So... anyone playing Soul Calibur 3? - Forums

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Burning Ranger
1327th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"So... anyone playing Soul Calibur 3?" , posted Sat 29 Oct 08:56post reply

And is it any good?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!


536th Post

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"Re(1):So... anyone playing Soul Calibur 3?" , posted Sat 29 Oct 09:33post reply

I'm enjoying it. It is quite a bit harder than SC2. Mitsurugi is a beast. He climbed up my ass and exploded!! It took me 20 tries to beat him. Fun game though. Haven't gotten into Create a character yet but, I will.

328th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):So... anyone playing Soul Calibur 3?" , posted Sun 30 Oct 01:30post reply

And is it any good?

Playing it and loving it. It's a thousand times better than the crapfest that was SC2.

Burning Ranger
1329th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Rented it... somewhat impressed" , posted Mon 31 Oct 03:20post reply

I'm surprised Blockbuster had it so fast.

Anyway, I spent some time this morning playing it-- is it me or does the default camera position make the characters look small? I think in SC and SC2, the camera was positioned closer to the fighters by default. Here, it's farther away. But other than that, and the somewhat lackluster soundtrack, the game is fun. If I had any real problem with the game, it would be that it doesn't have a traditional 'arcade mode.' The story mode is good, but I just like the pacing of a 'just fighting' arcade mode.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

524th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Rented it... somewhat impressed" , posted Mon 31 Oct 04:42post reply


Anyway, I spent some time this morning playing it-- is it me or does the default camera position make the characters look small? I think in SC and SC2, the camera was positioned closer to the fighters by default. Here, it's farther away.

It's worse in widescreen mode... they look very tiny in the background compared to T5.

I'm pretty underwhelmed by the game, myself... I don't think it feels like a step up from II on all aspects of the game. Feels thrown together.

1396th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Tekken 5-ish" , posted Mon 31 Oct 05:48post reply

I think the game has improved in pretty much every aspect... better graphics, larger roster, create a character, and much better AI. There's some insanely difficult fights while playing through the Chronicles of the Sword mode... it's also completely unbalanced. All you really need to get through COS is a Samurai, and they provided you with Meiga. I completed the last stage and took out every character including the final boss with just Meiga and the Murasame sword. Some classes like dancer are pretty worthless... fan sucks as a weapon.

I like how they brought back the interactive cut-scenes and endings like in the original Soul Blade though... some of the results are really funny. A lot of characters have changed too... Killik is really toned down, Knightmare and Sigfried are different enough to justify them being two characters. The new characters are a mixed bag... I think Tira is totally worthless, but Setsuka is a killer in the right hands.

The slew of bonus characters is what's had me glued to the game... pretty much all the classic characters like Rock, Hwong, Li Long and so on are in the game. Necrid seems to be the only one who didn't make the cut. Although it's annoying there's charactes you can't unlock... Charade and SC2 Lizardman show up in story mode, but they aren't playable.

Time Mage
2268th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Tekken 5-ish" , posted Mon 31 Oct 05:54post reply

Charade and SC2 Lizardman show up in story mode, but they aren't playable.

What do you mean by SC2 Lizardman?
Also, I read that Lizardman has now a very distinct play style from Sophitia and Cassandra. Does that mean that you can play as Lizardman, but you can also encounter the Sophitia-like one in CotS?

Meh, I'm quite asleep right now, I don't know even if the question makes sense.

1398th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Tekken 5-ish" , posted Mon 31 Oct 07:52:post reply

Charade and SC2 Lizardman show up in story mode, but they aren't playable.

What do you mean by SC2 Lizardman?
Also, I read that Lizardman has now a very distinct play style from Sophitia and Cassandra. Does that mean that you can play as Lizardman, but you can also encounter the Sophitia-like one in CotS?

Meh, I'm quite asleep right now, I don't know even if the question makes sense.

They redesigned Lizardman and give him a more unique set of moves. I haven't played his story... but it's mentioned something how he's gotten smarter and evolved. During other stories though you still encounter armies of the old lizardmen... who are basically the Soul Calibur 2 Lizardman with a piece of meat for a weapon.

