Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation - Forums

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"Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Tue 1 Nov 14:14post reply

A few months back, I luckily stumbled across a used copy of the US localization, Castle Shikigami 2. While I very, very much support the idea of companies bringing good shooter games to the US, the translation process involved on this one is worth a few laughs.
Clearly the budget price tag forced this company to botch the translation process somewhere. Amazingly enough, this lack didn't stop them from dubbing it over in this psuedo-English. Only about half the voice actors bother to improvise with the stiff lines given to them.

So! On to the fun. I was so tickled by the translations, I transcribed all of the main character's storyline. I've tried to format it as much like the original game presented it, as the akward pauses were some of the fun. So each return line is a new text-box, if you can picture it. Each skipped line is a new portion of story. Additionally, I've triple-checked this against the original game text, so all spelling errors are from the game. I'd toss out the usual spoiler warnings, but if you can make sense of this story, you probably already know it. Here goes.

--Kotaro Kuga-- (Ko)
Ko: We don't need it.
OK maybe it's time to play hero.
Come on!

Boss - Alala Cran: Hi there. What a cute boy.
Interested in my body, aren't you?
Ko: Not interested.
Cran: Oh, you're into that?
Ko: I like girls. But now it's about justice!
My name is Ko. Beating down evil!
Stop bothering me! You have two choices.
A Beaten then caught.
B Caught then beaten.
Cran: You're an idiot. Let me finish you.

Cran: Oh no.
Ko: Go home. Regret this.
Cran: It's Idiot Power!
*Cran explodes*

Ko: Still a bit green. I'm only 17.
Too much fighting! I don't like it!!
I'm so pissed! Stop making trouble!
Kicking your butts!

Boss - Dandeon
Ko: That's it, villain.
D: What a cool line! Quite the hero.
I am Dandeon, keeping it a fool-free zone.
Ko: My name is Ko! Beating down evil.
Taking no excuses. Beating you down!
D:Very angry! A real hothead.
I like that. An honor to beat you.

D:That's why we were chosen by the castle.
D:Don't recognise it.

Ko: Damn! Is that my fault?
Don't mess with me. I'll win every fight.
Sorry for any trouble. Well, I'm done.

Boss - Aja Brothers (Classified each by their color.)
white: Hahh!
red: Hnnnn!
Ko: Oooooh!
r: Big Bro. He shouts like we do!
w: He's the same kind as we are.
Shouting for anger!
Ko: Not alike. I'm a hero. Well I'm done.
w: How can you tell?
Ko: Heroes help society, not make trouble.

r: Big Bro!
w: The fool's strong.
Ko: Don't say fool?
*Both brothers explode*

Ko: I hate dirty tricks. Must beat you down.
Giving you choices.
A. Beaten and caught. B. Caught and beaten.

Boss - Yukari Horiguchi
Y: Hail, alien duelist.
Nine deeds so far. This game's too easy.
Ko: Give you two choices. Villain.
A. Beaten and caught B. Caught and beaten.
Y:Me, villain? You're mean.
Ko:Life isn't a game! You are very wrong.

Ko:Don't say anything. Tired of your lines.
Let me tell you tha I know I'm an idiot.
*Yukari explodes*

Ko: But,
no other way to live for someone like me.

Boss - Shintaro Kuga
Shin:You came, Ko.
Ko: Bro. Sin.
S: Any expectations?
Ko: No way, villain. Not your business!
Whoever you are. Pick one. Bastard.
A. Beaten and caught B. Caught and beaten.
S:Still like a boy. Being thoughtless.
That's OK, Ko. Shall we fight now?

S:You won, Ko.
Ko:Villains always lose.
S:You're totally alone. Don't you know that?
Wanted to be you. You won't be alone.
Ko: Making trouble for that reason?
Villains gather. Heroes don't. Alone.
I don't mind it if I die alone.

*Ending* *Screen says "Disappearing castle."*
*Kotaro is standing by some silver-haired chick with elf ears.*

Ko:Case closed.
Should be charged All of them.
*On screen*Ko smiled a bit.
Ko: Nice view. A silver lining.
Oooh, I still don't understand this case.
It's over. Let's go eat.

Thus concludes Castle Shikigami 2's main story. Mysterious! Not in a good way.

If enough people got a kick out of this, I'll consider transcribing the other stories. Maybe just make a FAQ. It's not too hard, with the Story Recollect feature. There are many more lines even more amazing than "kicking your butts."

