Going to San Francisco... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Going to San Francisco..." , posted Thu 10 Nov 22:33post reply

Hi, everybody.
Since France is burning, I'm fleeing to SF in december.
Well, for a week or so...

I'd like to go back to what's left of France with lots of comics, statues, games...a 360 maybe ?
I've searched the streets of San Fiero, but I haven't found a decent shop. :)

Do you know any good addresses in San Francisco ?

Oh, and would it be troublesome to have a 360 in my bag when leaving the States (taxes) ?

Thank you for your help !


329th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Going to San Francisco..." , posted Fri 11 Nov 00:43post reply

Excuse the French, people...

Ils te demanderont rien en sortant des States, mais en arrivant à Paris, s'ils voient que tu as un truc à 400 $, ils vont te faire payer la TVA dessus .Ça m'est arrivé avec une guitare...
Par contre, une gratte, c'est assez dur à cacher dans sa valise... mais une 360, si tu la mets dans ta valise, ils vont sans doute pas te demander de l'ouvrir et ça passera sans problème.
Au pire, s'ils la voient, tu dois payer la TVA (ils vont pas te la confisquer, à moins que t'en ramènes 3 ou 4... ça aurait l'air de commerce frauduleux...)


Dr Baghead
3525th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Going to San Francisco..." , posted Fri 11 Nov 03:22post reply

I'd like to go back to what's left of France with lots of comics, statues, games...a 360 maybe ?

Where will you be in SF? will you have access to a car?

If you're new Market Street/can get there easily I know places for those things. Otherwise look in a phonebook when you get there, we have the following:

-EB Games
-Boarder's Books
-Toys R Us
-Best Buy
-A Sony Metreon

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

3073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Going to San Francisco..." , posted Fri 11 Nov 04:24post reply

yeah, the trouble is everything's totally spread out in san francisco, and if you're not driving it can be very confusing (and smelly!) to get anywhere by bus.

Of course if you DO have a car, you can't park anywhere anyway, so you may as well just stand in one place the whole time and yell. That's what I do!

If you're looking for a variety of things, baghead's on the right track - you if you want to find comics and other stuff, check http://eastbay.citysearch.com

there are some neat areas in chinatown, some comic shops further down geary towards the sunset district, and some other crap. Don't bother with japantown, it's useless.

723th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Going to San Francisco..." , posted Fri 11 Nov 05:21post reply

Yeah, SF Chinatown is my favorite Chinatown...it recreates the mayhem of China better than any other, minus the creepy government. Fish hawkers, edible turtles, crowded bustling streets, and probably plenty of shops with the stuff you're after, too.

And wait, exodus, Japantown does have...ah, a Kinokuniya bookstore, and, erm....a Japanese restaraunt underground somewhere. Probably in a mall.


3076th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Going to San Francisco..." , posted Fri 11 Nov 06:07post reply

no crooked government? which america are you talking about, now? I'm confused.

I can go to kinokuniya without going to japan town! LA's japan town is better. And I like oakland's chinatown a lot...seattle's doesn't totally suck. They have the import shop Pink Dinosaur!

724th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Going to San Francisco..." , posted Fri 11 Nov 07:15post reply

no crooked government? which america are you talking about, now? I'm confused.

China's is creepy and crooked. US's is just crooked. You can ignore both of them in SF Chinatown!

I can go to kinokuniya without going to japan town! LA's japan town is better. And I like oakland's chinatown a lot...seattle's doesn't totally suck. They have the import shop Pink Dinosaur!

Heheh, I enjoyed Seattle's International District for the Uwayajimaya grocer more than anything else...the lengths I go to in order to get Melon Soda are amazing.


Bata kun
2727th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:01post reply

At least San Francisco's Japantown is better than San Jose's. It's not much anyway. Doesn't help either that there's no udon place. At least there's a manju place.

Saratoga Avenue is way better. It has Kinokuniya and Mitsuwa. Oh and Clover Bakery. It's the only place to get something okonomiyaki. (San Jose used to have an okonomiyaki place, but it was in a horrible location, which is why it closed down.)

