To the French members - Forums

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Krzyzewski Man
1129th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"To the French members" , posted Sat 5 Nov 04:52post reply

This is, I'm sure, late, but I just wanted to make sure everyone's all right over there. Do ya'll have any news on the situation?



276th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):To the French members" , posted Sat 5 Nov 06:42post reply

This is, I'm sure, late, but I just wanted to make sure everyone's all right over there. Do ya'll have any news on the situation?

Um... sorry but what happened ? We had a crash or a bombing or something ? You're getting me worried, yet no one mentioned anything to me while I was at work or having a drink outside, and I didn't see any alarming comments in the boards I visit.


7376th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):To the French members" , posted Sat 5 Nov 06:49post reply

I just ate at an awfully cheap chinese restaurant, and I just took the decision to resume an extensive sexual life next week.

So, yeah, I'm alright, why shouldn't I be ?

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

277th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):To the French members" , posted Sat 5 Nov 07:22post reply

I only read one weekly newspaper (Courrier International), and I am a bit late in the issues, sorry. I still haven't finished reading issues that were published in mid-october, so technically what happens now will only concern me next month.

But Google News tells me that some kids have been burning cars down for a week in the suburbs... Is that the trouble ? Are international news saying the whole country is in flames ?

Apparently it was just the classic thing, kids from suburbs get in trouble with the police and escape them, only to get killed in an awkwardly cartoonish way: usually ran over by a train, burnt in gasoline by mistake, or here apparently eletrocuted because they hid inside a power station... We don't have the brightest kids.

Then their friends get all nervous and accuse the police, then the other suburbs that are bored as hell start showing support and burn cars and crash stuff too, and then politician people and medias magically realize that life in the suburbs isn't nice and that violence and unemployment have been increasing for years and that oh shit it might be time to do something. That stuff always conveniently happens a few months prior to elections. Then calm will come back because kids will be a bit tired and the weather will be too cold to go on, then politicians will do impossible promises to get elected, then in five years some other kids will get killed stupidly and it'll start all over again. Usually no one but protesters and police forces get hurt.

If that's what was worrying you, thank you for your concern but in the case of Parisans it's no worry, really. It's part of the natural french social cycle of life. As Iggy and I demonstrated, it's so natural and predictable from the suburbs in wintertime that some of us Parisians didn't even have the slightest idea it was happening. I guess in our cases having a TV to watch news and political shows delightfully making their bread with the situation would have helped dramatically, but there were too many good theatrical releases recently to bother about the real world.


3068th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):To the French members" , posted Sat 5 Nov 08:10:post reply

paris won't burn if I'm not there.

guys - I might still come...I found tickets to amsterdam for $420, and I can take a puddle jumper to you from there. Thinking, thinking.

Chaz - I think my friend came and went. He's my friend's cousin, so I see him a lot but don't have his number, thus...I didn't really contact him after proposing it. HAH! I'm stupid.

he's straight anyway, so it wouldn't have been exciting.

[this message was edited by exodus on Sat 5 Nov 08:10]

7379th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):To the French members" , posted Sat 5 Nov 08:34post reply

guys - I might still come...I found tickets to amsterdam for $420, and I can take a puddle jumper to you from there. Thinking, thinking.

Stop thinking and come ASAP.
The last time I tried that "thinking" manbo-jumbo, I ended up on a podium in a one piece bathing suit and a silk scarf, and an old hag with an awful hat was talking to me about unicorns.
Worst hangover ever.
And worst of all, I didn't even got the price.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

Krzyzewski Man
1130th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):To the French members" , posted Sun 6 Nov 03:39post reply

I really need to stop reading National Review Online. Fuck objectivity. I mean, to hear them tell it, ya'll were being taken over by the Muslims. So, that's why I was worried. Well, glad to hear you're still as bored as usual.


7382th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):To the French members" , posted Sun 6 Nov 06:04post reply

I really need to stop reading National Review Online. Fuck objectivity. I mean, to hear them tell it, ya'll were being taken over by the Muslims.

