KOF 11 ending pics! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3273th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Wed 2 Nov 19:43post reply

Here enjoy! copy and paste.


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Time Mage
2272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Wed 2 Nov 19:48post reply

Thanks, Naruto.

The illustrations are really good this time, I like them. They don't have now that "modified sprite" feel that the other KOF endings had.

3275th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Wed 2 Nov 20:01post reply

Thanks, Naruto.

The illustrations are really good this time, I like them. They don't have now that "modified sprite" feel that the other KOF endings had.

They aren't bad at all but I still prefer the 2000 art style.

And this need to be confirmed but someone saw tha athena team ending.
Long and Misty seems to pops out once again and Lin seems to appear to counter them...

So the 2001 storyline isn't finished yet.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
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shin ramberk
199th Post

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"Re(3):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Wed 2 Nov 20:06post reply

damn good illustrations. thanks again naruto. I wonder who drew them. A little stylized but awesome. Now I want a KOF 2K3 anime. Woosh.


Maese Spt
61th Post

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"Re(2):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Wed 2 Nov 20:35post reply

They don't have now that "modified sprite" feel that the other KOF endings had.

Not that I donīt like the new ones, but that "sprite look" was a big part of the charm in old KOF endings for me...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

90th Post

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"Re(1):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Wed 2 Nov 21:53post reply

Here enjoy! copy and paste.


I'm not quite sure If I remember this in past KOF threads [sorry] but, by any chance is that cutscene work done by Nona? If so, wow thats really good artwork improvement overtime.

3276th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 00:43post reply

I'm not quite sure If I remember this in past KOF threads [sorry] but, by any chance is that cutscene work done by Nona? If so, wow thats really good artwork improvement overtime.

Yes it's nona, and no I didn't find he improved anything....

A rumor who need to be confirmed:
During the first 3 battles, if you did:
just win = Gai tendoh
A super finish = Adel
at least 3 LDM = Sho Hayate
At least 4 super finish with a LDM in= Silber
at least 7 Super Finish = Jyazu.

But since Gai and Adel are the only one confirmed, this can be wrong...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
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3277th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 00:57post reply

Credit to Cyberfanatic members.^^

Psycho team confirmed: http://www.maidenmasher.com/hizokuclanincludingmistyandlin.jpg

other endings here:
- Art of FIghting Team

a total unexpected and funny ending XD
the scene shows Ryo and King both dressed up nicely in a fancy restraunt (King looks absolutely gorgeous.....doesnt look like King at all). They appears to be waiting for Yuri, who told them to dress up nicely and have dinner together. As time go by Yuri is not appearing, King and Ryo begins to feel a bit uneasy and shy looking at each other. Suddenly two waiters come up and ask them what they want to order, or if they have any problems. Then King and Ryo quickly recognize its Robert and Yuri in disguise (very very bad disguise XD), and ask them whats this all about (obviously they are trying to hook Ryo and King up). Robert and Yuri , with sweats all over their face, refuse to admit they are disguising as waiters and insist that Ryo and King had made a mistake. As King and Ryo kept on asking what da hell is going, the store manager suddenly appear and ask whats going on (Takuma in his Mr. Karate mask LOL), he then said he is sorry for the inconvinience and offer a Hotel room key to them, claiming its the best view there is in the hotel. Ryo is left speechless dunno what to say and King simply cannot take all these silly stuff anymroe and exploded and went crazy on all of them. Rather a cute and funny ending =P

- Terry's team

a really boring ending.....
Terry and gangs (his teamates, Andy, Mai, and even Choi and Chang) are in the bar (forgot the name, but its the bar Terry always go in Fatal Fury), drinking and celebrating the victory. Kim is obviously drunk and kept on talking and lecturing about his justice the whole time.............till the bar closes.............and thats it.................-=____=

- Psycho Soldier Team

Kensu keeps on talking and thanking everyone for the victory in KoF tournament, pictures of the people who he is thanking appears on the sky (with his psycho power), Momoko and Athena both stand watching and giving funny comments. Kensu thanked CHin, and he said he is dead =__= which Athena and momoko corrected him that Chin is still alive. Then Kensu thanked Bao....then even Panda.............which was funny, and Momoko asked why panda is there, Athena replies the panda used to be their striker (LOL KOF 2000). Momoko also refers CHin as Grandpa 0___o (so thats who she is???). Last Kensu mentions he came to learn to control and use a little bit of the dragon power in him in this tournament, but he doesnt want to let the full power out, because he saw and learned from what happened to the people who had great power in NEST. As the conversations draws to an end, the scene changed to Ron's view and his gangs, Ron made a comment on how surprised he is to see Kensu to able to control the dragon power in a year, and he said Kensu better start working hard, because next time Kensu has to use that power against him (Ron). Interesting....

