Range Murata's Form Code and AIR TV book - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums
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637th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"Range Murata's Form Code and AIR TV book" , posted Thu 17 Nov 01:58
Quick questions:
1. Has there ever been any updates on the release date of Murata's Form Code. Is it at the end of this year? Next year? Is it out and I didn't even notice?
2. Can anyone help me comfirm that this book http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4861272114/qid=1132159893/sr=8-13/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i13_xgl21/249-0667081-2061953 is the same as this http://www.mangaoh.co.jp/php/data_product.php?i_prd_code=107368
Being able to see Japanese characters would help me, but right now I am unable to do so. Searching for the ISBN (its in amazon) seems to say yes, but if anyone the book and can check the ISBN it could be helpful.
"Re(1):Range Murata's Form Code and AIR TV boo" , posted Thu 17 Nov 14:32
quote:1. Has there ever been any updates on the release date of Murata's Form Code. Is it at the end of this year? Next year? Is it out and I didn't even notice?
All I got is that it'll be out in the season we're in right now.
quote:2. Can anyone help me comfirm that this book http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4861272114/qid=1132159893/sr=8-13/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i13_xgl21/249-0667081-2061953 is the same as this http://www.mangaoh.co.jp/php/data_product.php?i_prd_code=107368
Being able to see Japanese characters would help me, but right now I am unable to do so. Searching for the ISBN (its in amazon) seems to say yes, but if anyone the book and can check the ISBN it could be helpful.
Both have Mac Garden as the maker and I don't see a "volume" or any other word like that. I want to say "They're the same," but I can't find the ISBN for the latter. Hope that helps.
633th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"Re(2):Range Murata's Form Code and AIR TV boo" , posted Thu 1 Dec 06:21
quote: 1. Has there ever been any updates on the release date of Murata's Form Code. Is it at the end of this year? Next year? Is it out and I didn't even notice?