What? (Matrimelee) - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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6889th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:09post reply


Who's that guy?


3078th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:17post reply


Who's that guy?

...I can't believe they're doing this.

Bobby Orogon is a nigerian ex-k1 fighter/step n' fetchit-style minstrel, who basically takes black people back to the time when if they didn't say 'yassa' and smile to everything, they got lynched or put in jail.

Naturally Japanese people think he's HILARIOUS. Anyway, it seems they're putting him in the game, so we can all laugh at him, and feel comfortable in how superior we are. Unless we're black, then we probably won't feel that way. I guess the publisher I advised to pick this up will have to seriously reconsider.

285th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:29post reply

So wait, all I need to get myself drawn by Range Murata and eventually put into a cult fighting game is to shamelessly make fun of my own country, culture and people in Japan? Japan here I come, eating snails and taking no shower for your entertainment.


3080th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:36post reply

So wait, all I need to get myself drawn by Range Murata and eventually put into a cult fighting game is to shamelessly make fun of my own country, culture and people in Japan? Japan here I come, eating snails and taking no shower for your entertainment.

don't forget to "ribbit" and woo girls with your unwashed swarthiness.

anyway, yeah, you're on to something there. I'd make fun of my culture for that! Hell, I'll do it for free!

146th Post

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"Re(3):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:48post reply

I tried reading up on this guy when I saw that news bit this morning. I guess he's kind of like a less threatening, more pliable Bob Sapp? They love their oafish, comedic (?), bald black men over there, don't they? And according to his Wikipedia entry, he wasn't much of a fighter - he got himself on TV a few times and acted the oaf, hence his current success.

So wait, all I need to get myself drawn by Range Murata and eventually put into a cult fighting game is to shamelessly make fun of my own country, culture and people in Japan? Japan here I come, eating snails and taking no shower for your entertainment.

Not Murata, even - just some guy who was his understudy on Wachenroder and who's good at imitating his style.

3081th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 09:22post reply


Not Murata, even - just some guy who was his understudy on Wachenroder and who's good at imitating his style.

oh really? please give me details so I can change my ic post.

147th Post

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"Re(5):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 09:33post reply

oh really? please give me details so I can change my ic post.

Tomokazu Nakano is his name. He did the designs for Matrimelee and KOF Neowave. Excite is mixing old Murata art with new Nakano art for their PS2 Matrimelee release, so it looks really weird (and is even more confusing). I thought for sure it was Murata who did the characters for Neowave, until I started looking at some of the guys... OTL

Nakano's site seems to be down at the moment.

3083th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 09:46post reply

wow...that's....weird! Thanks for the info.

177th Post

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"Re(2):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 10:07post reply


Who's that guy?

...I can't believe they're doing this.

Bobby Orogon is a nigerian ex-k1 fighter/step n' fetchit-style minstrel, who basically takes black people back to the time when if they didn't say 'yassa' and smile to everything, they got lynched or put in jail.

Naturally Japanese people think he's HILARIOUS. Anyway, it seems they're putting him in the game, so we can all laugh at him, and feel comfortable in how superior we are. Unless we're black, then we probably won't feel that way. I guess the publisher I advised to pick this up will have to seriously reconsider.

I think youve got a pretty negative view of bobby and comedians in general. Comedians try to make us laugh. Generally it involves doing stupid things. Bobby may sound oafish (perhaps due to the fact that he's speaking in a second language) but the content of his commentary is actually quite clever. It's pretty clear that he is a smart, quick thinking guy. If you can't see that, then I question your ability to make judgments on character. Of all the times I've seen him on TV (which is quite often as I live in Tokyo), I've never once seen him make light of his own culture, his skin color or act in any manner that would infer racial superiority / inferiority. His demeanor is never subservient - it is clumsy, but that's his role as a geinoujin. It's his job and he's just got his game face on.

He fought in the K-1 tournament on Dec 31 of last year and beat a veteran K-1 fighter. I actually think he's quite a good fighter - perhaps not in the same rank as real pros like nogueira or hyodoru but leagues above regular guys like us.

1148th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 15:28post reply


oh really? please give me details so I can change my ic post.

You guys are all dumb and unwashed for not being able to tell the difference right away. And I'm totally wild for being able to do so.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3486th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 15:48post reply

finally. a black person in this game

14th Post

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"Re(3):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 16:25post reply

I actually think he's quite a good fighter - perhaps not in the same rank as real pros like nogueira or hyodoru (yet) leagues above regular guys like us.

Speak for yourself. I could take him.

. . .

Okay, so no I couldn't.

539th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 19:59post reply

So..is this the legendary Bob Sap, or a completely different guy?

436th Post

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"Re(5):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 11 Nov 20:19post reply

So..is this the legendary Bob Sap, or a completely different guy?

Dude, it's pretty clear that they're talking of a different guy.

I think I once saw Bobby in a japanese program, they were giving japanese lessons to a group of black people. I remember he said "boku wa Bobby desu", and later he ate a leaf from a plant standing next to him. Also, I don't remember if it was the exact same black people who were shouting WE ARE MORNING MUSUME in another program (or was it the same?).