- Rivals Team Ending

basically same as described earlier, its pretty koo how Ash shows them his new purple flame.....and the last scene shows Elizabeth in a weird angle giving a view showing off her HUGE and bigger than normal boops..........all the guys around me that was watching ending with me was going WHOA, NICE...............(geee SNK i think u guys did it on purpose)

Ash's ending :
Shen Woo is shown fighting against Oswald, Shen Woo appears to be in disadvantage and wounded, OSwald appears to be unscratched.
the scene then rewind to 5 minutes later, showing Ash saying he is going off as always. Oswald then ask him about the shipment he request for drugs or some sort (thats why he participated with them). and the drugs seems to be from SHanhai, and blah blah blah the etremely long dialogue is shown way too fast, then basically Oswald and Shen Woo started fighting.

Ralf's team's ending:
like i guessed, its a follow up to K's ending. After the escort ship exploded, the main ship had a power shortage all fo a sudden. After Heidern orders to use emergency power, the lights turned bak on, then suddenly 2 freaky looking people appeared in front of heidern, talking about Magaki and Magaiki's sample Heidern collected. Again the dialogue is way too fast for me to read. Hediern ordered Ralf to take over the charge and he is counting on him, so i guess the 2 strange intruders took Heidern away?

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
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3278th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 01:07post reply

Naruto's ending pics BONANZA!!!
here comes the pics from the endings I talked about.


Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

248th Post

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"Re(5):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 02:46post reply


Whoever those two alien-looking girls are, they MUST be in the next game.

God, I <3 Nona.


1387th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 08:27post reply

Wow, so many questions arise...

But one that particularly tickles me... WTH is Ling doing with Lon?
Wasn't he all about killing him too?

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

235th Post

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"Re(5):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 10:56:post reply

Naruto's ending pics BONANZA!!!
here comes the pics from the endings I talked about.


I wanna cry. Damn you arcade manager.
Btw I guess I'm the only Kaoru Watabe fan. I'm glad they didnt forget her. But she looks like you know (the boobs)...

Oh and I cant save the pictures can anyone help me on that issue? Thanks.

EDIT: I guess the problem coming from mozilla now I'm able to save them. This game is so... *faints cause of overdose pleasure and pain*


[this message was edited by kofoguz on Thu 3 Nov 12:58]

3279th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 3 Nov 19:09post reply

Btw I guess I'm the only Kaoru Watabe fan. I'm glad they didnt forget her. But she looks like you know (the boobs)...

No your not!^ ^

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

2270th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Fri 4 Nov 01:21post reply

So whatever plot line was being developed for the AoF team in their 03 ending was ditched in favor of lame matchmaking jokes that Andy and Mai beat to death long ago?

7370th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Fri 4 Nov 03:01post reply

So whatever plot line was being developed for the AoF team in their 03 ending was ditched in favor of lame matchmaking jokes that Andy and Mai beat to death long ago?

If it leads them to finally install King as a real lesbian, I'm all for it.
What was their 03 ending, again ?

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

2272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Fri 4 Nov 04:33post reply


If it leads them to finally install King as a real lesbian, I'm all for it.
What was their 03 ending, again ?

Their 03 ending had Takuma being badly beaten by a mysterious assailant and Ryo, Robert, and Yuri swearing they would get revenge. I guess they got distracted or forgot about their vow. Oh, and King needs to get back to being the Gertrude Stein loving lesbian she used to be. I don't know how King ended up becoming heterosexual but it was a remarkable transformation.

191th Post

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"Re(10):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Fri 4 Nov 08:28post reply

The illustration style here really strongly reminds me of the in-game illustrations in 2001.

Which I suppose would make sense.