Oh. Back on topic. Like Brandon said, Japantown's not that good there, but it's no San Jose's at least. Across from Kinokuniya, there's a place where Puffy had a tour stop. I forgot its name, seeing that I haven't been to San Francisco in a while. Oh and the B'z where there too. If only I had saw that one.

Outside of San Jose, San Francisco's probably one of three cities I can think of that will sell foods you don't see everyday. (The others are Los Angeles and Honolulu. Maybe Seattle's another one?) The thing with Oakland is that it's one of the most troubled cities in the world. By that, I mean, one of the least safest cities. Also, even though Sn Fran's well, San Fran, there are a bunch of unusual people. Well at least both cities are near two of the top-class universities not only in the country, but in the world: Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley. I don't know how Stanford people are in video games, but I know that Berkeley people, I'll say this. Berkeley, Davis (which is further up north) and San Jose State are rivals in games.

I don't know why, but I can't seem to find good arcade places in San Fran. The only good one that I know of that's an hour from the city is the Golfland in Sunnyvale (down near San Jose), but even then, L.A. excels in games.

Well, that's my take on the golden city. Wait. I could have sworn that there's more than one city named that. I think it's in China. I don't know.

3077th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:11post reply

oh yes - if you want to do arcade stuff, the Metreon (theatre) has a not totally horrible one. well...I guess it's kind of horrible, but it's the best we have in the city, sadly. there's also bumpers arcade, but you probably don't want to go there.

If you get desperate, I can show you around a bit, but only at night or on a weekend...I work all day!

Shin Ramberk
201th Post

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"Re(2):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:41post reply

The San Francisco State University arcade finally got respectable. They have all the major games (Tekken 5.1, CvS2, MvC2, MvC1, XvSF, 3S) and with plenty of competition. We'll be getting Guilty Gear Slash this month or next month. Its open to the public. San Francisco is actually turning into an arena for fighting games. We also have weekly 3S and Tekken tournaments every Friday.

UC Berkeley was the center for arcade fighting games in the SF/East Bay but they are closing their doors in late November. The student government thought the space could be put to better use with an ice cream parlor. Yes, that's horrible. Yes, I am incredibly angry. Yes, its a terrible blow to the fighting game scene in the bay area.

The upside is that SFSU has risen up. But it would have been much better having two cross bay arcades. :(

My other recommendation for visitors to San Francisco is to stop by Jeffery's Toys. They are on Market Street between 2nd and New Montgomery. They have lots of odd/rare/old toys there plus a lot of new stuff. Its over priced of course but its neat just to window shop and if you have money, you might find some hard to find items.

Don't be afraid of using public transit. And don't be afraid of driving a car either. Parking is terrible but not impossible, just remain cool and calm. Likewise, the SF mass transit is usually very good. Just map out your destinations and know the bus lines. Buy a full day bus pass or a weekly bus pass and a bus map. www.511.org has all the details.

Have fun. SF is a great city. And if you play a crazy Remy player at SFSU, that's probably me. ;)


3082th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Fri 11 Nov 09:24post reply

SF sucks!

I was wondering if SFSU had an arcade...can you tell me where it is? I should go visit it myself...I'll bring aderack!

1232th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Fri 11 Nov 10:14:post reply


UC Berkeley was the center for arcade fighting games in the SF/East Bay but they are closing their doors in late November. The student government thought the space could be put to better use with an ice cream parlor. Yes, that's horrible. Yes, I am incredibly angry. Yes, its a terrible blow to the fighting game scene in the bay area.

I can't find the words to express my disappointment. A lot of excellent players were there, the main fighting game machines were terrific... it's a real shame.

A funny thing I found was that all the Chinese restaurants I had to go to around Berkeley/SF were mediocre to bad, but the Korean food seemed alright. My relatives who live in or not too far from there said that that's about the quality of the Chinese restaurants there, so it sounds like I wasn't just taken to all the wrong places :/

[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 11 Nov 10:25]

Dr Baghead
3526th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Fri 11 Nov 10:52post reply

Don't bother with japantown, it's useless.

