Original message (2817 Views )
Cain Highwind 635th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Tron world in KHII (Updated with first pics)" , posted Tue 8 Nov 04:13:
Apparently someone stumbled upon a Japanese blog that confirms a Tron world being in KHII, an early Magazine leak?
It also talks about Yuffie and Cid being in the game, rebuilding Hollow Bastion, which I'm not all surprised with.
Still, with PotC, ANYTHING is possible now. A Light Cycle mini-game would rule! Oh yeah and from speculation, there's a previously revealed screenshot, showing Squall/Leon in front of a computer terminal saying "Sora, can you bring up the file?" which leads me, and other people, to think that's how Tron fits in.
I'll be keeping my eye on this, that's for sure.
Oh and for those who haven't seen it yet. There's a hi-res, direct feed version of the TGS trailer now. With Japanese voice acting!
EDIT: I guess it WAS true http://www.jeux-france.com/images0_4_13187.html
[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Thu 10 Nov 18:20] | | Replies: |