Shadow The Hed... ugh... - Forums

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6886th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Shadow The Hed... ugh..." , posted Sun 6 Nov 23:46post reply

Shadow the hedgehog has EVERYTHING that's wrong with today's gaming.

The Sonic Team deserves to be raped to death by Charmy Bee.


52th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Shadow The Hed... ugh..." , posted Mon 7 Nov 00:41post reply


Shadow the hedgehog has EVERYTHING that's wrong with today's gaming.

The Sonic Team deserves to be raped to death by Charmy Bee.

The campyness of this game is bliss.
Surely it's makes aren't serious?

my blog: /

723th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Shadow The Hed... ugh..." , posted Mon 7 Nov 03:03:post reply

ARGH I forgot all about the "Sonic" "game" with a gun. What evil cult sealed Yuji Naka and Common Sense into the Dimensional Tower using four dragon seals, and how can they be broken to free him, since there's no way he could be involved in this........right..?

This also reminds me of some awesome enraged letter to the editor (or maybe a bbs) insisting that Sonic Adventure be called Tails Knuckles Stupid Adventure instead I read one time. I wonder where it was.

edit: never mind


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 7 Nov 03:10]

2275th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Shadow The Hed... ugh..." , posted Mon 7 Nov 06:14post reply

The campyness of this game is bliss.
Surely it's makes aren't serious?

They must be joking but if they aren't that may make the joke even funnier. Between this game and Jaws Unleashed the PS2 is going to have some great camp stuff coming at the end of it's system life. I love how the Sonic games have gone from being "Mario, but edgy" to "GTA, but cute."

1389th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Shadow The Hed... ugh..." , posted Mon 7 Nov 06:20post reply

ARGH I forgot all about the "Sonic" "game" with a gun. What evil cult sealed Yuji Naka and Common Sense into the Dimensional Tower using four dragon seals, and how can they be broken to free him, since there's no way he could be involved in this........right..?

This also reminds me of some awesome enraged letter to the editor (or maybe a bbs) insisting that Sonic Adventure be called Tails Knuckles Stupid Adventure instead I read one time. I wonder where it was.

edit: never mind


I love how the Sonic games have gone from being "Mario, but edgy" to "GTA, but cute."

Well, supposedly the new Sonic remake should "restart" all that. Hopefully u_u;

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

50th Post

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"Re(1):Shadow The Hed... ugh..." , posted Mon 7 Nov 06:54post reply


Shadow the hedgehog has EVERYTHING that's wrong with today's gaming.

The Sonic Team deserves to be raped to death by Charmy Bee.

Hey at least Shadow is representing the Westside. I hope the music will be G funky too. I'm pretty sure this game will be bad. But hopefully not Sonic Heroes bad.

3069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Just to point out:" , posted Tue 8 Nov 03:21post reply

that image isn't real

1230th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Just to point out:" , posted Tue 8 Nov 03:37post reply

that image isn't real

It's still bad.
But the problem is, now it is less over-the-top.

6887th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Just to point out:" , posted Tue 8 Nov 04:28post reply

So it doesn't even tries to be a funny/bad game... it just is a plain bad game.

1450th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Just to point out:" , posted Tue 8 Nov 05:21post reply

Actually, I think the true image looks a hell of a lot worse. - My own personal waste of time.

3070th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Just to point out:" , posted Tue 8 Nov 06:07post reply

Actually, I think the true image looks a hell of a lot worse.

yeah, I think we all agree there. the true image looks like they didn't even try.

534th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Just to point out:" , posted Tue 8 Nov 08:20post reply

that image isn't real

Damn Exodus, you just killed my childhood !!! Now I can't help but feeling a compelling urge to rape Yuji Naka with an industrial drill...

239th Post

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"Re(2):Just to point out:" , posted Wed 9 Nov 07:53post reply

that image isn't real

Damn Exodus, you just killed my childhood !!! Now I can't help but feeling a compelling urge to rape Yuji Naka with an industrial drill...

You cant blame him.... he only show you the truth. You'll definitely see that sooner or later...

I like sonic but after seeing those Im glad Im not the biggest fan of the series. I hope remake turns out good.


3078th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just to point out:" , posted Wed 9 Nov 20:26post reply

I dunno but giving Shadow a car and a motorbike seems pretty dumb considering his super ability is running at supersonic speeds. It's kind like giving hawkman a hang glider.

1451th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Just to point out:" , posted Wed 9 Nov 21:35post reply

Damn Exodus, you just killed my childhood !!! Now I can't help but feeling a compelling urge to rape Yuji Naka with an industrial drill...

I doubt he's happy with Shadow either. I saw him at E3 right near the big display for Shadow and he kind of kept his eyes averted from it. I could have been because of all the people taking their pictures with Shadow pointing a gun at their heads.