139th Post

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"KOFXI ending translations with pics" , posted Fri 4 Nov 08:32:post reply

Just a copy and paste of links of stuff I did on the GameFAQs boards;

Shujinkou Team

Kyo & Iori Team

Rival Team

Ryoko Team

Anti Kyokugen-ryu Team

Psycho Soldier Team


EDIT - Whoops! My bad, fixed the Ryoko Team link.


[this message was edited by Syo on Fri 4 Nov 17:21]

Bata kun
2724th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOFXI ending translation with pics" , posted Fri 4 Nov 08:58post reply

Just a copy and paste of links of stuff I did on the GameFAQs boards;

Shujinkou Team

Kyo & Iori Team

Rival Team

Ryoko Team

Anti Kyokugen-ryu Team

Psycho Soldier Team


Psst. Fix the "Ryuuko" link. =P

72th Post

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"Re(6):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Fri 4 Nov 09:17post reply


Whoever those two alien-looking girls are, they MUST be in the next game.

God, I <3 Nona.


also, that Anti-Kyokugen Team ending is pretty fantastic.

359th Post

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"Re(7):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Fri 4 Nov 12:37:post reply

NARUTO just wondering but you got those from snk-capcom.com right? Just confirming.

[this message was edited by emeraldazn on Fri 4 Nov 12:38]

139th Post

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"Re(2):KOFXI ending translation with pics" , posted Fri 4 Nov 17:24post reply

Psst. Fix the "Ryuuko" link. =P

Sorry about that, I just fixed the link in that post. The correct link was:


Now I have 3 hours of class, 3 hours free time then a SF2 tourney in the University then a 2hr train journey home for the weekend... Hm, you never know I might get the rest done by the end of the day (midnight GMT)...


3280th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Fri 4 Nov 18:11post reply

NARUTO just wondering but you got those from snk-capcom.com right? Just confirming.

NOPE! some of them from Cyber fanatix, and them other from Neo arcadia.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
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140th Post

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"*Update* Garou Team Ending" , posted Sun 13 Nov 06:26post reply

Hi people, I'm back!
Sorry for the delay, been a horrible week and all that, don't ask.
Anyway, uploaded the Garou Team's ending translation;


Should have the Garou MoW Team ending tomorrow, will take a bit longer to get the last 3 teams. That's the K' / Ikari / Agent Teams because I want to make sure I've got the endings linked properly without any inconsistant mistakes...


shin ramberk
203th Post

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"Re(1):*Update* Garou Team Ending" , posted Sun 13 Nov 08:03post reply

Hi people, I'm back!
Sorry for the delay, been a horrible week and all that, don't ask.
Anyway, uploaded the Garou Team's ending translation;


Should have the Garou MoW Team ending tomorrow, will take a bit longer to get the last 3 teams. That's the K' / Ikari / Agent Teams because I want to make sure I've got the endings linked properly without any inconsistant mistakes...

Thanks for the link again Syo. Pretty funny ending.


Red Falcon
5611th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):*Update* Garou Team Ending" , posted Sun 13 Nov 12:53post reply

Ha ha ha, amusing (and a Richard cameo, awesome. Glad to see he still exists)

BTW, not necessarily on topic, but are there any CLEAR videos of Magaki floating around yet?

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240th Post

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"Guys check this out" , posted Mon 14 Nov 11:27post reply

KOF 2004


3285th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Guys check this out" , posted Mon 14 Nov 19:01post reply

KOF 2004

this is an artwork on the openning page of the "KOF perfect reader" artbook. And maybe the only interesting things in it...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

241th Post

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"Re(2):Guys check this out" , posted Tue 15 Nov 02:05post reply

this is an artwork on the openning page of the "KOF perfect reader" artbook. And maybe the only interesting things in it...

I know its not the "game" kof 2004. But I didnt actually know where this art comes from.Thanks for the info. Its a nice art. I wonder why Kawaiidream.net put that on kof XI section?

Naruto could you send some, if you have more like this?


3287th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Guys check this out" , posted Tue 15 Nov 18:35post reply

I know its not the "game" kof 2004. But I didnt actually know where this art comes from.Thanks for the info. Its a nice art. I wonder why Kawaiidream.net put that on kof XI section?

