Ryu Ga Gotoku - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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762th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 01:07post reply


After reading this ' beautiful article on Large Prime Numbers', and watching some movies on the site (link is seventh from the left), I am more excited about this game than I can possibly express in words and excited hand gestures.

Anyway, does anyone know more about this game?

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"woah" , posted Wed 2 Nov 03:22post reply

Wow, man...the website layout is poor, but once you get the trailer movie running, phew! Shenmue is still one of my favorite things ever because of how intricately and accurately it has the simple details of 80's Japan depicted (kungfu not included...or maybe?). If it's got that level of detail along with this exciting yen-chasing girl-protecting thing going on, this thing really looks like it could be great.


1181th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 03:23post reply


After reading this ' beautiful article on Large Prime Numbers', and watching some movies on the site (link is seventh from the left), I am more excited about this game than I can possibly express in words and excited hand gestures.

Anyway, does anyone know more about this game?

I heard about this game a few months ago and have been very excited since.

Thanks for the link I haven't seen that "making of" video yet.

BTW, who is that Razor Ramon guy in all that leather? I saw him on TV a few times when I was in Japan over the summer.

2266th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 05:59post reply

Can I make my yakuza guy feed a kitten and wander around looking for capsule toys? I really want to play this game if for no other reason than to have a Shenmue style game where the main character can walk into a bar and not get derisively served milk.

763th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 07:50post reply

A Shenmue style game where the main character can walk into a bar and not get derisively served milk.

Sounds like a party.

I like the whole demeanor of the main character. It's nice playing a bad ass. Ryo was fun to play as, but in English his words just didn't have any punch to them...

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

192th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 08:51post reply

BTW, who is that Razor Ramon guy in all that leather? I saw him on TV a few times when I was in Japan over the summer.

HG Razor Ramon. A former amateur wrestler turned comedian.
He shows up on a show called Bakuten and became an instant hit. He does lots of stuff thats funny and crazy.
He's great.

10th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 14:43post reply

Anyway, does anyone know more about this game?

I'd know a LOT more if me and Brandon had been ALLOWED IN to the demo room at TGS. They straight up told us NO FOREIGNERS. Like a regular yakuza strip joint in Kabukicho. They should have had a "JAPANESE ONLY" sign on the door.

We were like, "Well, we can kind of speak some Japanese, so can you let us in?" They showed us The Hand and said, "Sorry, we're not releasing this game in the West, anyway."

Bunch of bastards!!

Anyway, the game looks really good. Nagoshi is really pumping it as "Shenmue for adults." And he's even calling it a "FREE" game. Though I think Sony will probably force the genre "adventure" onto the back of the box. Well. I mean, I know this for a fact, because I have the box . . . ON MY DESK RIGHT NOW!


Too bad there's no game in it.

Anyway, it's going to be rad. Apparently it's going to have NUDITY and rough language in it; Famitsu is hyped about it being "The Japanese Grand Theft Auto." It's being called SO MANY THINGS, and compared to SO MANY controversial GAMES, it must be good!!

Oh, I'm joking. It will be good. It'll be like Killer7 with more "realistic" visuals, less esoteric gameplay, and a firmly-written story. The gameplay, actually, promises to be pretty fun, as Nagoshi talked about lending "weight" to the action. The story is written by Seishu Hase, a rather famous Japanese crime/yakuza novelist (http://www.hase-seisyu.com/). Fans have been growing disappointed by Hase's works in recent years, which I think makes him a good fit for Sega. They can earn a lot of credibility if this game is good. I hope Nagoshi keeps his priorities straight. It NEEDS to play well. The Shenmue comparisons are flying all over the place among Japanese gamers, and Nagoshi isn't dismissing them. As long as it doesn't have quick-timer-events that involve walking across planks for TEN FLOORS in a rickety building, it should be pretty good.

And man, if only F-Zero GX was one of the games playable in the arcade...! Which I don't think it would be. Anyway.

The game will have more of an RPG feel to it than Shenmue, which is interesting. You can get jobs from various yakuza bosses, and then you set out to do them, to earn money. So I guess this is where the GTA comparisons come into play. Only!! You're not driving around a big empty city, you're walking around Kabukicho. Which is not called Kabukicho, though lord knows that's what it's supposed to be. So yeah, like GTA, kept personal, with Shenmue's attention to detail, and well-fueled by the narrative. It could be a legend, this one!!

It's interesting that no one is talking about it in English. ... well, I guess they are now! Ho-HOH! Sega's plan to hide the game will soon go completely bust.

As for HG "Hard Gay" Razor Ramon -- there's alt-text on that image, you know.

The guy's nuts. He's also pretty hilarious.

He also stole the "Razor Ramon" part of his name from an old WWF wrestler, I think.

431th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 18:27post reply

What? Ryu ga Gotoku is not going to be released in the West? Damn! The game looks really awesome, what's the reason of not bothering on releasing it over there?

Oh, and Hard Gay it's very funny!

273th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Wed 2 Nov 20:31post reply


I'd know a LOT more if me and Brandon had been ALLOWED IN to the demo room at TGS. They straight up told us NO FOREIGNERS. Like a regular yakuza strip joint in Kabukicho. They should have had a "JAPANESE ONLY" sign on the door.

Uh ? I could get in. No "foreigners forbidden" story. Weird. and my japanese is far from believable. What day did you try to get inside ?

The demo wasn't exciting. From what I remember, it played a bit "SpikeOut: the adventure!". Yet the ambiance was nice. It looked like a game you couldn't really enjoy on a show. A bit like the Siren 2 demo.


3065th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Fri 4 Nov 03:19post reply


and my japanese is far from believable.

past that, you're blonde!

it's not that we weren't allowed, we just weren't allowed to skip the line. We couldn't wait two hours just to play the thing. They really tried...it just wasn't gonna happen. Whatevaaaaaaaaaa

274th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Ryu Ga Gotoku" , posted Fri 4 Nov 20:26post reply

past that, you're blonde!

I keep it that way for your mom.

P.S.: no news from your friend supposed to visit Paris ?
P.P.S.: what about you ?
P.P.P.S.: Mahjong !