Unless you want a brush pen... I got this brush pen at the stationary store it's SUPER NICE, corse I'm so subtle with my line work it should have been spelled 'suddle' so it's worthless to me but still...

Crepe store is good too, but there's one from the same chain in little Italy you can get easily when you leave the Geary Chinatown, so that's nothing to write home about.

My other recommendation for visitors to San Francisco is to stop by Jeffery's Toys. They are on Market Street between 2nd and New Montgomery. They have lots of odd/rare/old toys there plus a lot of new stuff. Its over priced of course but its neat just to window shop and if you have money, you might find some hard to find items.

Jeffery's Toys kicks ass, not so much for toys, but every Wednesday, right next to the New Montegomery BART so I can pick up some comics before dashing off to Powell, MMMAH! Love that store.... plus they're the only store I've been able to find the The Batman Unmasked Catwoman figure at (even if she was an alarming $16)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

253th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):HAIGHT YOURSELF" , posted Fri 11 Nov 13:16post reply

Go to The Haight!!


Bata kun
2728th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Sat 12 Nov 02:48post reply

The San Francisco State University arcade finally got respectable. They have all the major games (Tekken 5.1, CvS2, MvC2, MvC1, XvSF, 3S) and with plenty of competition. We'll be getting Guilty Gear Slash this month or next month.

"Slash"?! I should tell my friend, who does the arcades at SJSU, to get "Slash" in. By the way, do you know if there are imports like that one "Macross" shooter?

UC Berkeley was the center for arcade fighting games in the SF/East Bay but they are closing their doors in late November. The student government thought the space could be put to better use with an ice cream parlor.

The hell?! I'm all for an ice cream parlor, but to replace an arcade place with that is not right. Besides, ice parlors are best for junior colleges!

Crepe store is good too, but there's one from the same chain in little Italy you can get easily when you leave the Geary Chinatown, so that's nothing to write home about.

Heh. Maybe I should pick up a crepe there the next time I'm in San Fran.

shin ramberk
202th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Sat 12 Nov 03:33post reply

SF sucks!

I was wondering if SFSU had an arcade...can you tell me where it is? I should go visit it myself...I'll bring aderack!

Its located in the sub-basement of the Cesar Chavez building in the middle of campus. Just enter the building and go down to flights of stairs. Open to the public.

Baghead, when I worked on Market Street I always got my daily fix of comics during lunch hour or after work on Wednesdays. Jeffery's is not a bad comic book shop either.

Bata-Kun, I don't think they have that Macross game. But they do Initial D, and some other benami games I think. Its a pretty damn good arcade with a variety of games actually.


Bata kun
2735th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Mon 14 Nov 16:44post reply

SF sucks!

I was wondering if SFSU had an arcade...can you tell me where it is? I should go visit it myself...I'll bring aderack!

Its located in the sub-basement of the Cesar Chavez building in the middle of campus. Just enter the building and go down to flights of stairs. Open to the public.

Baghead, when I worked on Market Street I always got my daily fix of comics during lunch hour or after work on Wednesdays. Jeffery's is not a bad comic book shop either.

Bata-Kun, I don't think they have that Macross game. But they do Initial D, and some other benami games I think. Its a pretty damn good arcade with a variety of games actually.

Ah, I'll remember the location the next time I'm in San Fran.

194th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Mon 14 Nov 18:11:post reply

That toy store on Market is way over-priced, though I agree it's fun to browse around in.

The only good comic shop I've found is actually in Berkeley; it's right near the BART exit. Comic Relief, Agnes says it's called. Truly excellent. Big porn section. I know that should thrill some people here. Also lots of European and Duck comics, which is more my thing.

There are no good game stores in San Francisco, though. I mean it. There are a couple of understocked EBs. That's... basically it. Go somewhere else for videogames. I use an Internet.

Oh. If you time it right, maybe you can catch one of the NES Fun Club meetings. Are those still going on?

[this message was edited by aderack on Mon 14 Nov 18:14]

shin ramberk
204th Post

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"Re(7):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Mon 14 Nov 20:06post reply

That toy store on Market is way over-priced, though I agree it's fun to browse around in.