Naruto could you send some, if you have more like this?

Nope! simply because it's the only one. the rest of the mook is just screenshots, and texte with all the team story for each KOF episode. this art is the only one.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

242th Post

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"Re(4):Guys check this out" , posted Wed 16 Nov 14:04post reply

Nope! simply because it's the only one. the rest of the mook is just screenshots, and texte with all the team story for each KOF episode. this art is the only one.

Thanks anyway.

Gai vid
Credits to ColdShoulder from S-C.com


141th Post

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"*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Thu 17 Nov 19:57post reply



Maese Spt
76th Post

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"Re(1):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Thu 17 Nov 20:15post reply


B. Jennet has a retarded face in that pics, or is it just me?

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

7409th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Thu 17 Nov 20:27post reply

B. Jennet has a retarded face in that pics, or is it just me?

Not as retarded as a guy who goes to a bar with a giant eagle head on his shoulder. I wonder how he drinks his beer.

1394th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 04:34post reply

B. Jennet has a retarded face in that pics, or is it just me?

Not as retarded as a guy who goes to a bar with a giant eagle head on his shoulder.

I wonder how he drinks his beer.

He doesn't! He's The Griffon Mask, a Champion of Justice and an Example for the kids!
He doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't smoke, doesn't have sex...

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

Maese Spt
79th Post

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"Re(3):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 05:30post reply

B. Jennet has a retarded face in that pics, or is it just me?

Not as retarded as a guy who goes to a bar with a giant eagle head on his shoulder. I wonder how he drinks his beer.

Itīs funny, I thought the same thing when I saw the pictures... but Jennetīs face overwhelmed me. Letīs just say intelligence does not seem to shine in her eyes.

I kinda like the other endings, though, especially Kyokugenryu teamīs.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

14th Post

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"Re(4):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 05:35post reply


He doesn't! He's The Griffon Mask, a Champion of Justice and an Example for the kids!
He doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't smoke, doesn't have sex...

That's sad! In order to be a great example he should have sex! Safe sex, of course.

The problem is that he can't drink ANYTHING! Nor alcohol nor a glass of water! xD

And inside a pub with that mask, he might suffocate!! If I was him, I'd take off the mask and focus on hit B.Jenet, as hot as she is in that skull top (but still not as hot as her meganneko appearence in Days of Memories, though, damn that was great).

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

1397th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 06:02:post reply


That's sad! In order to be a great example he should have sex! Safe sex, of course.

That, my friend, did be irony, which be not something related to iron -Terry Pratchett-

On topic: Where are the stories? No one is translating them anymore (read the Cyberfanatix page, up to Garou team)? No link? Been searching but tough luck so far... I know how the story finishes before how it begins... :(

EDIT: Oh, forgot, how rude of me: Thanks a lot Syo!

EDIT2: We've got Spamish action tonite!

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 18 Nov 06:07]

Maese Spt
82th Post

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"Re(6):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 06:16post reply

Awww, man, tons of insightful comments about certain MMCafers come to my mind right now, but something tells me Iīve better keep the mouth shut, huh. It is so painful to combine a sharp tongue with a clean conscience...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1503th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 06:17post reply

Jenet is just making a "stupid Japanese girl" face. Really, only Japanese people make that face, you know? I read too many (girl's) fashion magazines...and I'm trying to master the face, myself...but it's hard.

Maese Spt
84th Post

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"Re(7):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 06:31post reply

Jenet is just making a "stupid Japanese girl" face. Really, only Japanese people make that face, you know? I read too many (girl's) fashion magazines...and I'm trying to master the face, myself...but it's hard.

Well, if you say so, Iīll believe you, but... actually, my office happens to be in the same building as certain special education school for down syndrome kids, and (as harsh as it may sound), many of them have the same facial expression as Jenet... the very same gaze and the very same way of opening the mouth.

I guess if the "B." in her name went for "Beauty", itīs just an euphemism now... Iīm complaining only about her ending artwork, anyway.

But you are right, many Shibuya kogals share the same dumb face. Thatīs why I prefer Kyoto natives, duh.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

17th Post

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"Re(8):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 06:52post reply

Well, these endings are full of girls with weird faces, just look at Heidern's kidnappers. orz

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

869th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 11:07post reply

Well, these endings are full of girls with weird faces, just look at Heidern's kidnappers. orz

i thought richard shut down pao pao cafe

bob is running cafe 2 isnt he?

