Is Chevreuil a video game rock band? - Forums

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shin ramberk
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"Is Chevreuil a video game rock band?" , posted Wed 9 Nov 03:23post reply

So I was wondering if the iTunes music store got any video game music that I would like. I first searched for the word "Zelda" and got a ton of useless results.

I searched for "Capcom" and got a song called "Capcombat" from a band called Chevreuil. I looked at the other tracks by Chebreuil and they sorta sound video game-ish. I listened to the first 30 seconds of "Capcombat" and it sounded a little bit video-gamish.

Regardless, I'm wondering what you guys think of this music and if any of you guys have actually heard of this band.


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"Re(1):Is Chevreuil a video game rock band?" , posted Wed 9 Nov 09:19post reply

Never heard of them, but I did some googling and came up with this:

Some audio