The only good comic shop I've found is actually in Berkeley; it's right near the BART exit. Comic Relief, Agnes says it's called. Truly excellent. Big porn section. I know that should thrill some people here. Also lots of European and Duck comics, which is more my thing.

There are no good game stores in San Francisco, though. I mean it. There are a couple of understocked EBs. That's... basically it. Go somewhere else for videogames. I use an Internet.

Oh. If you time it right, maybe you can catch one of the NES Fun Club meetings. Are those still going on?

Comic Relief in Berkeley is a top notch comic book shop. I would say, its one of the best shops in the entire United States. They get celebrity signings there several times a year (usually).

I actually joined that NES Fun Club!!!!!! But I never went to any of the meetings. :( Too lazy. Still get an email from them ever so often.


194th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(8):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Tue 15 Nov 01:45post reply

Yeah, Dame Darcy was there randomly one day when Agnes and I popped in. Agnes is something of a fan of hers; Darcy commented on Agnes's name, as it kind of fit into Darcy's "thing". Thus ensued a conversation about now-archaic female names. I offered "Lettice". This was news to both of them, somehow. I couldn't quite remember how it was spelled, as a name; I assured them that it had been quite common, a hundred years ago. This brought an end to the conversation.


So, yes. Things happen there.

3085th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Bata-kun no San Furanshisuko" , posted Tue 15 Nov 01:52post reply

I'm pretty sure the NES fun club is still happening...that would be cool to catch.

and indeed, if you want a nice game store, you have to go to los angeles, which is about 400 miles away from here.

45th Post

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Rare Customer

"Thank you !" , posted Wed 16 Nov 23:16post reply

Thank you all for your help!

I'll check Jeffery's Toys and Comic Relief.

There's no good game shop in chinatown ?
Hope I'll find a 360 in a Toys'r'us or EB games...

3093th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Thank you !" , posted Thu 17 Nov 01:56post reply

no game shops at all in chinatown...copies aren't allowed here!

you'll have a hard time finding a 360, but if you look, maybe! there are very few EB in SF, so they'll probably get snapped up fast.

Dr Baghead
3528th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Thank you !" , posted Tue 22 Nov 10:27post reply

There's no good game shop in chinatown ?

No good ANYTHING shops in Chinatown

Chinatown (assuming you mean 'tourist China town') has nothing but a few decent bakeries, a handfull of music/DVD stores (all legit as near as I can tell, so don't go in looking for King Kong (2005) or whatever on DVD), a HUGE amount of luggage/jewelry stores, a McDonalds, a Church, a Kite shop, and several junk shops

There are videogames to buy in some of the junk shops, but it's all OLD like 2000 and before mostly. All outrageously over priced (ever seen that Fireworks PS2 launch title on sale for over $60? Well you will there!) and nothing XBox or GCN or DC... just GBC, GBA, PSX, PS2, and N64 all WAY WAY WAY over priced. All American games too, no imports (don't even sell those in Japan town)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

196th Post

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"Re(2):Thank you !" , posted Tue 22 Nov 13:16post reply

One other peculiar thing you might or might not want to check out is Kayo Books, on... where is it? Something and Leavenworth. Post? Yes.


It's full of vintage, sometimes kind of smutty (sometimes not!) comics and paperbacks. If you want Eisenhower-era bondage fiction, this is your place.

shin ramberk
207th Post

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"Re(3):Thank you !" , posted Tue 22 Nov 17:15post reply

One other peculiar thing you might or might not want to check out is Kayo Books, on... where is it? Something and Leavenworth. Post? Yes.


It's full of vintage, sometimes kind of smutty (sometimes not!) comics and paperbacks. If you want Eisenhower-era bondage fiction, this is your place.

Wow. Now i got a new place to take dates too. Thanks for the heads up on this Ad.


49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Back from San Francisco" , posted Thu 15 Dec 00:15post reply

I've found Stella Deus, Dragon Quest VII, Guitar Hero, and a few comics...

Anyway, SF is a nice city !