There's other story mode characters that aren't playable... Mitsurugi has to fight the greek statue in Sophitia's background, but he can't be used a bonus character. It's also funny you can unlock Arthur... the guy who replaced Mitsurugi in Soul Calbur for countries banning samurai content.

edit- damn I keep discovering new stuff every time I play... there's a hidden boss if you go through the game undefeated.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
a suped up version of Nightmare called Night Terror

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Fuchikoma on Mon 31 Oct 09:05]

1860th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Death by unlockable" , posted Mon 31 Oct 10:42post reply

There is a traditional arcade mode, it's Quick Play under Soul Arena. You don't get any kind of ending, it's just basically there. About the only unique thing about it is that some characters appear in edited clothing colors.

Speaking of color edit, thank God for that. I think they made 90% the default colors ugly on purpose just so you'd want to use the color edit mode.

Chronicles is a joke. The battles get hard occasionally, but that could be said about any of the modes in the game. The one mode's claim is supposed to be strategy, but there's just nothing strategic about it. All the enemy army does is either go straight for your castle or straight for your general, if they bother to move at all (which they usually don't). They'll never go after a stronghold unless it's directly between them and whatever they're aiming for. It's pretty braindead. And the story is really no more epic than anything in Tale of Souls. But you have to play it to unlock most of the good armor, so whatever.

And there's WAY too much stuff to unlock. It should be illegal to put this much unlockable content in a game. Initially the shop has like a hundred things to buy and as you play it gets about 200 more things, all ridiculously expensive, and that's not even including the ridiculous amount of stuff that you unlock just by playing the game. Unlocking almost everything would take any normal player well over a month, and that's assuming they play at LEAST an hour every day.

Time Mage
2269th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Death by unlockable" , posted Tue 1 Nov 00:31post reply

Unlocking almost everything would take any normal player well over a month, and that's assuming they play at LEAST an hour every day.

That's good to me. Sadly, I don't have many opportunities to play SC games vs a human, so 90% of the fun resides in how much the single player experience can offer. And admit it, once you've done unlocking stuff, many games go downhill. However, I understand the competitive players complaints about having to unlock everything, specially since in the SC games the unlockable characters are usually allowed in tournaments. I don't have problems having to unlock Kliff and Justice in every GG, since I know I won't play a vs game with them, but if they were allowed, I would understand it.

719th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Records?" , posted Tue 1 Nov 01:16post reply

Killik is really toned down, Knightmare and Sigfried are different enough to justify them being two characters. The new characters are a mixed bag... I think Tira is totally worthless, but Setsuka is a killer in the right hands.

Yay, a buddy bought a US copy of the game! Heh, mileage varies, I guess...I'm more intrigued by Zas and Tira than Setsuka. Zasalemel in particular can be pretty slick if he keeps opponents at the same 5-paces maai/range as Siegfried might, with his pull-you-in hook. I actually found Kilik to be much stronger than in SC2, at least. He feels more solid to me, the way he did in SC1. Nightmare went back closer to being a more violent SC1 type and isn't at all like the smooth Sieg-Nightmare hybrid I got used to in 2, so he'll take some work. And I really hope Sieg's Axel kick is in there, somewhere, since he seems to have also lost the soul-charged firey Rook Splitter, or...

Speaking of missing things, for all this sheer volume of content, did Namco actually fail to include a RECORDS option, or is it hidden like everything else? I find most of these mini-games superfluous since I only play versus, so if they've managed to "forget" the record stats, I'll be pretty depressed. Maybe it will come out in the Japanese version...?


26th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):So... anyone playing Soul Calibur 3?" , posted Tue 1 Nov 02:33post reply

And is it any good?

Seems there are lot of extras to keep the single player occupied, but versus play is horrid.

Character balance is nonexistent. What can you expect from a game that had a really short development time and no arcade release though?

2263th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):So... anyone playing Soul Calibur 3?" , posted Tue 1 Nov 05:54post reply

Character balance is nonexistent.

It seems awfully fast for a decision like that to be made. Does a character or two have something that is obviously overpowering? Were there problems in SC2 that unbalanced the game that were left in the sequel? I'm asking this simply because I'm not even sure I've unlocked all the extra [as in the non-story mode] characters yet so I'm amazed that people have actually gotten everything unlocked, much less had time to break down the effectivness of all the moves and match-ups.

1398th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Kos-Mos" , posted Tue 1 Nov 06:44post reply

The flow on unlockables just keeps on going... it seems Namco picked up on those fake shots of Kos-Mos in Soul Calibur 2. You can unlock all the gear to make your own Kos-Mos custom character... and for males you can make Armor King. You have to either get all the disciplines for the custom characters or buy up all the armor... then shell out a really hefty price for each piece of the Type X or Armor King costumes.

