Castlevania:COD - any good? - Forums

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Variable Savior
320th Post

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"Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 11 Nov 08:25post reply

So - has anyone picked up C:COD? The reviews I've read tend to range from decent to disappointing so I'm curious what some actual gamers think of the title. I liked Lament of Innocence for the most part (combat: good; level design: awful) and I'm wondering how COD compares.

Anyone have any input?

Blood marks heaven's path


3084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 11 Nov 09:49post reply

I didn't like either one!

dawn of sorrow came out, so I really have no need to investigate further.

435th Post

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"Re(2):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 11 Nov 20:04post reply

What I need to know is if the japanese release features an english mode like Lament did, and also, where can I order the game to get the bonus stuff (a manga drawn by Ayami Kojima and a soundtrack CD to this manga by Michuru Yamane) for preordering the game.

725th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Sat 12 Nov 04:07post reply

Hey Variable Savior, give the Dungeon's review a spin. Since they're total Dracula-heads, I'd trust their word on this. Pretty much what I was expecting...I don't think Konami has it in 'em to do a 3D Dracula that's as good as 2D, especially when Devil May Cry is basically Dracula3D already. Back to Minuet of the Dawn for me...


Maese Spt
69th Post

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"Re(2):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Sat 12 Nov 09:17post reply

I have a crush with Castlevania series, but reading this thread I realized Konami crew is overdoing it with the titles of the games. What will be next? "Cha-cha-cha under the moonlight"? "Lambada in the thornweeds"? "Can-can of darkness"? Seriously, the awkwardness of Castlevania names must come to an end somehow. And that´s a statement from someone who LOVES Rondo of Blood, lol.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

726th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Sat 12 Nov 10:39post reply

"Cha-cha-cha under the moonlight"? "Lambada in the thornweeds"? "Can-can of darkness"?

Heheh, somewhere in the last six months there was a thread that featured here the best Dracula mock-names I've ever seen. No search feature still means I'm not lookin' though. I'm really enjoying Minuet/Aria, after thinking Circle was okay. Minuet is almost good enough to make me forget it's just a pale shadow of Nocturne in the Moonlight, which is good work, indeed. But after four failures in 3D, Konami should know enough to make a 2D extravaganza next time.


1391th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Sun 13 Nov 00:54:post reply

But after four failures in 3D, Konami should know enough to make a 2D extravaganza next time.

dawn of sorrow came out, so I really have no need to investigate further.

It is rrrrreally Beautiful!
What I need to know is if the japanese release features an english mode like Lament did, and also, where can I order the game to get the bonus stuff (a manga drawn by Ayami Kojima and a soundtrack CD to this manga by Michuru Yamane) for preordering the game.

Wow! You have to show me those one day!

PD: Hijo, no te pillo conectao nunca... Vas a hacer la thread sobre el AF? Si no, dame el link del blog ese...


Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Sun 13 Nov 01:05]

438th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Mon 14 Nov 01:45post reply

Dude, I can't show you those bonus items because I don't have a clue of where I can obtain them! That's why I was asking for it.

En aquel otro hilo te pregunte a que horas te sueles conectar, porque no me suelo conectar regularmente (por falta de costumbre). Queria hablar contigo para lo del AF, aunque realmente, pensaba que ya habrias comenzado el tema para mi vuelta de Barcelona...

27th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Mon 14 Nov 03:03post reply

So - has anyone picked up C:COD? The reviews I've read tend to range from decent to disappointing so I'm curious what some actual gamers think of the title. I liked Lament of Innocence for the most part (combat: good; level design: awful) and I'm wondering how COD compares.

Anyone have any input?

I'll bottom line it for you: Lament was better.

You'll still force yourself to play it if you're a castelvania fan though. I know I am.

2290th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Mon 14 Nov 07:02post reply

I have yet to try out COD [what a terrible abbreviation] yet for myself but it sounds like the atrocious level design from the last game is still haunting the series. Doesn't anyone on the Castlevania staff know how to design a 3D world that even if it doesn't feel like a legitimate castle is at least not boring as hell to navigate?

