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NARUTO 3277th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 00:57
Credit to Cyberfanatic members.^^
Psycho team confirmed: http://www.maidenmasher.com/hizokuclanincludingmistyandlin.jpg
other endings here: - Art of FIghting Team
a total unexpected and funny ending XD the scene shows Ryo and King both dressed up nicely in a fancy restraunt (King looks absolutely gorgeous.....doesnt look like King at all). They appears to be waiting for Yuri, who told them to dress up nicely and have dinner together. As time go by Yuri is not appearing, King and Ryo begins to feel a bit uneasy and shy looking at each other. Suddenly two waiters come up and ask them what they want to order, or if they have any problems. Then King and Ryo quickly recognize its Robert and Yuri in disguise (very very bad disguise XD), and ask them whats this all about (obviously they are trying to hook Ryo and King up). Robert and Yuri , with sweats all over their face, refuse to admit they are disguising as waiters and insist that Ryo and King had made a mistake. As King and Ryo kept on asking what da hell is going, the store manager suddenly appear and ask whats going on (Takuma in his Mr. Karate mask LOL), he then said he is sorry for the inconvinience and offer a Hotel room key to them, claiming its the best view there is in the hotel. Ryo is left speechless dunno what to say and King simply cannot take all these silly stuff anymroe and exploded and went crazy on all of them. Rather a cute and funny ending =P
- Terry's team
a really boring ending..... Terry and gangs (his teamates, Andy, Mai, and even Choi and Chang) are in the bar (forgot the name, but its the bar Terry always go in Fatal Fury), drinking and celebrating the victory. Kim is obviously drunk and kept on talking and lecturing about his justice the whole time.............till the bar closes.............and thats it.................-=____=
- Psycho Soldier Team
Kensu keeps on talking and thanking everyone for the victory in KoF tournament, pictures of the people who he is thanking appears on the sky (with his psycho power), Momoko and Athena both stand watching and giving funny comments. Kensu thanked CHin, and he said he is dead =__= which Athena and momoko corrected him that Chin is still alive. Then Kensu thanked Bao....then even Panda.............which was funny, and Momoko asked why panda is there, Athena replies the panda used to be their striker (LOL KOF 2000). Momoko also refers CHin as Grandpa 0___o (so thats who she is???). Last Kensu mentions he came to learn to control and use a little bit of the dragon power in him in this tournament, but he doesnt want to let the full power out, because he saw and learned from what happened to the people who had great power in NEST. As the conversations draws to an end, the scene changed to Ron's view and his gangs, Ron made a comment on how surprised he is to see Kensu to able to control the dragon power in a year, and he said Kensu better start working hard, because next time Kensu has to use that power against him (Ron). Interesting....
- Rivals Team Ending
basically same as described earlier, its pretty koo how Ash shows them his new purple flame.....and the last scene shows Elizabeth in a weird angle giving a view showing off her HUGE and bigger than normal boops..........all the guys around me that was watching ending with me was going WHOA, NICE...............(geee SNK i think u guys did it on purpose)
Ash's ending : Shen Woo is shown fighting against Oswald, Shen Woo appears to be in disadvantage and wounded, OSwald appears to be unscratched. the scene then rewind to 5 minutes later, showing Ash saying he is going off as always. Oswald then ask him about the shipment he request for drugs or some sort (thats why he participated with them). and the drugs seems to be from SHanhai, and blah blah blah the etremely long dialogue is shown way too fast, then basically Oswald and Shen Woo started fighting.
Ralf's team's ending: like i guessed, its a follow up to K's ending. After the escort ship exploded, the main ship had a power shortage all fo a sudden. After Heidern orders to use emergency power, the lights turned bak on, then suddenly 2 freaky looking people appeared in front of heidern, talking about Magaki and Magaiki's sample Heidern collected. Again the dialogue is way too fast for me to read. Hediern ordered Ralf to take over the charge and he is counting on him, so i guess the 2 strange intruders took Heidern away?
 Tu Fuis Ego eris... Like you I was Like me you'll be...
Arngrim 14th Post

New Customer
| "Re(4):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 05:35
He doesn't! He's The Griffon Mask, a Champion of Justice and an Example for the kids! He doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't smoke, doesn't have sex...
That's sad! In order to be a great example he should have sex! Safe sex, of course.
The problem is that he can't drink ANYTHING! Nor alcohol nor a glass of water! xD
And inside a pub with that mask, he might suffocate!! If I was him, I'd take off the mask and focus on hit B.Jenet, as hot as she is in that skull top (but still not as hot as her meganneko appearence in Days of Memories, though, damn that was great).
-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-
Maese Spt 84th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(7):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 06:31
quote: Jenet is just making a "stupid Japanese girl" face. Really, only Japanese people make that face, you know? I read too many (girl's) fashion magazines...and I'm trying to master the face, myself...but it's hard.
Well, if you say so, Iīll believe you, but... actually, my office happens to be in the same building as certain special education school for down syndrome kids, and (as harsh as it may sound), many of them have the same facial expression as Jenet... the very same gaze and the very same way of opening the mouth.
I guess if the "B." in her name went for "Beauty", itīs just an euphemism now... Iīm complaining only about her ending artwork, anyway.
But you are right, many Shibuya kogals share the same dumb face. Thatīs why I prefer Kyoto natives, duh.
 "At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"
Nate 719th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(6):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 17:11
Indeed, Nona's sometimes makes us have a hard time by looking as his artwork of our beloved characters.
This case is not a exception.
I thin Nona's art is a bit too extreme, and KOF fans would enjoy someone more neutral and natural. (and as much as I love Falcoon, I think he had the same problem, damn some characters had such a big feet that resembled Megaman!!)
I think part of the problem with the art in XI is that there are at least three different artists involved, too.
Hiroaki did the character designs you see on the official site and stuff, but didn't get anything in-game.
Then there's the guy who did the character select portraits and maybe the win screen art (though it COULD be Hiroaki or someone else entirely, I'm not sure).
THEN there's Nona, who did the intermission and ending art.
I don't know, it makes the game seem kind of uneven, at least to me. Some characters look radically different between the three distinct styles. Hiroaki's probably being the best, Nona's being sometimes good and sometimes ugh, and then the third guy's being a little too generic looking for my tastes.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!