Red Falcon
5615th Post

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"Re(4):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 11:28post reply

Jenet is a favorite of mine and I like her outfit there, but Nona art strikes again.

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21th Post

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"Re(5):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 16:52post reply

Jenet is a favorite of mine and I like her outfit there, but Nona art strikes again.

Indeed, Nona's sometimes makes us have a hard time by looking as his artwork of our beloved characters.

This case is not a exception.

I thin Nona's art is a bit too extreme, and KOF fans would enjoy someone more neutral and natural. (and as much as I love Falcoon, I think he had the same problem, damn some characters had such a big feet that resembled Megaman!!)

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

719th Post

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"Re(6):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 17:11post reply


Indeed, Nona's sometimes makes us have a hard time by looking as his artwork of our beloved characters.

This case is not a exception.

I thin Nona's art is a bit too extreme, and KOF fans would enjoy someone more neutral and natural. (and as much as I love Falcoon, I think he had the same problem, damn some characters had such a big feet that resembled Megaman!!)

I think part of the problem with the art in XI is that there are at least three different artists involved, too.

Hiroaki did the character designs you see on the official site and stuff, but didn't get anything in-game.

Then there's the guy who did the character select portraits and maybe the win screen art (though it COULD be Hiroaki or someone else entirely, I'm not sure).

THEN there's Nona, who did the intermission and ending art.

I don't know, it makes the game seem kind of uneven, at least to me. Some characters look radically different between the three distinct styles. Hiroaki's probably being the best, Nona's being sometimes good and sometimes ugh, and then the third guy's being a little too generic looking for my tastes.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

3291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Fri 18 Nov 20:05post reply

I thin Nona's art is a bit too extreme, and KOF fans would enjoy someone more neutral and natural. (and as much as I love Falcoon, I think he had the same problem, damn some characters had such a big feet that resembled Megaman!!)

IMO I'll be happy if one day Senri Kita will do the KOF art, especially if she draw them like she drawn the CFAS cast.
Or Ogura maybe, he did some great stuff too.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

195th Post

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"Re(6):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Sat 19 Nov 11:58post reply

KOF fans would enjoy someone more neutral and natural.

I'm sure they would.

Thank God Playmore doesn't always listen to them.

92th Post

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"Re(7):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Sat 19 Nov 14:03post reply


Hiroaki's probably being the best, Nona's being sometimes good and sometimes ugh

I felt the same way also about Hiroaki's art. I personally am not a fan of Falcoon but seeing his work done by Hiroaki, makes things alot cleaner I suppose and presentable I can't find the right words for it really. Nona I think is pretty good, though I wasnt a particular fan of his SvC artwork though. As for the third person its alright mediocre, not eye catching or great but its ok.

Bata kun
2740th Post

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"Re(10):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Sat 19 Nov 19:00:post reply

The translator spelled Jenet's name as "Jenni". Wow. That's bad. XD

i thought richard shut down pao pao cafe

bob is running cafe 2 isnt he?

I know he works in Cafe 2, but running it? I thought Richard was running that one too. I mean, you do see Bob fight more often than not, right? Richard isn't even in the "NGPC" game as a fighter.

Edit: maybe my mind isn't functioning right now because I'm so sleepy.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sat 19 Nov 19:03]

142th Post

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"*Update* Garou Team Ending" , posted Sun 20 Nov 00:52post reply

The translator spelled Jenet's name as "Jenni". Wow. That's bad. XD

Actually, that wasn't a typo on my behalf. That has the kana the ending used for Jenet:


So I just used the names they did, same reason I wrote Griffon instead of Tizoc...


Olivier Hague
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"Re(2):Re(10):*Update 2* Garou MOW team ending" , posted Sun 20 Nov 00:57post reply

The translator spelled Jenet's name as "Jenni". Wow. That's bad. XD

That's how it's pronounced.