If he's that same dude, I'm very impressed that he got that far!

2288th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sat 12 Nov 02:56post reply

I would say that this might ruin the good name of Matrimelee but has anybody ever looked to the Matrimelee series for a sense of reserve or class?

Bata kun
2730th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sat 12 Nov 03:52post reply

How in the world did Bob get to be a thug in the "Taiho Shichau zo!" live drama? I don't know. At least it was fun seeing Natsumi's actress, Itou Misaki-san, give him a good beating.

anyway, yeah, you're on to something there. I'd make fun of my culture for that! Hell, I'll do it for free!

I could diss southerners here, but since I'm not like that, I won't.

Nakano's site seems to be down at the moment.

What's the url?

I would say that this might ruin the good name of Matrimelee but has anybody ever looked to the Matrimelee series for a sense of reserve or class?

The "PI" series has class? I mean, it's fun, but I wouldn't call it a high class series. That's for something like "Street Fighter".

148th Post

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"Re(8):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sat 12 Nov 04:00post reply

What's the url?


1405th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sat 12 Nov 04:03post reply

I smell a comic brewing...

540th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sat 12 Nov 05:33post reply


Dude, it's pretty clear that they're talking of a different guy.

I think I once saw Bobby in a japanese program, they were giving japanese lessons to a group of black people. I remember he said "boku wa Bobby desu", and later he ate a leaf from a plant standing next to him. Also, I don't remember if it was the exact same black people who were shouting WE ARE MORNING MUSUME in another program (or was it the same?).

If he's that same dude, I'm very impressed that he got that far!

Well, you know I'm quite illiterate in anything that involves black people (out of porn, of course...), and I can hardly tell the difference between them (it's been ages since I saw Bob Sap in Antena 3 TV, so I don't quite recall his face...).

Plus, it seems you aren't sure either, so it's about time we ask for.... OMG, EXPLANATION PLZ !!!!11

437th Post

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"Re(7):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sat 12 Nov 21:58post reply


Plus, it seems you aren't sure either, so it's about time we ask for.... OMG, EXPLANATION PLZ !!!!11

I'm absolutly sure this is not Bob Sapp, what I'm not sure about, is if this Bobby Orogon is the same Bobby I saw on a japanese Tv program. And man, Bob Sapp is huge compared to this Bobby!

6891th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sun 13 Nov 11:05:post reply

It's funny how a denigrant stereotyped black character can make people jump complaining (like exodus here) while all the other worse stereotypes that games like Street Fighter II or Fatal Fury had, didn't.

They should change "racism" in the dictionary as "white dude hates black dude"

[this message was edited by Rid on Sun 13 Nov 11:06]

729th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sun 13 Nov 11:23post reply

I think I prefer stereotypes such as these. Proud Japan-hating American girls are best.


1238th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Sun 13 Nov 11:36post reply

When Orogon was reached for comment he responded:


Bata kun
2733th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Mon 14 Nov 06:45post reply

When Orogon was reached for comment he responded:


I don't think he got paid enough. =P

3087th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 02:11post reply

It's funny how a denigrant stereotyped black character can make people jump complaining (like exodus here) while all the other worse stereotypes that games like Street Fighter II or Fatal Fury had, didn't.

well, I wasn't aware of games when those were being released/created, so my outrage would be a little misplaced. I could give you a long list of racist japanese games, and racist american games - it just so happens that THIS one is a game I'd like to see come to the US, and now it can't without major revision.

1499th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 06:55post reply

I don't get what you mean by Bobby "definitely not flying in America", especially since I've never seen anyone but you have a problem with him. My opinion of him might not be as high as Makatiel's, but I can't find anything specifically offensive about him outside of "just look at the guy!". I especially can't imagine what he would do that's so offensive in the context of a fighting game. I can understand "better safe than sorry" (because it's not worth the risk of offending someone), but I think this is an overreaction.

But beyond that, I think it's for the better, because America only needs Matrimelee in the sense that any 2D fighter is a good 2D fighter. I miss the days when there was a new, mediocre 2D fighter every month, (and enjoyed each of them for that long or less), but that's all I can say for the game. It has poorly-drawn sprites, choppy animation, poor balance, mediocre control and a relatively shallow system. Even if we bitch about KOF every year (no matter how it turns out) the worst KOF is way WAY better than Matrimelee, and they have to put those in twin packs to get them out over here.

People who have a good opinion of the game either haven't played it long enough, don't know anything about fighting games, or are charmed by simple things.

3090th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 08:11post reply

ok, so absolutely everyone seems to disagree with me on this, so I've taken the post down. I'll admit that my research for this has been entirely internet-based, and I guess this is one of those cases of being led down the wrong path as a result. So! Sorry Bobby, maybe you don't suck.

766th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 08:27post reply

ok, so absolutely everyone seems to disagree with me on this, so I've taken the post down. I'll admit that my research for this has been entirely internet-based, and I guess this is one of those cases of being led down the wrong path as a result. So! Sorry Bobby, maybe you don't suck.