I've noticed that vertical attacks seem easier to dodge now... the CPU is usually constantly moving in horrizontal directions. I've found characters with strong horizontal attacks like Seigfried and Astaroth tend to have things easier. The CPU is also constantly trying to get ring outs which gets kind of annoying when you're trying to get to Night Terror. I keep trying to get better with Tira... but there's just not that much great about her. She's too slow and her combos don't do enough damage. Also some of the custom character classes completely blow away the standard characters... any class that uses Katana or Kunai have a big advantage over the others in terms of moves list.

Time Mage
2270th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Style movelists question." , posted Tue 1 Nov 07:45post reply

I have a doubt: What determines the movelist that a custom character gets? The weapon? The class? Both?
Also, if the only thing that determines the movelist is the weapon, what's the difference among two characters that use the same weapon, but are on different classes?

329th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Style movelists question." , posted Tue 1 Nov 07:54post reply

I have a doubt: What determines the movelist that a custom character gets? The weapon? The class? Both?
Also, if the only thing that determines the movelist is the weapon, what's the difference among two characters that use the same weapon, but are on different classes?

Each class has 3 weapons and 2 character souls (from regular characters) that determine which moveset they have. All of the movesets, though some obviously have a FEW shared moves, are different enough that they ARE different movesets.

So far my only annoyances as far as characters go are Cervantes, Setsuka and Mitsurugi. Lances used to bother me a lot until I got better and recognizing the moves they have. Cerv and Mitsu have ALWAYS been a bane of mine, so that's not surprise. Stesuka, at least with the AI, is freaking HARD to beat consistently, for me. She's REALLY fast and seems to have a lot of priority on moves.

1399th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Style movelists question." , posted Tue 1 Nov 07:59post reply

As far as I can tell, movelists are determined entirely by the weapon. Certain classes can weild the same weapons... and their moves seem to be identical. Each class learns 3 different disciplines... like Dancer starts with Tamborine, then learns Fan, then learns Grieve Edge. After that you get the soul of a standard character... in the case of Dancer I got Xiang Hua and Voldo, and for Barbarian I got Astaroth and Nightmare.. which means you weild their weapons with their movelist.

There's also a slew of bonus characters that use these weapon move lists... like Hwang uses Chinese sword... Arthur uses Katana... Amy (Raphael's girlfriend) uses Rapier... and so on. I think Grieve Edge is one of more interesting weapons, they're blades attached to feet and all the moves are done as kicks. It give the character a kind of Tekken feel.

1861th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Style movelists question." , posted Tue 1 Nov 18:26post reply

As far as I can tell, movelists are determined entirely by the weapon. Certain classes can weild the same weapons... and their moves seem to be identical. Each class learns 3 different disciplines... like Dancer starts with Tamborine, then learns Fan, then learns Grieve Edge. After that you get the soul of a standard character... in the case of Dancer I got Xiang Hua and Voldo, and for Barbarian I got Astaroth and Nightmare.. which means you weild their weapons with their movelist.

I wasn't aware of that. I had already unlocked the Sword Master and just figured I'd use that since you have all the disciplines at your disposal. At what point does the final soul moveset become available?

To answer the question earlier about what's not fixed in SC3, one of the bigger complaints in higher level play of SC2 was 2G, a safe input that you could use to guard at times when you shouldn't have been able to (like after certain moves and during GI recovery). Just today someone found the SC3 version of it... a little more complex than before but still pretty easy to do. What's worse, apparently in SC3 it actually gives advantage instead of just being safe, which makes GI almost completely worthless.

It hasn't even been a week yet. Oh well.

1400th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Style movelists question." , posted Wed 2 Nov 01:35post reply

Unlocking disciplines can be done in different ways... it seems if you're around level 30 you should have unlocked all the disciplines for that class... but also if you fight a certain amount of fights with that class in the vs or whatever, that will also unlock all the disciplines for that class. I don't think swordmaster has any souls though.

2264th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Style movelists question." , posted Wed 2 Nov 05:50post reply


To answer the question earlier about what's not fixed in SC3, one of the bigger complaints in higher level play of SC2 was 2G, a safe input that you could use to guard at times when you shouldn't have been able to (like after certain moves and during GI recovery). Just today someone found the SC3 version of it... a little more complex than before but still pretty easy to do. What's worse, apparently in SC3 it actually gives advantage instead of just being safe, which makes GI almost completely worthless.

