RUMOR: Tron world in KHII - Forums

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Cain Highwind
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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Tron world in KHII (Updated with first pics)" , posted Tue 8 Nov 04:13:post reply

Apparently someone stumbled upon a Japanese blog that confirms a Tron world being in KHII, an early Magazine leak?

It also talks about Yuffie and Cid being in the game, rebuilding Hollow Bastion, which I'm not all surprised with.

Still, with PotC, ANYTHING is possible now. A Light Cycle mini-game would rule! Oh yeah and from speculation, there's a previously revealed screenshot, showing Squall/Leon in front of a computer terminal saying "Sora, can you bring up the file?" which leads me, and other people, to think that's how Tron fits in.

I'll be keeping my eye on this, that's for sure.

Oh and for those who haven't seen it yet. There's a hi-res, direct feed version of the TGS trailer now. With Japanese voice acting!


EDIT: I guess it WAS true

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Thu 10 Nov 18:20]


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):RUMOR: Tron world in KHII" , posted Tue 8 Nov 09:43post reply

Interesting. Wow, and just think another month to go before it's Japanese release. Can Square really pull this world off in time? Or has it been in the cards for the longest time(like the Lion King world)

Man, almost 4 years of waiting. Man, I hate it. ><

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Cain Highwind
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"Rumor turned true- First Screen" , posted Thu 10 Nov 18:10:post reply

Interesting. Wow, and just think another month to go before it's Japanese release. Can Square really pull this world off in time? Or has it been in the cards for the longest time(like the Lion King world)

Man, almost 4 years of waiting. Man, I hate it. ><

In a word, AWESOME!

And Jeux France

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Thu 10 Nov 18:24]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rumor turned true- First Screen" , posted Thu 10 Nov 19:17post reply

They've just changed Yuffie in her FFAC outfit.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rumor turned true- First Screen" , posted Fri 11 Nov 02:54post reply

Ooooo! These screens are too cool! :D OMG, I'm so excited beyond belief! :D

What's next? Will there be a Lilo and Stitch world? O_O

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"Re(3):Rumor turned true- First Screen" , posted Fri 11 Nov 09:13post reply

Tron world is cool, really cool...but ya guys know what I REALLY want to see?


Actually I hope if there is a 3rd console game that they include not only Duckburg but also St.Canard and Cape Suzette. Seriously, a Ducktales, Darkwing Duck and Talespin world would be tits!

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Burning Ranger
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"Re(1):Tron world in KHII (Updated with first" , posted Fri 11 Nov 23:42post reply

Tron world... AWESOME! The geek in me jumps for joy!

Maybe it's time that I actually play KH.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tron world in KHII (Updated with first" , posted Sat 12 Nov 02:46post reply

While being able to interact with a neon Bruce Boxleitner is funny has there been any mention about the engine or camera in KH2? Is everything the same as before or are there going to be modifications made?

1453th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Tron world in KHII (Updated with first" , posted Sat 12 Nov 23:25post reply

While being able to interact with a neon Bruce Boxleitner is funny has there been any mention about the engine or camera in KH2? Is everything the same as before or are there going to be modifications made?

Yes, it's been modified. The gameplay doesn't suck anymore. The camera is still a bit problematic, but not as bad as it was in the original. - My own personal waste of time.

2289th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Tron world in KHII (Updated with first" , posted Mon 14 Nov 06:50post reply


Yes, it's been modified. The gameplay doesn't suck anymore. The camera is still a bit problematic, but not as bad as it was in the original.

So it's no longer a brainless buttom masher and the camera is less likely to induce feelings of nausea? That's good news.

Cain Highwind
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"New Trailer- Yensid, Yuna+Rikku, and Stitch!" , posted Wed 16 Nov 04:08post reply

At the top of the page here:

Mirror-Right Click

767th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):New Trailer- Yensid, Yuna+Rikku, and St" , posted Wed 16 Nov 11:04post reply

I like how Mickey says the equivalant of "oh no you didn't" in Japanese =P

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"Re(2):New Trailer- Yensid, Yuna+Rikku, and St" , posted Wed 23 Nov 02:23post reply

New screen linkage

I didn't realize until I saw the magazine scan at the end who those characters were. That's just so totally awesome. And it doesn't look like the person who runs Magic Box really caught it either, unless it was announced awhile ago and I missed it.

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"Re(3):New Trailer- Yensid, Yuna+Rikku, and St" , posted Wed 23 Nov 09:07post reply

crap, I missed the trailer...

anyone willing to upload it to yousendit or megaupload?