After playing Sonic Rush though, it's hard to hate him. - My own personal waste of time.

2282th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Just to point out:" , posted Thu 10 Nov 01:56post reply

I dunno but giving Shadow a car and a motorbike seems pretty dumb considering his super ability is running at supersonic speeds. It's kind like giving hawkman a hang glider.

With the doctored image I would say that Shadow wants to show off his ride but considering in the actual screenshot the car looks worse than the vehicles from the first Twisted Metal game I can't imagine he's going to impress anyone with that rolling box. Maybe it's that while he can run really fast all the time he doesn't necessarily want to. Sometimes it's simply easier to drive around and shoot things.

3072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just to point out:" , posted Thu 10 Nov 02:06post reply


I doubt he's happy with Shadow either.

dunno about that

maybe he was just being japanese

1452th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Just to point out:" , posted Thu 10 Nov 04:05post reply


I doubt he's happy with Shadow either.

dunno about that

maybe he was just being japanese

He really doesn't look very happy in that picture. More like 'I'm here because I have to be here.' - My own personal waste of time.

1499th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Just to point out:" , posted Thu 10 Nov 04:08:post reply

Yeah, he looks like a guy with no thumb trying to give a thumbs-up (but not very hard).
Maybe he's a guy WITH a thumb, who just isn't into it enough to get it up. I don't think I could manage a thumbs up around anything large and furry, myself.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 10 Nov 04:10]

Dr Baghead
3523th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Just to point out:" , posted Thu 10 Nov 04:16post reply

I dunno but giving Shadow a car and a motorbike seems pretty dumb considering his super ability is running at supersonic speeds. It's kind like giving hawkman a hang glider.

Techincally Hawkman's wings ARE a hang glider/jetpack thing (they're not organic, well I think one version of Hawkman might have organic wings, but MOST incarnations of the characters have them as removable)

Plus, maybe Shadow gets TIRED of running all the time... you might not have super speed but you have regular walking, do you walk everywhere? Why do you need a car?! That's like giving Aquaman a little underwater jetski!

In the cartoons maybe Sonic (and we'll assume Shadow's ablities are equal to his) does that retarded "hey who wants Chinese food! (ZIP) Okay I'm back from China, who wanted the Peking Duck?!" BS, but in the games he doesn't really move THAT fast, not fast enough you wouldn't think he'd get tired going on a long distance trip where a car would be useful for him.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

2284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Just to point out:" , posted Thu 10 Nov 04:18post reply

Where is his other hand in relationship to Shadow's back? It looks like he's playing grab-ass with a cheap hedgehog costume.

3079th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Just to point out:" , posted Thu 10 Nov 04:25post reply

I dunno but giving Shadow a car and a motorbike seems pretty dumb considering his super ability is running at supersonic speeds. It's kind like giving hawkman a hang glider.

Techincally Hawkman's wings ARE a hang glider/jetpack thing (they're not organic, well I think one version of Hawkman might have organic wings, but MOST incarnations of the characters have them as removable)

Plus, maybe Shadow gets TIRED of running all the time... you might not have super speed but you have regular walking, do you walk everywhere? Why do you need a car?! That's like giving Aquaman a little underwater jetski!

In the cartoons maybe Sonic (and we'll assume Shadow's ablities are equal to his) does that retarded "hey who wants Chinese food! (ZIP) Okay I'm back from China, who wanted the Peking Duck?!" BS, but in the games he doesn't really move THAT fast, not fast enough you wouldn't think he'd get tired going on a long distance trip where a car would be useful for him.

Yes most of Hawkman's wings aren't real but they do give him flight so having to use a hangglider would be a downgrade in his abilities. I still think within the games Sonic is supposed to be faster than a car would be.

Either way it kinda trivializes their powers. If you take away Shadow's speed, who the hell is he? Maybe they'll work it in that Shadow has to drive cross country to find the real killers/his long lost daughter/Lincoln's gold so it might not be so bad. It's not really a big deal by itself but I think it's one part of why this game is fundementally a bad idea.

Aquaman is so lame that he really doesn't factor into the equation so using him as an example of anything isn't fair.

1186th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Just to point out:" , posted Mon 14 Nov 08:37post reply

Is it just me or does Shadow remind me of one of those "bad" gremlins with the white stripe on his chest and black hair compared to good ol' Gizmo, or "Sonic".

3286th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just to point out:" , posted Mon 14 Nov 19:12post reply

So it doesn't even tries to be a funny/bad game... it just is a plain bad game.

A sonic game with gun was always a ridiculous idea IMO. If only they where trying to do good game sequels for Nights or Buning ranger....

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