Okay, I saw a video or two of the SC3 glitch and it's... hmm... while it looks problimatic I'll leave it up to those who play the game at high levels to decide if this totally remakes the game engine or if this can be worked around. Considering at the moment I'm more interested in trying to make custom versions of Joseph Stalin and William Shakespeare I'm not sure I need to add my voice to the debate as well.

Just a Person
743th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Tekken 5-ish" , posted Wed 2 Nov 07:02post reply

I think the game has improved in pretty much every aspect... better graphics, larger roster, create a character, and much better AI. There's some insanely difficult fights while playing through the Chronicles of the Sword mode... it's also completely unbalanced. All you really need to get through COS is a Samurai, and they provided you with Meiga. I completed the last stage and took out every character including the final boss with just Meiga and the Murasame sword. Some classes like dancer are pretty worthless... fan sucks as a weapon.

I like how they brought back the interactive cut-scenes and endings like in the original Soul Blade though... some of the results are really funny. A lot of characters have changed too... Killik is really toned down, Knightmare and Sigfried are different enough to justify them being two characters. The new characters are a mixed bag... I think Tira is totally worthless, but Setsuka is a killer in the right hands.

The slew of bonus characters is what's had me glued to the game... pretty much all the classic characters like Rock, Hwong, Li Long and so on are in the game. Necrid seems to be the only one who didn't make the cut. Although it's annoying there's charactes you can't unlock... Charade and SC2 Lizardman show up in story mode, but they aren't playable.

I haven´t played SC3 yet, but it sounds really good!
I heard that even being bonus characters, Hwang, Li Long, Amy and Arthur (he replaced Mitsurugi in the Korean version of SC1) have their own bios. Is that true?

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Red Falcon
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"Re(4):Style movelists question." , posted Wed 2 Nov 08:44:post reply

Considering at the moment I'm more interested in trying to make custom versions of Joseph Stalin and William Shakespeare I'm not sure I need to add my voice to the debate as well.

Cap'n Crunch all the way.

Edit: I also kind of want to try to make Ankoku Daishogun, but I'm going to try and unlock more stuff so he can look at least a little like him.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Wed 2 Nov 08:45]

1863th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Tekken 5-ish" , posted Wed 2 Nov 10:21:post reply

I heard that even being bonus characters, Hwang, Li Long, Amy and Arthur (he replaced Mitsurugi in the Korean version of SC1) have their own bios. Is that true?

Well, yes and no. There are no profiles for them in the game itself, but they have profiles on one of the official websites. I forget which one, but I don't think it was soularchive. Maybe Namco Channel.

I finally gave in and used the money glitch to buy up everything. And wow, that took a LOT of money. I thought I had earned a lot already but it turns out I hadn't even earned 3/4 of the overall requirement.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 2 Nov 10:36]

Maese Spt
60th Post

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"Endings, storyline and such" , posted Wed 2 Nov 20:28post reply

I heard that even being bonus characters, Hwang, Li Long, Amy and Arthur (he replaced Mitsurugi in the Korean version of SC1) have their own bios. Is that true?

LOL, I have read Arthur´s bio, but I didn´t know it was supposed to be official... That Amy chick (I thought she was only a character edit at first) has a story as well? Namco crew is taking things seriously this time!

By the way, how are the ending movies and that stuff? Does the story seem to move on somewhere, or is it the same "XXX-finally-beat-SoulEdge-and-realized-how-evil-it-was-so-he/she-sealed-it-away-and-parted-on-a-new-journey-once-again" crap like SC2? I think it´s time for Soul Edge to possess another geek, err, I mean, to have another human master. I´m a bit tired of Nightmare.

At least I hope the in-game cinemas are funny. Cassandra and Sophitia interaction seems most promising.

Man, I can´t wait for the PAL version. Oh, that reminds me: has the US version the option to hear the voice acting in japanese?

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1401th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Thu 3 Nov 02:59post reply

Endings are a bit of mixed bag... they're like the original Soul Blade endings where you have to input a command to effect the ending... like for Killik you have to press A+G to catch Xiang Hua when she falls or else she'll land up with Maxi. Most of the endings are pretty short and pointless though and they're all realtime, not fmv. I'm not sure if you get a different ending by beating Night Terror...

Thankfully the japanese/english voice option is fully in tact.

425th Post

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"Re(2):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Thu 3 Nov 16:36post reply

I'm not sure if you get a different ending by beating Night Terror...

No difference in the ending.