I guess it's not the same in the US, but in France, that word "National" in the name of a news media reminds me of "National Hebdo", the extreme right garbage newspaper.
Which is funny, because the riots have nothing to do with muslims or arabs or anybody beside the dwarf leader of the police forces, but the extreme right likes to say it's their fault nevertheless.

Also, our life here is not boring.
Today, I was eating with a friend who walked by one of those 'hot' area yesterday, and she saw all the cars in the street she was walking in explode all at once.
There was gunshots as well.
It must have been real fun.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

29th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):To the French members" , posted Sun 6 Nov 06:42post reply

I am a Muslim and therefore a terrorist. Just because of my religion, I kill anyone that I see who is non-Moslem. All of the people in the world who believe in Islam are friggin' killers.

Krzyzewski Man
1131th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):To the French members" , posted Sun 6 Nov 06:55post reply

I guess it's not the same in the US, but in France, that word "National" in the name of a news media reminds me of "National Hebdo", the extreme right garbage newspaper.

Actually, that's pretty much how it is here too. I would say that maybe the American Spectator or Weekly Standard is more right-wing, but NR is definitely higher-profile. None of them are really as nigh-ironically bad as the Christian Science Monitor, though.

Which is funny, because the riots have nothing to do with muslims or arabs or anybody beside the dwarf leader of the police forces, but the extreme right likes to say it's their fault nevertheless.

Yeah, figures.

Also, our life here is not boring.
Today, I was eating with a friend who walked by one of those 'hot' area yesterday, and she saw all the cars in the street she was walking in explode all at once.
There was gunshots as well.
It must have been real fun.

Oh, pshaw, our ghettos are ten times as horrifying. Ten times, I say!

I am a Muslim and therefore a terrorist. Just because of my religion, I kill anyone that I see who is non-Moslem. All of the people in the world who believe in Islam are friggin' killers.



3281th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):To the French members" , posted Sun 6 Nov 19:56post reply

I am a Muslim and therefore a terrorist. Just because of my religion, I kill anyone that I see who is non-Moslem. All of the people in the world who believe in Islam are friggin' killers.

Please don't come in France... Here there is some poeples who are stupid enough to belive you...

As for myself, the only terrorist I have close to me, are the 254 Cows we have in our village. they look so agresive. and they have a natural war Camo....

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

burning kyo
2367th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 00:42post reply

Hum ?!

PS : Ca fait un bail les gars ! ^_^

17th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 01:16:post reply

This is, I'm sure, late, but I just wanted to make sure everyone's all right over there. Do ya'll have any news on the situation?


Nah it has been like this for a long long time(20 years Arte said),it's just that now medias make light on it.
Us,citizens,don't risk anything personnaly,only our cars.See?nothing important after all.^_____________^

RIP Barry White 9/12/44 - 7/4/03

Your music will never be forgotten.
( '3`)~

[this message was edited by Alex_moss_kidd on Mon 7 Nov 04:25]

7383th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 04:39post reply

Great, all the French posters but two have gathered... Let's just wait for them, then we'll be easier to bomb.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 05:17post reply

Ouais c'est la merde en France ; _ ;

I think they want to send the army, or what's left of it.


Now Playing NARUTO SSX 3 Castlevania GBA TACTICS.

Krzyzewski Man
1132th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 05:18post reply

Great, all the French posters but two have gathered... Let's just wait for them, then we'll be easier to bomb.

Continuing, here's an Associated Press article on the "situation." So, what's the level of veracity?


278th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 06:23post reply

Golly, cars burnt in République ? That's where I work (and where Tanguy lives). Interesting turn of events.


1026th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 06:34post reply

Situation is surprisingly calm this side of France.

Krzyzewski Man
1133th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 07:42post reply

Situation is surprisingly calm this side of France.

I'm going to extrapolate from this that this year's violence is even less dangerous than the usual level, and surprisingly so.

So, lawl at American news, as usual. Am i rite guyz?


7385th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 08:08:post reply

I'm going to extrapolate from this that this year's violence is even less dangerous than the usual level, and surprisingly so.