As a last note, for those that recall Shikigami 1 was brought over under the title of Mobile Light Force 2 - The manual (alone!) lists their Shiki attacks as MOBILE LIGHT FORCE 3 ATTACKs.


1224th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Tue 1 Nov 14:36post reply

inglesh teh broke!

Yup, when I first got my hands on this game, I was happy at the prospect of finally being able to understand what all the reams of dialogue/monologue in the JP game were... and then the first lines of text appeared, and the best that I could hope for a were a few chuckles...

... I wonder, in the original japanese version of Shikigami 2, did they actually have THIS much banal chatter?

1491th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Tue 1 Nov 17:10post reply

Well, the dialogue was indeed silly in the Japanese version, but it was very charming and often funny. I would say it was one of the best parts of the game. This isn't totally different, though.

This really blows my mind. I can't believe the actors/director went for this crap. They must have thought "well, if this is what the company wants." Either that, or the whole localization process was done by non-English speakers.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Tue 1 Nov 18:37post reply

I haven't read it all, but at least that part is accurate :
Boss - Alala Cran: Hi there. What a cute boy.
Interested in my body, aren't you?
Ko: Not interested.
Cran: Oh, you're into that?
Ko: I like girls. But now it's about justice!
My name is Ko. Beating down evil!
Stop bothering me! You have two choices.
A Beaten then caught.
B Caught then beaten.
Cran: You're an idiot. Let me finish you.

Well, only the original version sounds like actual dialogue and makes sense.

If they translated everything, even all the scenes when you play with two characters, I wonder if they indeed kept all the semi-pedo jokes with Chibi-Fumiko or the one where Kôtarô actually reveals he thought his brother disappeared to get a sex change operation.

I disagree with Polly : the dialogues indeed ARE the best thing in Shikigami, and I don't mean it in a negative way.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

51th Post

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"Re(2):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Wed 2 Nov 00:48post reply

inglesh teh broke!

Yup, when I first got my hands on this game, I was happy at the prospect of finally being able to understand what all the reams of dialogue/monologue in the JP game were... and then the first lines of text appeared, and the best that I could hope for a were a few chuckles...

... I wonder, in the original japanese version of Shikigami 2, did they actually have THIS much banal chatter?

I to have much love for shiki 2
Thought the dialog was alway hard for me since my japanese is rather basic

my blog: /

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Wed 2 Nov 03:30post reply

Cran: Oh no.
Ko: Go home. Regret this.
Cran: It's Idiot Power!
*Cran explodes*

I have a new favorite stage direction now, thanks to you, Mav! Whatta riot, maybe you should submit this to gamefaqs for posterity...


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"Re(2):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Wed 2 Nov 05:55post reply

or the one where Kôtarô actually reveals he thought his brother disappeared to get a sex change operation.

Where's that one pop up? I guess I need to get with someone and find out what strange kanon lies in the co-op storylines.

Overall, I can respect the idea of them taking the dialogue less seriously, but the translation process seems too stiff and direct. It needs a writer's touch. Or at least someone who is firmiliar with actual English.

Some of the best lines come from American Ninja(tm) Rodger Sasuke. He starts out telling everyone he's a good American who pays his taxes, then out of the blue says his fight is for Japan. When he beats the Aja Brothers, they say "Big Bro!" "Little Bro!" "Dead but still bros!" *Explode*
It floors me every time.

2265th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Wed 2 Nov 05:56post reply

Mobile Light Force lives! While I don't know what it is that made you decide to transcribe the insanity of the Shikigami 2 translation you are going a great service for the world.

646th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Wed 2 Nov 12:51post reply


If enough people got a kick out of this, I'll consider transcribing the other stories. Maybe just make a FAQ. It's not too hard, with the Story Recollect feature. There are many more lines even more amazing than "kicking your butts."

If you can make sense of the "So What!" thing in the Sayo/Fumiko (I think) story mode, feel free to let me know.

When doing 2-player stories the only difference for which player being first and which player second is the color. That's it. Since I long since unlocked Free Play I could get all the 2-player stories if I actually cared to use anyone beside Sayo and cheap-ass Kim.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1225th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Shikigami 2 - Lost in Translation" , posted Wed 2 Nov 13:34post reply

You can get some audio clips here at
Audio Atrocities