DoA movie trailer - Forums

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1188th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 12:47post reply

I MIGHT see it just for Kevin Nash, but I don't know for sure if I could sit through this movie.


Undead Fred
2544th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 12:57post reply


I MIGHT see it just for Kevin Nash, but I don't know for sure if I could sit through this movie.

It looks like Charlie's Angels wearing a DOA mask.

Burning Ranger
1342th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"I get it now!" , posted Wed 23 Nov 13:19:post reply

DOA is a comedy satirizing how bad video game-based movies have become! It even has Guile from SF: The Movie!

It's also why they made the Ayame an anglo in the film!


Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

[this message was edited by Burning Ranger on Wed 23 Nov 13:28]

93th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 13:30post reply


I MIGHT see it just for Kevin Nash, but I don't know for sure if I could sit through this movie.

This trailer makes my feet sad

Undead Fred
2550th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):I get it now!" , posted Wed 23 Nov 13:38:post reply

DOA is a comedy satirizing how bad video game-based movies have become! It even has Guile from SF: The Movie!

It's also why they made the Ayame an anglo in the film!


Heh heh heh. Yeah, I'm still wondering who that guy was supposed to be. Probably all of the male characters from the series rolled into one character so they don't have to bother with any of them. I saw Gen-Fu in the trailer and I've seen a picture of Zack with a Gumby surfboard fin glued to his head, but I'm wondering if they're gonna even really use any of the other characters in the game. And yeah, I like how Kasumi's Japanese, but Ayane's white for some reason...

What happened to Hitomi and Lei-Fang? Did they just not bother with them, or do you think they're just gonna throw them in as some sort of cameo or something?


[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Sun 27 Nov 13:17]

1191th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):I get it now!" , posted Wed 23 Nov 14:18post reply

I don't know what people are expecting from this movie. DOA's plot has always been loose and corny to begin with, might as well make the movie like it. Besides, with the T&A, this might actually be the first moderately successful game movie at the box office in years.

125th Post

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"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 14:56post reply


I MIGHT see it just for Kevin Nash, but I don't know for sure if I could sit through this movie.

── =≡∧_∧ =←ME
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                  | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nothing Serious. Casuals Only.

720th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 15:16post reply


I MIGHT see it just for Kevin Nash, but I don't know for sure if I could sit through this movie.

My friends and I will probably see this just to laugh. A lot.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

3092th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 15:33post reply


I MIGHT see it just for Kevin Nash, but I don't know for sure if I could sit through this movie.

My friends and I will probably see this just to laugh. A lot.

I really don't think I can see this movie. I do think it's funny that they apparantly included some volleyball sequence in the film. I wasn't expecting much, but I at least thought there would be a tournament of some sort, but apparantly there won't be. I have no idea what they are going for here. My favorite character in DOA was always Hayabusa anyway (since I love Ninja Gaiden) but I liked Kasumi a lot too. Some of the other characters interest me too. In any case, whatever the story is, I'm pretty sure it will be totally unrelated to the little story the game had.

On a totally unrelated note, is Irene in the new Ninja Gaiden games at all? I was considereing getting a 360 since the DOA games and the Ninja Gaiden games are on Xbox, but if the stories in the new NG games are totally unrelated from the old ones I'll probably just get a PS3 for my secondary system with the new consoles, with Revolution being my first choice. I'm torn between Ninja Gaiden and new Final Fantasy games.

Hungry Like the Wolf

4321th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 16:35post reply

is Irene in the new Ninja Gaiden games at all?


3304th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 19:38post reply

I was considereing getting a 360 since the DOA games and the Ninja Gaiden games are on Xbox, but if the stories in the new NG games are totally unrelated from the old ones I'll probably just get a PS3 for my secondary system with the new consoles, with Revolution being my first choice.

You can take a PS3 since DOA4 and Ninja gaiden were announced on those support too...
ninja gaiden 2 was even annouced multi-support from the begining.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

3084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 20:24post reply

I've said this before and I'll say it again. This should have been done with those Japanese Real Dolls using stop motion animation.

1460th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Wed 23 Nov 21:25post reply

On a totally unrelated note, is Irene in the new Ninja Gaiden games at all? I was considereing getting a 360 since the DOA games and the Ninja Gaiden games are on Xbox, but if the stories in the new NG games are totally unrelated from the old ones I'll probably just get a PS3 for my secondary system with the new consoles, with Revolution being my first choice. I'm torn between Ninja Gaiden and new Final Fantasy games.

Have you played the old games recently? The plot really isn't very good. Neither is the plot of the new Ninja Gaiden, but it's got some of the best 3D action there is so it's hard to care about that.

Rev as the first choice though? You're odd. Secondary I can see, but first...? - My own personal waste of time.

903th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 00:13post reply


You can take a PS3 since DOA4 and Ninja gaiden were announced on those support too...

You're wrong.

1068th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 02:07post reply

I need to rip my eyes out now. Poor DOA, Team Ninja and Tecmo WHY?

Fuu is a cutie!!

2307th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 02:10post reply

It's incredible, I feel a vague sense of embarrassment for the DoA franchise. This is probably the best they could do considering but is the world demanding a one-off of the Charlie's Angels movies?