Seriously ? No, it's pretty serious.
But because we live in Paris, we are not concerned with this ethnico-poverty problem. It's as simple and cruel as that.
Chaz and I are white, we don't have to face problems with the police everytime we take the subway, we have jobs... We won't feel concerned until a car explodes before our very door (which is what happened to that friend I was talking about earlier).

On the other hand, this time, it's really, really serious. It's nearer to Paris than it ever was. Nobody cared when that shit happenned in Lyon or Strasbourg because these places are not Paris.
If one of the car-burning kids manage to put the two braincells in his skull to work, they will notice that not so far away from his suburbs, Paris is waiting to be bombed.
To make a car explode in a poor suburbs will only make the Dwarf happier and more powerful. "Oh, it's in the suburbs. Young punks.".

If they export their anger inside Paris, (and if possible, in a meaningful place, in the Dwarf's headquarters for example) then they will be saying something meaningful that will be heard even by the drones lobotomized by our first channel.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 7 Nov 08:30]

280th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 08:47:post reply

Yeah, there definitely is something happening, since we start to see and hear people witnessing some fucked up shit. But as Iggy said, we are not necessarly the best witnesses of what's happening, and as I said, we also might not be the most suited people to tell you what's happening in our country (i.e. neither of us having access to television). I basically learned what was happening thanks to this topic.

Also, for a better understanding, the person Iggy is refering to as "the Dwarf" is Nicolas Sarkozy. He's our minister of... uh... he changes all the time. I guess he's Ministre de l'Interieur now, but it doesn't matter much since whatever his role is, he justs accaparates the attention and makes any problem his own.

[edit] But, for instance, it's nothing like the LA riots. No comparison.


[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Mon 7 Nov 08:53]

Krzyzewski Man
1134th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 09:26post reply

All right, then.


1182th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 10:45post reply

My question is where is the parents to stop these teens from going out night after night @_@

7386th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 18:06post reply

My question is where is the parents to stop these teens from going out night after night @_@

Probably at work ? I don't know.

The problem with the Dwarf is that he's a mix between a clever american republican (something close to the extreme right seen from here) and Napoleon, and he might become our next president after Chirac (a megalomaniac dwarf after a crook, everything is fine in this country).
This is why I, at least, support those kids : because even if they are doing it for the wrong reason, they may be the only chance this country has to get rid of Sarko before it's too late.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 18:36:post reply

People that burn their neighbours'car, their parents' factories, attack firemen and hospital staff are fucking assholes that sadly legetimate (in the eyes of the people living far away from the suburbs) every extreme action Sarkosy will take.

As often, a minority is causing a great prejudice to the majority.

[this message was edited by Samson on Mon 7 Nov 18:41]

1027th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 19:25post reply

Situation is surprisingly calm this side of France.

I'm going to extrapolate from this that this year's violence is even less dangerous than the usual level, and surprisingly so.

So, lawl at American news, as usual. Am i rite guyz?

Sorry what I said lacked clarity. I meant that here, in Strasbourg, the situation is far calmer then in the Parisian suburbs. Now, this is surprising as Strasbourg is notorious for the burning of cars that take place here on special occasions like boxing day. Now it seems it is no longer a geographic or temporal exclusive.
Now, about Sarkozy, I'm the kind of person who'd give an arm & a leg just to be able to live in a secure, peaceful environment. So I'd rightly prostitute to Sarko and give him my vote if there was a guarantee that the situation would change. Now I doubt any existing politician in France can make it change. That's why sometimes I wish Sarkozy were Muslim 1) so that people would be less critical of his linguistic faux-pas and firmness 2) because a Muslim Sarko would have tremendous impact on our lil' savages, for obvious reasons.

3282th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 19:37post reply


As often, a minority is causing a great prejudice to the majority.

So true...

But one thing that our friend may not know. Is that a part of the gouvernement, like our Dwarf, won't do anything serious or Clever in order to change this.

They will send police forces but not any kind of inteligent action to prevent all this. Because He need this. yes many politician (our true terrorist!) will use this "wave" off violance for the next election.
And this can bring us in the bad, bad, bad, situation like: "choose between LePen and Sarko!!" which will surely mean our Doom...