Burning Ranger
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"EEndings..." , posted Sun 20 Nov 02:58post reply

I still desperately want to play this game.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

Burning Ranger
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Guys check this out" , posted Sun 20 Nov 03:01post reply


Gai vid
Credits to ColdShoulder from S-C.com

Is Gai playable?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Silber is here!!" , posted Sun 20 Nov 05:03post reply

After Gai tendoh, here comes an other buriki face:


Tu Fuis Ego eris...
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Burning Ranger
1337th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Burukis..." , posted Sun 20 Nov 06:01post reply

After Gai tendoh, here comes an other buriki face:


You'd think that with all these Buruki guys, that we'd have Buruki Ryo from NGBC in the game instead of AOF Ryo.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Burukis..." , posted Sun 20 Nov 09:01post reply

You'd think that with all these Buruki guys, that we'd have Buruki Ryo from NGBC in the game instead of AOF Ryo.

Maybe they'll do that next year (Gai/Silber/Ryo) to have a new Ryuuko roster (i.e. Robert/Yuri/King).

I am bit sad they didn't add Jacques Dugarry instead.


Red Falcon
5617th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Burikis..." , posted Sun 20 Nov 10:03:post reply

Maybe they'll do that next year (Gai/Silber/Ryo) to have a new Ryuuko roster (i.e. Robert/Yuri/King).

I don't think Gai would work with SILBER, but they've done bizarre team-ups before... still, that'd be like teaming Geese and Terry on an actual default team. I'd like Ducalis (Although the katakana does say Dyugari or something like that, doesn't it?) or Sokolov to come over myself, but I think if they bring another Buriki chara over, Rob Python is the most likely.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 20 Nov 10:07]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Burikis..." , posted Sun 20 Nov 20:52post reply

Rob Python is the most likely.

I don't know... While Vanessa completely ate Heavy D! and Rick, I don't see Rob taking Vanessa's place, and I don't see Imoya having the creativity to give birth to a new, different boxer.
Saionji was popular, bikei, and could use some of Kasumi's moves while maintaining some personality... Him or the french judoka, indeed.
Or a buriki girl.

3296th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Burikis..." , posted Mon 21 Nov 21:44post reply

I don't know... While Vanessa completely ate Heavy D! and Rick, I don't see Rob taking Vanessa's place, and I don't see Imoya having the creativity to give birth to a new, different boxer.
Saionji was popular, bikei, and could use some of Kasumi's moves while maintaining some personality... Him or the french judoka, indeed.
Or a buriki girl.

even if I dodn't know his name, I would like to see the chinese grand-pa from buriki.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Burikis..." , posted Tue 22 Nov 02:07post reply

I though Takato (is he the frech judoka?) was pretty popular.

I hope in the coming years to have a Buriki team, that would be nice.

I'm not so glad with the Savage Reign/Kizuna ones, as they seem completely out of place, not only talking about timeline (which is already a VERY VERY subversive topic), because if I'm not mistaken, I think that Kim Sue Il is a great-great-grand son of Kim Kaphwan (official), but for their looks also.

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

Red Falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Burikis..." , posted Tue 22 Nov 14:59post reply

I though Takato (is he the frech judoka?) was pretty popular.

No, that's Jacques Ducalis (who is an amazingly cool character) Saionji Takato is the aikido user (I think that's what he uses, anyway.) And yeah, I thought about it, and Iggy is right; They probably would do Saionji over Rob Python... but I'd prefer Ducalis or Sokolov, as previously stated (I think Akatsukimaru would be cool, too... but nobody likes sumo)

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3301th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Burikis..." , posted Tue 22 Nov 18:32post reply


No, that's Jacques Ducalis (who is an amazingly cool character) Saionji Takato is the aikido user (I think that's what he uses, anyway.) And yeah, I thought about it, and Iggy is right; They probably would do Saionji over Rob Python... but I'd prefer Ducalis or Sokolov, as previously stated (I think Akatsukimaru would be cool, too... but nobody likes sumo)

Well I wont be sure... After all Hinako was using sumo style, and she was pretty popular. Honda in the SF game seem to have his fan too, so...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

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New Customer

"Re(1):KOF 11 ending pics!" , posted Thu 20 Jul 07:48post reply

Hi guys :)

I have one question, i'v seen Nona draw art for KOF XI, so why he doesn't appear in the game credits?

Have you some pics from the game credit?
Many thanks.