Dr Baghead
3529th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 05:36post reply

This is a somewhat legitmate question:

Does the 'Dead or Alive' series even have a storyline that makes sense to it?

Even "story mode" in the game is just your character screaming "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" at your next oppenent and them yelling "NO YOU GET OUT OF MY WAY!" then the round starts.

Then it's got some weird ass shit like clones, demonic powers, Ayane apparently has TWO fathers (unless Omega was Raidou, which is dumb), there's Tengus apparently, amensia, and Helena's parents are always being murdered by someone for whatever reason.

So is there an actual storyline? (something like a Mortal Kombat "Long ago Outworld tried to invade Earth, so they started Mortal Kombat to stop them, and it did! Now Liu Kang has to win or we're boned!" style set up, something other then "DoA is an invitation tournament with a cash prize!!!" which doesn't explain ANY of the crazy shit) If there's not doesn't the movie just have to be "Kasmui is a run away ninja, Ayane is her evil half-sister who wants to kill her." and it's perfectly acceptable?

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1509th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 05:40post reply

Really, this isn't worth complaining about. Does DOA have SO much dignity that this kind of movie is inapporpriate? What kind of movie do you THINK it should have!? Complaining about this is almost as bad as people who discredit DOA as a fighting game because it has fan service. I think MOST fighting games have absurd fan service these days.

Also, Lei Fang and Hitomi have to take back seats because they aren't skanky enough.

Undead Fred
2547th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 05:56post reply

This is a somewhat legitmate question:

Does the 'Dead or Alive' series even have a storyline that makes sense to it?

Even "story mode" in the game is just your character screaming "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" at your next oppenent and them yelling "NO YOU GET OUT OF MY WAY!" then the round starts.

Then it's got some weird ass shit like clones, demonic powers, Ayane apparently has TWO fathers (unless Omega was Raidou, which is dumb), there's Tengus apparently, amensia, and Helena's parents are always being murdered by someone for whatever reason.

So is there an actual storyline? (something like a Mortal Kombat "Long ago Outworld tried to invade Earth, so they started Mortal Kombat to stop them, and it did! Now Liu Kang has to win or we're boned!" style set up, something other then "DoA is an invitation tournament with a cash prize!!!" which doesn't explain ANY of the crazy shit) If there's not doesn't the movie just have to be "Kasmui is a run away ninja, Ayane is her evil half-sister who wants to kill her." and it's perfectly acceptable?

There's enough of a story to start from, but I know this- it's not Charlie's Angels VS. armies of ninjas defeated with OH NO YOU DIDNT lines. If they can actually get the feel of the characters down, then it could work, but so far it looks awful.

People were saying the same thing about Doom when the Doom movie trailers and stuff were out, "there isnt a story to the game LOL!!!" but the movie can still get it horribly, horribly wrong even when the story to the game's a little thin (even though they could have made the movie from Doom 3's story and had plenty to go from, but that's another issue). I mean, SF2 didn't really have any in-game story other than backstories and stuff you could read about and the characters' endings, but that doesn't mean they can't make a mess of the live-action movie.

7419th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 06:22post reply

Actually, I think I will enjoy the movie more than any of the games.

6896th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 06:57post reply

I wonder what's cheaper. Either the awful clothing, or how much the girls charge when doing extra "acting".

4322th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 08:46post reply

Lei Fang and Hitomi have to take back seats because they aren't skanky enough.

Either that or they're too busy macking on strawberries....

1244th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"I cry and pray mon dieu" , posted Thu 24 Nov 08:58post reply

Mon dieu!
Mon dieu!
Mon dieu! Mon dieu! Mon dieu!

1510th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 09:12post reply


Either that or they're too busy macking on strawberries....

Yeah, and I'll probably be too busy macking on strawberries to go see the movie.

Satoshi Miwa
2776th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 10:31post reply

You know, having a tase of chessy Kung Fu movies with bad acting and knowing quite a few people that do as well...Having seen that trailer I can say we'll probably see DOAV on DVD where we probably wouldn't have bothered before. It has cheesy Kung Fu in it, girls, and bad acting so it's like Win-Win! Even if it'll suck 20 different ways (In fact it'd be better if it wasn't good...That way the cheese would make it better).

3093th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 11:16post reply

Rev as the first choice though? You're odd. Secondary I can see, but first...?

Well, then, I guess I'm odd. It's just my preference, is all. I prefer Nintendo games, that's all there is to it.

Hungry Like the Wolf

1189th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 14:03post reply

I'm beginning to wonder if this will spawn a lot of movie-based eromanga. That would be interesting to see.

Bata kun
2740th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Wei shenme Cor?!" , posted Thu 24 Nov 16:29post reply

Big ups on the producer kicking aa. XD

Oh. Cor Yuen's directing the movie too, I think? Of course, I think I brought forth the question I needed to ask.

Time Mage
2278th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Thu 24 Nov 18:49post reply

I think that the movie will be maybe the best videogame to movie adaptation EVER. I mean, Boobs + nonsensical action? That's what defines DOA right there! To me DOA games have never been more than a fun but quickly forgettable fighting game if I don't have anything to play, and they have boobs. Soo... I find the movie to be a perfect reflection of that, based on the trailer.