360th Post

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"Re(3):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Mon 14 Nov 10:29post reply

Doesn't anyone on the Castlevania staff know how to design a 3D world that even if it doesn't feel like a legitimate castle is at least not boring as hell to navigate?

Actually, no. And I'm not joking.

1391th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Mon 14 Nov 18:28post reply

Dude, I can't show you those bonus items because I don't have a clue of where I can obtain them! That's why I was asking for it.

I know! I meant once you get them (I know you will! ).
Alas, I'm afraid I cannot help you there since, about importing, you know all that I do and much more...

En aquel otro hilo te pregunte a que horas te sueles conectar, porque no me suelo conectar regularmente (por falta de costumbre). Queria hablar contigo para lo del AF, aunque realmente, pensaba que ya habrias comenzado el tema para mi vuelta de Barcelona...

Uh... perdón, no sé pq no contesté... u_u
Normalmente... pues allá de 21:00 a 22:00 y pico cada día. Por lo demás, depende... nusé. De 14:00 a 15:00 tb puede que mencuentres.
Y yo tampoco lo empecé pq quería hablar contigo primero, dado que no tengo material ^_^U Sólo lo del tenori-on y el programa, y no me rula el scanner...

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

Maese Spt
70th Post

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"Re(3):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Mon 14 Nov 20:37post reply

Doesn't anyone on the Castlevania staff know how to design a 3D world that even if it doesn't feel like a legitimate castle is at least not boring as hell to navigate?

Agreed. Even God of War (as long as Kratos´ weapon is a sort of chain whip and he fights zombies and such) has more "Castlevania feeling" than the crappy 3D versions Konami has perpetrated until now.

I really think Konami developers should play ICO to learn how to design an interesting 3D castle. They plagiarized Super Metroid´s gameplay in the past to make Simphony of the Night (with good results, I must say) so, if they must take the series into 3D, why don´t they look in the mirror of titles wich already give a great 3D experience to the player?

I prefer 2D Castlevanias, but I think it would be awesome to see a Belmont chasing down medusa heads through a castle as impressive as ICO´s, and fighting huge final bosses the same way Kratos does. It would be an interesting mix: Castlevania classic elements and enemies in a ghostly colossal ICO-like castle, spiced up with some God of War frenetic playability.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

439th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Tue 15 Nov 00:32post reply

Agreed. Even God of War (as long as Kratos´ weapon is a sort of chain whip and he fights zombies and such) has more "Castlevania feeling" than the crappy 3D versions Konami has perpetrated until now.

I really think Konami developers should play ICO to learn how to design an interesting 3D castle. They plagiarized Super Metroid´s gameplay in the past to make Simphony of the Night (with good results, I must say) so, if they must take the series into 3D, why don´t they look in the mirror of titles wich already give a great 3D experience to the player?

I prefer 2D Castlevanias, but I think it would be awesome to see a Belmont chasing down medusa heads through a castle as impressive as ICO´s, and fighting huge final bosses the same way Kratos does. It would be an interesting mix: Castlevania classic elements and enemies in a ghostly colossal ICO-like castle, spiced up with some God of War frenetic playability.

I know that you didn't give Lament much of a chance when it was released, (well I don't know if you have played it this time around) but I must say that the game only fails in the level design aspect. There were some nice details here and there, but they abused of being too repetitive showing more of the same rooms again and again. The game was overall great in every other aspect: gameplay, combat system, music, voice acting (it's one of those rare games were I enjoy the english voice acting more than the japanese one)...

I might get dissaponted to some degree with CoD, but I'm going to get it anyways.

13th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Thu 24 Nov 01:19post reply

Finished it, but didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted. They say its faster than the Lament of Innocence, but Hector runs like he has Iron Underpants (i.e. Really slow!!!). As for the extras, not really worth the effort. Overall, dissapointed.


All one needs in life is Tea Sonic Super Robot Wars KOF and Pineapples

1017th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Thu 24 Nov 02:39post reply

*Stuck on Hoth* Damn its cold here!

