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Sensenic 1391th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Mon 14 Nov 18:28
quote: Dude, I can't show you those bonus items because I don't have a clue of where I can obtain them! That's why I was asking for it.
I know! I meant once you get them (I know you will! ). Alas, I'm afraid I cannot help you there since, about importing, you know all that I do and much more...
En aquel otro hilo te pregunte a que horas te sueles conectar, porque no me suelo conectar regularmente (por falta de costumbre). Queria hablar contigo para lo del AF, aunque realmente, pensaba que ya habrias comenzado el tema para mi vuelta de Barcelona...
Uh... perdón, no sé pq no contesté... u_u Normalmente... pues allá de 21:00 a 22:00 y pico cada día. Por lo demás, depende... nusé. De 14:00 a 15:00 tb puede que mencuentres. Y yo tampoco lo empecé pq quería hablar contigo primero, dado que no tengo material ^_^U Sólo lo del tenori-on y el programa, y no me rula el scanner...
Deidara. I just loved that face. XD
 Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula
IkariDC 439th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Tue 15 Nov 00:32
quote: Agreed. Even God of War (as long as Kratos´ weapon is a sort of chain whip and he fights zombies and such) has more "Castlevania feeling" than the crappy 3D versions Konami has perpetrated until now.
I really think Konami developers should play ICO to learn how to design an interesting 3D castle. They plagiarized Super Metroid´s gameplay in the past to make Simphony of the Night (with good results, I must say) so, if they must take the series into 3D, why don´t they look in the mirror of titles wich already give a great 3D experience to the player?
I prefer 2D Castlevanias, but I think it would be awesome to see a Belmont chasing down medusa heads through a castle as impressive as ICO´s, and fighting huge final bosses the same way Kratos does. It would be an interesting mix: Castlevania classic elements and enemies in a ghostly colossal ICO-like castle, spiced up with some God of War frenetic playability.
I know that you didn't give Lament much of a chance when it was released, (well I don't know if you have played it this time around) but I must say that the game only fails in the level design aspect. There were some nice details here and there, but they abused of being too repetitive showing more of the same rooms again and again. The game was overall great in every other aspect: gameplay, combat system, music, voice acting (it's one of those rare games were I enjoy the english voice acting more than the japanese one)...
I might get dissaponted to some degree with CoD, but I'm going to get it anyways.
Maese Spt 97th Post

Occasional Customer
| "we have to rely on portables" , posted Fri 2 Dec 20:46
quote: It feels a lot more like a Dynasty Warriors type of thing (roaming through a barren wasteland, smashing hoards of mindless enemies).
If only Capcom could somehow be allowed to develop a Castlevania game, they would certainly do a much better job than Konami is currently doing. Devil May Cry would be excellent Castlevania game if they simply replaced the end boss with Dracula.
As I say some post above, I´d rather add some God of War and ICO flavors to the mixture, but a Devil May Cry deployment would fit Castlevania perfectly right as well. Not that I don´t prefer the old classic 2D Castlevanias, but if you have to go 3D, do it thinking big.
In fact, nowadays the only way to play a decent Castlevania (that is, without resorting to old consoles emulation) is buying a GBA or a DS. And man, I hate portables...
quote: I don't think I've really enjoyed a Castlevania game since 3 but I keep buying them nonetheless.
Wow, you didn´t even like Super Castlevania IV? And *gasp* neither Rondo of Blood?
 "At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"