...

2008th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early Nove" , posted Thu 3 Nov 12:04:post reply


WOG Anime, that should be amazing. Would love to see it.

You wish it, you get it --> WOG Anime Trailer (red link on the bottom left side)

And the trailer for the upcoming Storm Riders anime movie can be found HERE

Now, it's time to wait for Jackie Chan's "Sword Searchers" (WOG's real action movie adaptation)...

Holy crap Storm Riders Anime, thanks!

Just for that I'll get the stick out of my Ass and get back to reading Storm Riders lol! Just gotta figure out where I left off ha ha! I think I got up to 4 of 'Rising Sun.' I'm not reading those Nameless novels though, or at least I'll wait a bit longer to start reading those again. ^_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Thu 3 Nov 12:23]

Maese Spt
62th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early Nove" , posted Thu 3 Nov 19:16post reply


I'm not reading those Nameless novels though, or at least I'll wait a bit longer to start reading those again. ^_^

Donīt be blasphemous! Those novels are absolutely priceless and are, by far, the best thing you can read on the whole Storm Riders story. Not that you have to take them seriously, of course... but you will find some of the most memorable quotes of modern popular literature, thatīs for sure!

Heavens! Are you happy now? Do you feel secure now? Awwww, I just canīt help it...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

2009th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early Nove" , posted Fri 4 Nov 00:39:post reply

Read the first Nameless book, it was good, just back logged on my comic book reading is all to get back into those. I'm prolly behind 10 Storm Riders books as it is... that's like 20 hours of reading there...

And yes I'm happy and secure now 'cuz Death Note 2 and Rurouni Kenshin 20 came out yesterday.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 4 Nov 00:46]

2269th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early Nove" , posted Fri 4 Nov 01:14post reply

Are the main characters in Storm Riders more engaging in the original story than they were in the movie? When I saw the film I thought Lord Conquer was a hoot and a half but the two guys who were supposed to be the heroes were a bit blah compared to the power of Sonny Chiba.

Maese Spt
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"Re(6):Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early Nove" , posted Fri 4 Nov 06:55post reply

Are the main characters in Storm Riders more engaging in the original story than they were in the movie? When I saw the film I thought Lord Conquer was a hoot and a half but the two guys who were supposed to be the heroes were a bit blah compared to the power of Sonny Chiba.

The script writers did what they could to condense a really long story (with an insanely HUGE cast of characters) in a fancy 2 hours movie... they tried their best, sure, but the task was impossible. They were doomed from the beggining.

Not that I donīt like the live action movie... given the circumstances, I consider it a worth attempt. At least, much better than the two crappy tv series Storm Riders has.

Well, Conquer is a true badass and is really lovable, but there are much more interesting characters in the comic. Sword Saint (the white bearded guy who duels with Conquer at the end of the movie) is just AWESOME, but there is someone even much more awesome than him: the heavenly sword, Nameless. And not to mention Nameless' foster brother, as powerful (and tormented) as him... The cast is full of memorable characters, from the iron masked Constable to the sneaky Sword Greedy, who crosses the skies riding on a blade.

As for the two protagonist, Wind and Cloud... well, Cloud is a total badass and, actually, a pretty interesting guy with an utterly dramatic background and a good bunch of emotional conflicts. A dark and tormented anti-hero who fights only for himself, totally lovable. Heīs the man. And has a surprisingly complex personality. As deep as you can get in a chinese comic, that is.

Wind is not that interesting, but at the end he has his share of sorrows and disgraces and you manage to like him... heīs the good guy of the series but, still, he has much more background than itīs shown on the movie. Thereīs something funny about him, cuz heīs a nice guy with very bad luck, always lost in a constant turmoil of greed, hatred and unleashed passions (usually originated by Cloud).

In a nutshell, Storm Riders is not a Franz Kafka novel, but the character development is much deeper than most of the action comics/manga/manghua Iīve read. If you like tragic heroes, always chased by phantoms of their evil past and personal dramas, Storm Riders will amuse you to no end.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

531th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Another manhua Thread (at last!!)" , posted Fri 4 Nov 18:33post reply

Are the main characters in Storm Riders more engaging in the original story than they were in the movie? When I saw the film I thought Lord Conquer was a hoot and a half but the two guys who were supposed to be the heroes were a bit blah compared to the power of Sonny Chiba.

The script writers did what they could to condense a really long story (with an insanely HUGE cast of characters) in a fancy 2 hours movie... they tried their best, sure, but the task was impossible. They were doomed from the beggining.

Not that I donīt like the live action movie... given the circumstances, I consider it a worth attempt. At least, much better than the two crappy tv series Storm Riders has.

Well, Conquer is a true badass and is really lovable, but there are much more interesting characters in the comic. Sword Saint (the white bearded guy who duels with Conquer at the end of the movie) is just AWESOME, but there is someone even much more awesome than him: the heavenly sword, Nameless. And not to mention Nameless' foster brother, as powerful (and tormented) as him... The cast is full of memorable characters, from the iron masked Constable to the sneaky Sword Greedy, who crosses the skies riding on a blade.

As for the two protagonist, Wind and Cloud... well, Cloud is a total badass and, actually, a pretty interesting guy with an utterly dramatic background and a good bunch of emotional conflicts. A dark and tormented anti-hero who fights only for himself, totally lovable. Heīs the man. And has a surprisingly complex personality. As deep as you can get in a chinese comic, that is.

Wind is not that interesting, but at the end he has his share of sorrows and disgraces and you manage to like him... heīs the good guy of the series but, still, he has much more background than itīs shown on the movie. Thereīs something funny about him, cuz heīs a nice guy with very bad luck, always lost in a constant turmoil of greed, hatred and unleashed passions (usually originated by Cloud).

In a nutshell, Storm Riders is not a Franz Kafka novel, but the character development is much deeper than most of the action comics/manga/manghua Iīve read. If you like tragic heroes, always chased by phantoms of their evil past and personal dramas, Storm Riders will amuse you to no end.

Not even Ma Wing Shing could have done a better summary for his main series, kudos to you, my fellow friend

But...Constable a memorable character?LOL!!! WTF are you talking about? You could have talked about Godless, the mighty Japanese ruler, or even about God Kylin and the quest for the "Heavenly Marrow" but nope, you had to mention the Constable and Sword betrayed Dugu Ming's memory, you Tin Ha fanwhore!!

2274th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early Nove" , posted Sat 5 Nov 03:32post reply

The script writers did what they could to condense a really long story (with an insanely HUGE cast of characters) in a fancy 2 hours movie... they tried their best, sure, but the task was impossible. They were doomed from the beggining.

Thanks for the summary. It sounds like one of the draws of the story is it's huge scope. While that can be done in an episodic comic it's not always easy to translate those events and feelings into a single movie.

533th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Another Comic Thread (Early Nove" , posted Sat 5 Nov 09:40post reply

It sounds like one of the draws of the story is it's huge scope. While that can be done in an episodic comic it's not always easy to translate those events and feelings into a single movie.

Yeah, the story scope is titanic... just to put things into perspective, keep in mind that the events shown in the film cover only the first 50 issues of the manhua. In a few days, issue 456 will be available in Hong Kong, and remember that weekly manhua issues are about 40 pages long...