Maese Spt
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"Re(2):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Thu 3 Nov 19:21post reply


Thankfully the japanese/english voice option is fully in tact.

Thanks heavens...!

Now that I think about it, it would be nice to see the creations you fellow MMcafers are perpetrating at the character edit mode.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

2271th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Fri 4 Nov 01:38post reply

Endings are a bit of mixed bag... they're like the original Soul Blade endings where you have to input a command to effect the ending... like for Killik you have to press A+G to catch Xiang Hua when she falls or else she'll land up with Maxi.

How many ending have more than two outcomes? For instance, if you grab/grope Xiang Hua with B+G Kilik's ending will play out in a different manner.

1403th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Fri 4 Nov 13:12post reply

Every ending has 2 outcomes depending on if you react fast enough.... most are kind of silly... although if you get Nightmare's right, you get to see Night Terror. ;)

1863th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Fri 4 Nov 13:25post reply

Every ending has 2 outcomes depending on if you react fast enough.... most are kind of silly... although if you get Nightmare's right, you get to see Night Terror. ;)

I think he meant which ending has a hidden 3rd outcome. Like Kilik's third ending.

I'm going to look into it, but so far I only know the regular 2 endings for everyone.

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Sat 5 Nov 17:42post reply

the game is cool, but unlocking stuff has become a pain in the ass more than ever. especially story mode - having to watch the same damn cut scenes over and over again.

on the positive side, there is alot of stuff in this game to be unlocked...

7381th Post

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"Re(6):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Sat 5 Nov 19:28post reply

The LOL.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

Maese Spt
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"Re(7):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Mon 7 Nov 17:49post reply

That Honda looks more like one of those edokko gambling den managers from Zatoichi´s classic flicks. But the dancin´Zangief is priceless...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

2278th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Tue 8 Nov 00:18post reply

Can anybody explain to me what the two bars located under your figure during the creation phase in the Create A Warrior section do? I *think* that blue is for more evil while red is for good/heroic but why two bars? When the two lines are in the middle grey area I get running water sound FX which I assume means my character's mood is in harmony but what do the different auras I sometimes get mean? When I've looked for information on the CAW seciton the only thing I've found is people trying to make Cloud and the rest of the cast of FFVII so any help would be greatly appreciated.

711th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Tue 8 Nov 03:13post reply

Can anybody explain to me what the two bars located under your figure during the creation phase in the Create A Warrior section do? I *think* that blue is for more evil while red is for good/heroic but why two bars? When the two lines are in the middle grey area I get running water sound FX which I assume means my character's mood is in harmony but what do the different auras I sometimes get mean? When I've looked for information on the CAW seciton the only thing I've found is people trying to make Cloud and the rest of the cast of FFVII so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you noticed that on each extreme side of the bars there are symbols? To the right you have a minus and a moon, while on the left there's a plus and a sun. Basically, by messing around with what your character wears, it changes his or her alignment according to those bars. All it really does in most cases is change the voice samples, but not the actual movements (i.e. dancers still have goofy win poses no matter how evil they may be clothing-wise). You don't have to get the slider all the way to one side to affect alignment, either; it simply has to pass the midpoint. As far as I can tell there are probably around five alignments: good/light, good/dark, neutral, evil/light, evil/dark. I've gotten the auras you're talking about with certain articles of clothing but I have yet to figure out what they do either. It usually seems to be focused around the feet or torso, but not both when I get it.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

1866th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Tue 8 Nov 13:31post reply


Have you noticed that on each extreme side of the bars there are symbols? To the right you have a minus and a moon, while on the left there's a plus and a sun. Basically, by messing around with what your character wears, it changes his or her alignment according to those bars. All it really does in most cases is change the voice samples, but not the actual movements (i.e. dancers still have goofy win poses no matter how evil they may be clothing-wise). You don't have to get the slider all the way to one side to affect alignment, either; it simply has to pass the midpoint. As far as I can tell there are probably around five alignments: good/light, good/dark, neutral, evil/light, evil/dark. I've gotten the auras you're talking about with certain articles of clothing but I have yet to figure out what they do either. It usually seems to be focused around the feet or torso, but not both when I get it.

I heard it affects your story in Chronicles of the Sword mode slightly. Or maybe just the ending.

441th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Tue 8 Nov 21:10post reply

After finally beating CotS (that bastard end boss!) I had around 1400000 gold, and it still took me many uses of the money glitch to buy all remaining stuff in the shop (most weapons, most of the male armor, some art). And then I had glitched with less cash several times before to collect the female armor up to the KOS-MOS set. It's crazy, really. I hate to think what would happen if they removed the glitch in the PAL version.