I don't disagree. But I don't think Bobby sucks.

Your observation on his role in the Japanese media is 90% correct, IMO. Japanese people just think it's funny.

Then again, when you get out of the US, you realize that everyone isn't so anal and PC about stuff like that, and you have to be able to laugh about and accept the differences between yourself and other people, no matter what the race, country, etc.

But I have seen several TV shows that this guy has appeared in, and by American standards it's pretty racist stuff. I watch the show and find myself wondering if he himself is speaking bad Japanese on purpose or not. Every once in a while he says something really spot on or funny (in a smart way) but usually he's just actin' the fool.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

3091th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 08:31post reply


But I have seen several TV shows that this guy has appeared in, and by American standards it's pretty racist stuff. I watch the show and find myself wondering if he himself is speaking bad Japanese on purpose or not. Every once in a while he says something really spot on or funny (in a smart way) but usually he's just actin' the fool.

yeah, I mean...that's basically what I thought, but I guess it's not big/extreme enough to make a whole statement about it... so I killed the news post. gbye!

286th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 10:01post reply

People who have a good opinion of the game either haven't played it long enough, don't know anything about fighting games, or are charmed by simple things.

Polly just broke my poor heart


1500th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 10:17post reply

Brandon: But it was a good news bit, just a bit of an overreaction. Your point still stands, it just seemed a bit extreme.


Polly just broke my poor heart

It's OK. We all like mediocre games from time to time. It's only a problem if you really think it's an exceptional fighting game.

32th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(9):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 12:07post reply

Brandon: But it was a good news bit, just a bit of an overreaction. Your point still stands, it just seemed a bit extreme.

Polly just broke my poor heart

It's OK. We all like mediocre games from time to time. It's only a problem if you really think it's an exceptional fighting game.

But but but, I like matrimelee alot, I find it fun and refeshing from alot of the other neo-geo games out there. But then again I like Rumble Roses so maybe I should just go back to my corner.

Tell me why do we work over-time Looking for that "SOMEONE"?
Why you lookin around in and out of town being lost and found
And when we find that special "SOMEONE"
Then the love turns part-time
Then you lose yourself
...Love is cozmo-naughty

Red Falcon
5613th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 12:50:post reply

I could give you a long list of racist japanese games, and racist american games - it just so happens that THIS one is a game I'd like to see come to the US, and now it can't without major revision.

I can't imagine him being any more "offensive" than Dreadloc from Ultra Vortek, which is an American game. 'EY MON!!

Edit: And Everything KTallguy says is spot on, much more so than my original deleted post in this thread of a similar nature. Keep in mind he's Nigerian, not American, so his life experiences and perspectives are different than an American's. If he wants to do this sort of thing for a living, let him... it's his choice.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 15 Nov 13:59]

6891th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Tue 15 Nov 20:10post reply

Matrimelee is about the excellent soundtrack, not the gameplay.

287th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(10):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Wed 16 Nov 19:53post reply

Matrimelee is about the excellent soundtrack, not the gameplay.

Something like that. I'd say Matrimelee is about having fun, really. That's why it's my favorite Gouketsuji. Seriously, the others are not as good as most fighting games, and they aren't as messed up in their brains as Matrimelee is. It's a brain-on-pause appetizer in-between more serious sessions. I just receive my AES copy, and I knwo it's going to be a welcomed break in-between RB2 matches at work.


7411th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 18 Nov 02:45post reply

More characters.

I don't like how most characters don't appear to have transformations, beside the obvious ones.

7th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 18 Nov 04:20post reply

I think the designs and concepts for this game keep on being terribly uninspired. And pretty repetitive too, besides Poch and other few exceptions, the characters feels pretty boring... so does the gameplay, sadly, and the rehash of elements from Rage of the Dragons did not help at all too.

And about that comedian added... well, the premise might be original, but I happen to find this character very little appealing :/

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

719th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Re(10):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 18 Nov 04:38:post reply

More characters.

I don't like how most characters don't appear to have transformations, beside the obvious ones.

THEY BROUGHT ANGELA BACK. Check Olof's profile if you don't believe.

That's almost reason enough for me to at least try this game, if Super Kurara and Angela are back.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Fri 18 Nov 04:38]

12th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 18 Nov 05:16post reply

Well there is still hope then ^^U

Let's hope the extra characters redeem this game.

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

289th Post

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Copper Customer

"transformations" , posted Fri 18 Nov 05:36post reply


I don't like how most characters don't appear to have transformations, beside the obvious ones.

Actually they only added transformations to the people from Matrimelee who already had them in Gouketsuji 2 (with Kanji's alter-egos mixed-up and Poochy going back to being Kintarou's transformation). It only seems there are less transformations than before because there are more people in the roster, therefore a smaller share of transformable charas.


Maese Spt
81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(10):What? (Matrimelee)" , posted Fri 18 Nov 06:01post reply

Matrimelee is about the excellent soundtrack, not the gameplay.

Very true.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/maese_sephiroth/firmamadmanscopia.jpg [Image Attached]

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