PS: Salut Burning Kyo & Samson!!
sa fais un bout de temps qu'on vous avait pas vu!

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

7387th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Mon 7 Nov 21:03post reply

So I'd rightly prostitute to Sarko and give him my vote if there was a guarantee that the situation would change.

The problem is that not only Sarko won't do anything to solve the problem beside sending more troops, which will only make things worse, but he's doing it on purpose.
He's taking advantage of the situation, mostly because he created it.

If the situation doesn't blows up in his face like I hope it does, then I'm really thinking about emigration.
If Sarko is president, I'd rather be in Belgium (or anywhere else).

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

327th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(8):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 00:10post reply

Haha, come to Quebec, Iggy. We have all the advantages of America without the crap.
Our politicians are also crooks, but it's not as bad as anywhere else anyway...


7391th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 00:29post reply

Haha, come to Quebec, Iggy. We have all the advantages of America without the crap.
Our politicians are also crooks, but it's not as bad as anywhere else anyway...

Ah... Good idea, I'll think about it.
But if I have to emigrate out of Europe, I think I'll try at least some exotic place, like... Australia.

And I'm afraid I would be deeply disapointed if I had to see what Canadian lumberjacks look like outside of the fantazy landscape of my brain.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

Krzyzewski Man
1135th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 09:30post reply

Is this insensitive?


7394th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 17:18post reply

Is this insensitive?

No, it answers a lot of questions some of us have been asking, thanks.

Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse Extravaganza !

1029th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 17:48post reply

Is this insensitive?

No, it answers a lot of questions some of us have been asking, thanks.

I personally add a squirt of sherry at the end.

Krzyzewski Man
1136th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 23:27post reply

No, it answers a lot of questions some of us have been asking, thanks.

I personally add a squirt of sherry at the end.

Excellent. But why waste good booze when you could just pee on it?


53th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 23:44post reply

Great first car burned in Belgium.
Monkey see Monkey does.

Unless some cunningly clever man has done this to fraud is insurance company.I know I would

my blog: /

282th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 8 Nov 23:55post reply

The new Clio, Twingo and 207 arrive next year. This is all a conspiracy to give a new boost to the car industry in France


10th Post

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New Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Wed 9 Nov 01:18post reply

Well if it's car and in particular old ugly cars, well not famous one like 2ch or 4l, why not. But those who burn school and fireman car should spend more of their time smoking marie jeanne and sleeping in delusional dream.

– O douleur! ô douleur! Le Temps mange la vie
Et l'obscur Ennemi qui nous ronge le coeur
Du sang que nous perdons croît et se fortifie!

1032th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Wed 9 Nov 01:45post reply

Well if it's car and in particular old ugly cars, well not famous one like 2ch or 4l, why not. But those who burn school and fireman car should spend more of their time smoking marie jeanne and sleeping in delusional dream.

Or peacefully learn about the intricacies of Japanese while sitting on Iggy's lap.

238th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Wed 9 Nov 07:43post reply

I heard that they forbid to go out. Is it true?
Also in the news they said that lately french media is not working properly before those incidents. Bigger ones always backing up goverment and misinforming public. So opposition thoughts cannot express themselves and their problems enough. I heard that was one of the factors cause this chaos. Is this true also? (Its not that any other country doesnt have goverment licker media corporations. I just have surprised there are also same things exist in France. Maybe I should watch world closer.)

I also heard that police hit students and girls, but only a small newspaper published the news three weeks later.
What the hell is happening there? I hope there wont be any life loss situation.


283th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Wed 9 Nov 10:15post reply

I heard that they forbid to go out. Is it true?

Is some of those inner cities (which are actually "outer cities" in France), mayors now have the right to decrete a curfew, and not allow minors to be out before 10PM or to stop all public transports by that time, etc. It's pretty dependant on the mayor's will, and most of the effects will be limited in practice, so right now it's more big words than real measures. We had our first death linked to the riots last night (an old guy that was apparently assaulted), so there's a bit more tension now.

Also in the news they said that lately french media is not working properly before those incidents. Bigger ones always backing up goverment and misinforming public. So opposition thoughts cannot express themselves and their problems enough. I heard that was one of the factors cause this chaos. Is this true also?