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2280th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Endings, storyline and such" , posted Wed 9 Nov 02:37post reply

Have you noticed that on each extreme side of the bars there are symbols? To the right you have a minus and a moon, while on the left there's a plus and a sun. Basically, by messing around with what your character wears, it changes his or her alignment according to those bars. All it really does in most cases is change the voice samples, but not the actual movements (i.e. dancers still have goofy win poses no matter how evil they may be clothing-wise). You don't have to get the slider all the way to one side to affect alignment, either; it simply has to pass the midpoint. As far as I can tell there are probably around five alignments: good/light, good/dark, neutral, evil/light, evil/dark. I've gotten the auras you're talking about with certain articles of clothing but I have yet to figure out what they do either. It usually seems to be focused around the feet or torso, but not both when I get it.

Ah, I see, thanks. The instruction booklet was a bit vague so I wasn't certain what sort of results I was supposed to be getting. Are the auras tied to a specific piece of clothing or is a cumulative effect that is usually most noticable when you finish the character, such as when you pick out something for their feet? I'll have to experiment with dressing a character from their shoes up to see if there's any difference in how they turn out.

I heard it affects your story in Chronicles of the Sword mode slightly. Or maybe just the ending.

I noticed CotS would use he/she when referring to your character depending on it's gender but I didn't realize there would be other variations in the plot based on how you built your character. Then again, it's not like I've been paying that much attention to the CotS plot so I'm not too worried about it.

Bata kun
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Bata-kun tried 'SC III' yesterday and..." , posted Mon 14 Nov 17:09post reply

I think that this is a mixed bag. Oh, sure, Talim has a flat out good alternate costume and multi-command throws are a tad easier to do now. Oh, sure, I can create a fighter. Oh, sure, the game has more details now. Oh, sure, the game has Asano Masumi-san.

While Namco did fix certain flaws in "SC II" (which is a mixed bag too despite the fact that I like it so much only because it's Talim's first game), they added new ones as well, which do get to me. Though I could care less about having no team mode, what made me mad then and now still is the way some characters have changed. Talim never had pop, but with the changes, I now say that Talim dropped a letter grade from a B- fighter to a C- one with one game and I'm being nice. Kilik got worse, which kills me, since I use him a lot. Mina--excuse me. Mi-na didn't help me much either. I got comfortable with Xianghua, but not by much.

I did try Setsuka and Tira. They're okay. Not the best batch of new characters in the world, but eh.

Whether or not I'll get this game before the month's over, I don't know. I want to get this game. Honest! It's that it has too many flaws for me to handle for now.

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New Customer

"Anyone know about the weapon symbols?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 06:55post reply

A big how do goes out to one and all. Does anyone know what the different weapons symbols are all about, i cant seem to find what they mean. Some like the increased attack power or defence are the same as in the other games, but the new one's .......ummmmmm i doe'no.

The Cajn

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Anyone know about the weapon symbols?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 07:27post reply

A big how do goes out to one and all. Does anyone know what the different weapons symbols are all about, i cant seem to find what they mean. Some like the increased attack power or defence are the same as in the other games, but the new one's .......ummmmmm i doe'no.

Check GameFAQs.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Anyone know about the weapon symbols?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 09:41post reply

A big how do goes out to one and all. Does anyone know what the different weapons symbols are all about, i cant seem to find what they mean. Some like the increased attack power or defence are the same as in the other games, but the new one's .......ummmmmm i doe'no.

Press select and the game describes them for you.

1463th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Anyone know about the weapon symbols?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 12:10post reply

Only in the shop and normal game modes. For some reason in Chronicles there's no way to view weapon effects. - My own personal waste of time.

Olivier Hague
38th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):Anyone know about the weapon symbols?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 15:14post reply

Only in the shop and normal game modes. For some reason in Chronicles there's no way to view weapon effects.

Well, it sure works for me (Japanese version).

1464th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Anyone know about the weapon symbols?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 21:20post reply

Well, it sure works for me (Japanese version).

Maybe they fixed it for the Japanese version, or maybe I have to hit select at some odd time to get it appear, but it doesn't show up in Chronicles for me.

At least we have cheat codes to play the 'unplayable characters' like Night Terror. No more ring outs for me. :) - My own personal waste of time.