*uber-guilty* Okay being a huge Castlevania fan that I'd think I'd have the game. But too many games came out at them same time and I'm out of cash. And after reading most of the posts on the new game, maybe it's a good thing I waited to get it.

I'll get around to it I guess... I hate being stuck on Hoth!! ^_-

~ Mom to a new SC Baby!! Raphael Dante R. ~

1397th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Thu 24 Nov 07:06post reply

*Stuck on Hoth* Damn its cold here!

*uber-guilty* Okay being a huge Castlevania fan that I'd think I'd have the game. But too many games came out at them same time and I'm out of cash. And after reading most of the posts on the new game, maybe it's a good thing I waited to get it.

I'll get around to it I guess... I hate being stuck on Hoth!! ^_-

Sorry for the offtopicness, specially if this has been commented before, but:

Daala! Long time no see! Have you "brought the new gamer to this world" yet?

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

496th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(8):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 25 Nov 01:18post reply

Didn't have a problem with LOI, don't have a problem with this game from what I've played so far.

1019th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 2 Dec 00:44post reply


Sorry for the offtopicness, specially if this has been commented before, but:

Daala! Long time no see! Have you "brought the new gamer to this world" yet?

Sorry for the late reply, why yes I have his name is Raphael. ^_^ thanks for asking.

Back on topic: Is the new system hard to use? I'll have to read the review again. Playing SC3, Battlefront 2, Trauma Center!...I've been so busy!

~ Mom to a new SC Baby!! Raphael Dante R. ~

1th Post

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"Re(9):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 2 Dec 01:14post reply

I liked LoI a lot more than this one. It's really easy to forget that CoD is even a Castlevania game. It feels a lot more like a Dynasty Warriors type of thing (roaming through a barren wasteland, smashing hoards of mindless enemies).

I haven't got around to finishing it yet because I find myself getting frustrated and angry whenever I try to play.

I don't think I've really enjoyed a Castlevania game since 3 but I keep buying them nonetheless.

If only Capcom could somehow be allowed to develop a Castlevania game, they would certainly do a much better job than Konami is currently doing. Devil May Cry would be excellent Castlevania game if they simply replaced the end boss with Dracula.

1400th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 2 Dec 06:16:post reply

EDIT: Damn Explorer is making me post before me type...

Sorry for the late reply, why yes I have his name is Raphael. ^_^ thanks for asking.

Raphael as in Soul Calibur's?
I don't think I've really enjoyed a Castlevania game since 3 but I keep buying them nonetheless.

A classic lover you are, then, indeed.

And I just come from getting to the final battle in Julius mode in DOS.... *drools*

-sorry, this was kind of pushed in, but I had to say it- ^_^;

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 2 Dec 06:40]

1519th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Fri 2 Dec 10:59post reply


I don't think I've really enjoyed a Castlevania game since 3 but I keep buying them nonetheless.

While I can't say that's the case with me, I'm hurting for another "traditional" Castlevania game. I'd rather have excellent level design than lots of options. The more options you have, the less the game can balance what's going on. For once, I want money or exp or anything like that.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed DoS quite a bit (Julius Mode is also better than I thought it would be), but I enjoyed a number of the more "traditional" Castlevania games more.

Maese Spt
97th Post

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"we have to rely on portables" , posted Fri 2 Dec 20:46post reply

It feels a lot more like a Dynasty Warriors type of thing (roaming through a barren wasteland, smashing hoards of mindless enemies).

If only Capcom could somehow be allowed to develop a Castlevania game, they would certainly do a much better job than Konami is currently doing. Devil May Cry would be excellent Castlevania game if they simply replaced the end boss with Dracula.

As I say some post above, I´d rather add some God of War and ICO flavors to the mixture, but a Devil May Cry deployment would fit Castlevania perfectly right as well. Not that I don´t prefer the old classic 2D Castlevanias, but if you have to go 3D, do it thinking big.

