PS2 Greatest Hits question - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PS2 Greatest Hits question" , posted Sat 5 Nov 04:31post reply

I was browsing the racks yesterday at Gamespot (purchasing Sly 3), and of course the Greatest Hits banner has existed forever. But, what exactly makes a game qualified to be one? Sales, merchandising, what?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS2 Greatest Hits question" , posted Sat 5 Nov 05:12post reply

I was browsing the racks yesterday at Gamespot (purchasing Sly 3), and of course the Greatest Hits banner has existed forever. But, what exactly makes a game qualified to be one? Sales, merchandising, what?

sales 8)

PlayStation "Greatest Hits" game sales must be in excess of 250,000 units during the life of the product.

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New Customer

"Re(2):PS2 Greatest Hits question" , posted Sat 5 Nov 09:27post reply


sales 8)

PlayStation "Greatest Hits" game sales must be in excess of 250,000 units during the life of the product.

That's generally the case, anyhow. But there are several games that sold poorly but still made the cut.