Well, it depends. From a newspaper standpoint (or may I say, REAL journalism standpoint), it's complete bullshit. There has always been a major disinterest of the suburbs' issues, but this is not due to the major newspapers taking side with the state. French people are way too snarky for that. There has always been a strong opposition of thoughts between newspapers, depending on which side of the french politics is in command, and right now Left-minded newspaper Libération is delightfully taking advantage of the situation to attack the Right (which is in power). Actually, the only real "opposition thoughts" that are always repressed and maligned in mainstream newspapers are those of extremists such as rightwing nationalists, which are pratically banned from those medias since they don't have much support in the journalistic world.

However, when it comes to television, it's a bit different. State-owned channels are far from being the worst, actually.

The issue comes from TF1, the N°1 private european broadcaster which is owned by Bouygues - there's a good english wikipedia page about them telling what's wrong. Check the "Criticism" section. It's not an issue of being controlled by the state : TF1 is too powerful for that. It's closer to the Fox News / Bush Administration situation, althought not as flagrant and a bit more complex, since it's always a mind game between TF1 and the power in place to understand which is influencing which.


50th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Wed 9 Nov 12:49post reply

Haha, come to Quebec, Iggy. We have all the advantages of America without the crap.
Our politicians are also crooks, but it's not as bad as anywhere else anyway...


I live in montreal ;p
and Canada just *gasp* discovered their own CHIRAC with some CHRETIEN.
- Scandale des commandites - which stole about 150$ millions from tax payers.

Krzyzewski Man
1137th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Wed 9 Nov 13:44post reply

You know what? Unless 300 people die overnight (here), I'm just going to go out on a limb and say this is one boring-ass riot. ONE person dead? Who cares! In America, that's a goddamn holiday, and a pissant holiday at that. Enough of the damn drama.


328th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Thu 10 Nov 00:46post reply

Haha, come to Quebec, Iggy. We have all the advantages of America without the crap.
Our politicians are also crooks, but it's not as bad as anywhere else anyway...

I live in montreal ;p
and Canada just *gasp* discovered their own CHIRAC with some CHRETIEN.
- Scandale des commandites - which stole about 150$ millions from tax payers.

True, but Chretien was not the only one responsible (I can't believe nobody blames Martin... he was fucking finance minister, if he didn't know, he should have and is as responsible as any other... or at least he should admit that he's an incompetent piece of trash...)
Also, Chretien was not Prime Minister anymore when the scandal errupted, which is a big difference with Chirac... Finally, the main things the Chirac is blamed for are stuff he did as Mayor of Paris, not as President of the Republic, so it's a different league IMO (I'm not trying to defend him, I do think he's a crook... it's just conversation!)


284th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Thu 10 Nov 11:09post reply

K-Man, since you seem rather interested in the matter although we didn't kill enough people, here are more developed impressions after a few days of thoughts:

Those are only my impressions, and in no way does it represent what all French people think about the riot. Also, if you follow the links given in my post, you come back in this topic, which then leads you back there after a while and creates a magic loop. Almost as cool as the new croissant I now have under my avatar, I'd say !


Krzyzewski Man
1138th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Thu 10 Nov 11:46post reply

K-Man, since you seem rather interested in the matter although we didn't kill enough people,

You need guns, dammit! With various exotic bullets!

Those are only my impressions, and in no way does it represent what all French people think about the riot. Also, if you follow the links given in my post, you come back in this topic, which then leads you back there after a while and creates a magic loop. Almost as cool as the new croissant I now have under my avatar, I'd say !

But not nearly as cool as whatever else is in my enormous food collection! *puffs chest*


399th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):To the French members" , posted Tue 6 Jun 23:13post reply


A Medal of honor mod which allows anyone to participate in a mediocre rendition of the riots with the added fantasy of being able to shoot these poorly educated kids. Featuring snapshots and videos from the real events to spice things up. If this is second degree, it's awesome. If it's serious stuff, it's even more amusing, but for other reasons.

*en français dans le texte.