In fact, nowadays the only way to play a decent Castlevania (that is, without resorting to old consoles emulation) is buying a GBA or a DS. And man, I hate portables...

I don't think I've really enjoyed a Castlevania game since 3 but I keep buying them nonetheless.

Wow, you didn´t even like Super Castlevania IV? And *gasp* neither Rondo of Blood?

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

3th Post

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"Re(1):we have to rely on portables" , posted Sat 3 Dec 00:04:post reply


Wow, you didn´t even like Super Castlevania IV? And *gasp* neither Rondo of Blood?

I did enjoy Super Castlevania quite a bit, but certainly not as much as Castlevania 3. And alas, I'm yet to try Rondo fo Blood because I don't have a PC Engine or any money.

Why on earth hasn't Konami given us a Castlevania collection for the PS2? Everyone else is doing it...

[this message was edited by Thaumaturge on Sat 3 Dec 00:10]

1020th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Castlevania:COD - any good?" , posted Sat 3 Dec 04:22post reply


Raphael as in Soul Calibur's?

Yeah, you got it. Tho his dad tells people other wise... but that was reason I named him Raphael.

~ Mom to a new SC Baby!! Raphael Dante R. ~

Maese Spt
101th Post

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"Re(2):we have to rely on portables" , posted Sun 4 Dec 22:31post reply


And alas, I'm yet to try Rondo fo Blood because I don't have a PC Engine or any money.

That´s really a pity, you are missing such a great game... but, you know, emulation can be your friend in many cases.


Why on earth hasn't Konami given us a Castlevania collection for the PS2? Everyone else is doing it...

Yeah, agreed. A Castlevania Collection (from MSX and NES classics to latest GBA titles, featuring my beloveds Syuper Castlevania IV and Rondo of Blood as well, and maybe PSX´s Gekka no Nocturne too) would rock my world to no end.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

455th Post

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"Re(3):we have to rely on portables" , posted Sun 4 Dec 23:19post reply


Yeah, agreed. A Castlevania Collection (from MSX and NES classics to latest GBA titles, featuring my beloveds Syuper Castlevania IV and Rondo of Blood as well, and maybe PSX´s Gekka no Nocturne too) would rock my world to no end.

IGA was asked about that in the american guidebook of Down of Sorrow (a great one, should I say) and he mentioned that maybe he could try releasing a collection with the first 3 NES games. Also, he said that porting Rondo to another system requires a lot of money, and that they can't use the original graphics as they are, so more cost is involved.

In other words, don't get your expectations too high...

1406th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):we have to rely on portables" , posted Fri 9 Dec 20:55post reply

Feel like bumping today...

Yeah, agreed. A Castlevania Collection (from MSX and NES classics to latest GBA titles, featuring my beloveds Syuper Castlevania IV and Rondo of Blood as well, and maybe PSX´s Gekka no Nocturne too) would rock my world to no end.

IGA was asked about that in the american guidebook of Down of Sorrow (a great one, should I say) and he mentioned that maybe he could try releasing a collection with the first 3 NES games. Also, he said that porting Rondo to another system requires a lot of money, and that they can't use the original graphics as they are, so more cost is involved.

In other words, don't get your expectations too high...

About compilations... Konami just announced they're gonna make a GBA pack HoD and AoS both in one cartridge.


Damn. >_<

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

464th Post

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"Re(5):we have to rely on portables" , posted Fri 9 Dec 21:11post reply


About compilations... Konami just announced they're gonna make a GBA pack HoD and AoS both in one cartridge.


Damn. >_<

Yeah, I wanted to see them re-released separately, cos the one I don't own is HoD. So I don't know if I should get this one or try to hunt the normal release of HoD.

Maese Spt
107th Post

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"Re(4):we have to rely on portables" , posted Thu 15 Dec 06:13post reply


Also, he said that porting Rondo to another system requires a lot of money, and that they can't use the original graphics as they are, so more cost is involved.

Woah, I dunno if this statement it´s true, but, man, it´s the lamest excuse I´ve ever heard...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"