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Iggy 7376th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "PS2 Ken samu thread" , posted Fri 4 Nov 21:31:
Because it's worth it.
Movie on the official site.
All the 41 characters of the arcade version (purple Nako included) plus :
7 new characters : Kuroko, Poppy, Pakupaku, Shikulu+Mamahaha, Champulu, ???? and ????.
4 EX characters :
Gaira with hair (appearing as Kim Ung che, the korean version of Gaira), Rasetsu Galford, ???? and ????.
MaGaô should fill one ????, I guess.
Three new spirits : 魔 (Ma) : fills your gauge wether you attack or are attacked. 獣 (Jû) : can't guard, mikiri, combo (Samurai combination ? Olicon ? chain combo ? Super cancel ?) 祭 (matsuri) : custom spirit.
Arrange soundtrack, gallery, survivor mode.
Also, Kuroko isn't the SSS Kuroko, he has new moves (at least something between a triple Geyser and Iori's Saika) Kim Ungche has his dash back, he may be closer to Zan Samu shûra Gaira ?
Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !
[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 4 Nov 22:08] | | Replies: |
Abster 249th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(1):PS2 Ken samu thread" , posted Fri 4 Nov 23:14
quote: Because it's worth it.
Movie on the official site.
All the 41 characters of the arcade version (purple Nako included) plus :
7 new characters : Kuroko, Poppy, Pakupaku, Shikulu+Mamahaha, Champulu, ???? and ????.
4 EX characters :
Gaira with hair (appearing as Kim Ung che, the korean version of Gaira), Rasetsu Galford, ???? and ????.
MaGaô should fill one ????, I guess.
Three new spirits : 魔 (Ma) : fills your gauge wether you attack or are attacked. 獣 (Jû) : can't guard, mikiri, combo (Samurai combination ? Olicon ? chain combo ? Super cancel ?) 祭 (matsuri) : custom spirit.
Arrange soundtrack, gallery, survivor mode.
Also, Kuroko isn't the SSS Kuroko, he has new moves (at least something between a triple Geyser and Iori's Saika) Kim Ungche has his dash back, he may be closer to Zan Samu shûra Gaira ?
What does mikiri do?
For those who want blood in SS Tenka use this template.
Saiki 197th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):PS2 Ken samu thread" , posted Sat 5 Nov 00:46
quote: Because it's worth it.
Movie on the official site.
All the 41 characters of the arcade version (purple Nako included) plus :
7 new characters : Kuroko, Poppy, Pakupaku, Shikulu+Mamahaha, Champulu, ???? and ????.
4 EX characters :
Gaira with hair (appearing as Kim Ung che, the korean version of Gaira), Rasetsu Galford, ???? and ????.
MaGaô should fill one ????, I guess.
Three new spirits : 魔 (Ma) : fills your gauge wether you attack or are attacked. 獣 (Jû) : can't guard, mikiri, combo (Samurai combination ? Olicon ? chain combo ? Super cancel ?) 祭 (matsuri) : custom spirit.
Arrange soundtrack, gallery, survivor mode.
Also, Kuroko isn't the SSS Kuroko, he has new moves (at least something between a triple Geyser and Iori's Saika) Kim Ungche has his dash back, he may be closer to Zan Samu shûra Gaira ?
Just saw that movie. Wow. Pretty damn impressd here. I wonder who the other EX chara's could be? Ma Gaoh is one for sure so the last is....? Ma Amakusa? alt costume Rimu? Wanfu with a sword or pillar? I really cant think of any other EX chara that could be really different from the existing ones. And I wonder who could be the last 2 for the 7 new chara's? If they really do resize Shiki and Asura, man Yuki or Playmore will really impress me.
Iggy 7378th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):PS2 Ken samu thread" , posted Sat 5 Nov 08:24
quote: Wasn't his name Wanron instead of Wanryu? But that's what I was thinking for EX Wanfu as well. Maybe they'll even throw in Leon...... A Shin SS Mizuki would be nice too. But Mizuki in Tenka is already powerful enough with her cheap loops. I'd hate to think what a boss version would be like.
Yeah, you're right, Wanron was the name. I would like a different Mizuki, with eventually toned down moves from her SSS version, with the dog always on screen, and her aura, and her voice, and her... OK, I'll stop.
But her dog was an edited Poppy, so at least that part wouldn't be difficult. Or maybe they will add the dog, and it will morph into its demon form in some moves ? Do we even know its name ?
Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !
Arngrim 4th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):cover" , posted Thu 17 Nov 03:34
Well that artwork is nice!
I'm really hyped about this game! Can't wait for the PS2 release!
Altough I find all these secret pet characters a little stupid option, I mean, Poppy was... let's say "ok", as a curiosity etc, but including mamahaha, pakupaku, etc is just a poor idea IMHO. New systems are quite acceptable, though.
...and altough I'm not really expecting it, I still have a little hope for Shiki and Asura... well, "hope is the last to be lost" they say.
-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-
Iggy 7410th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):cover" , posted Fri 18 Nov 02:43
quote: Wasn't Shizumaru 'supposed' to be the 'new strenght' main character/side quick in SS3?
Haômaru's rival was first Ukyô, then Genjurô, then while Shizumaru (then the Kazama brothers) took part in the main action, Haômaru stayed the main character, while Genjurô went more and more tame (and noisy). I think Shiki was the main focus of the first polysamu, and Shiki, Asura and Haômaru the triangle in the second ? Then Yoshitora finally took Genjurô's role completely (and Rasetsumaru took in charge other traits of Genj), and now Yoshitora himself got a rival, Andrew. Haômaru stays the focus of attention.
Interesting how even though he is so central to the game, he barely has any ties with Nakoruru...
Iggy 7412th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):cover" , posted Fri 18 Nov 04:40
quote: In fact, I happen to like the 4 new characters. Let's see how they develop...
This way :
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Iggy 7474th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):bump" , posted Fri 16 Dec 21:30
Possible complete move list of Kuroko : Genocide Cutter, Kasaneate, Orochinagi (Kyô), Yamibarai, Yaotome (Iori), Cross Cutter (Dern), Shinkûnage (Geese ?)
The game will let you the choice to play with or without the oiuchi nage bug, like a light arrange version. Oddly, Yuki didn't add Ten Rimururu, MaGaô or Pillar Wanfu. Oh well, it works for me.
Ultima 432th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(9):bump" , posted Wed 21 Dec 22:03
> Possible complete move list of Kuroko : Genocide Cutter, Kasaneate, Orochinagi (Kyô), Yamibarai, Yaotome (Iori), Cross Cutter (Dern), Shinkûnage (Geese ?)
Shinkuunage is Geese's 360 DM throw, I believe.
> The game will let you the choice to play with or without the oiuchi nage bug, like a light arrange version.
COol! Er, what's the oiuchu nage bug?
> Oddly, Yuki didn't add Ten Rimururu, MaGaô or Pillar Wanfu. Oh well, it works for me.
Hmmm. Not a big deal I guess. Though I wouldn't have mind trying out MaGao for shits and giggles (he can't be much more overpowered than Kuroko is likely to be).
-- Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron http://uramble.com/index.html - U's Rambling Page