769th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):DoA movie trailer" , posted Fri 25 Nov 03:36post reply

I think that the movie will be maybe the best videogame to movie adaptation EVER. I mean, Boobs + nonsensical action? That's what defines DOA right there! To me DOA games have never been more than a fun but quickly forgettable fighting game if I don't have anything to play, and they have boobs. Soo... I find the movie to be a perfect reflection of that, based on the trailer.

I agree. I doubt that a movie made for only the fans of the game would have any widestream appeal at all. The direction they are going with the movie seems like the safest choice in terms of making money.

That being said, I'm not go gonna see it =P

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

1151th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Fri 25 Nov 21:10post reply

Ugly fashion

& where are my panties

1511th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):DoA movie trailer" , posted Sat 26 Nov 04:00post reply

Ugly fashion

DoA HAS ugly fashion. Itagaki said something stupid like "we're not fashion designers" in reference to people's demands for more costumes. I think that says something about their design staff.

141th Post

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"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Sat 26 Nov 16:21post reply

[quoteThe direction they are going with the movie seems like the safest choice in terms of making money.

Wouldn't the safest choice perhaps be to at least try to make a good movie? Even if you fail, you might still manage to make a decent enough movie, and the T&A could carry the rest.

I've a feeling very few people involved in this movie are even shooting for "decent" though.

Dr Baghead
3530th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):DoA movie trailer" , posted Sat 26 Nov 17:57post reply

DoA HAS ugly fashion.

I don't know... some of the normal clothes are actually kinda nice (and no, for once I'm not being a sarcastic asshole, I seriously think costumes they copied from GAP catalogs look good, at least compared to "Christie with weird jaw bones knee pads" and "Fugly Anime half-jackets for Tina and Jan Lee!")...

and in DoAU like ever guy but Hayabusa had a HELLA DAPPER suit (and really, given how dapper those suits are and DoAX is basically "let's play dress up! Warning: May contain fustrating mini-games/dating sim preventing you from enjoying playing Dress up" I'm really surprised they haven't consider selling the series to chicks more... I mean, does Tecmo USA style ads of "Hey Look! BIG OL BOOBIES!!!! GRAP SOME KLEENX!!!" make the series sell so well they couldn't get a small boost by put ads in Shoujo Beat being like "Jan Lee is kinda hot, eh? He has no less then 4 shirtless costumes and 3 where he wears very expensive looking suits. How bout Ein? He's wearing unbuttoned red leather pants and shackles..." or "Okay look, the cover has 3 girls in tiny bikinis, but there's some clothes real people wear somewhere in the game... I think Kasumi or Hitomi or something has them, like shorts and skirts and 1 pieces and shit like that... plus you can paint their nails and put flowers in their hair!" but I degress...)

Itagaki said something stupid like "we're not fashion designers" in reference to people's demands for more costumes. I think that says something about their design staff.

Where did he say that?! and more to the point, can that man do an interview WITHOUT some 'crazy nonsense/ easy to misread/ calling Namco's game shitty while not making DoA any better or even making the same flawless he's putting them down for' quotes coming out of his mouth?

you'd think Tecmo would have assigned him a handler to stop him from saying such things.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

3087th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):DoA movie trailer" , posted Sat 26 Nov 22:10post reply

I dunno. I'm not really into the series but I remember some stuff about Ayame hunting Kasumi who was looking for her brother to get some secret. Also Helena's mom was killed by Ayame (I think). It seems like they could construct the hazy DOA plot into something more interesting than what looks like a poor Charlie's Angels clone.

Also Deven Aoki is bleah.

1513th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):DoA movie trailer" , posted Sun 27 Nov 04:41post reply

Dr. Baghead:

It's impossible for me to say where I heard the quote from Itagaki, since the man does like...5 interviews a week, but it might have been in the Team Ninja Special that did. I think it's a good thing for business that he says so much stupid crap, though, because he demands so much attention. Even if he lies and contradicts himself, people will still listen...and that's publicity.

But you've made a point. DoA doesn't have all ugly fashion, but most of it is still poor. Putting a guy in a suit doesn't make for good fashion DESIGN, even if it isn't ugly. Ein's "cool" costume is a plain design based on what is "supposed" to be cool. There's nothing interesting about that.

But I'm not just trying to insult DoA here. I actually LIKE DoA, I just don't like its aesthetics. I like fashion and interesting design, and the DoA designs on the whole are either concept-based, totally tacky, or unintersting. When I look at what the characters are wearing, I say "I would NEVER wear that, even if I was a sexy superpowered martial artist fighting in an international tournament" (because in that scenario, you wear whatever you want).

But everyone has different tastes, and not everyone is a snob like me about things like that. Lots of people can watch anime with gaudy, ill-matching color pallates and not even notice. They can see characters that break the most basic design/color principles and not care. If someone says "who the hell CARES if the fashion in DoA is good?" then I can't really argue, but I will argue that the overall character/costume design is weak.

Oh, but...well...DOAX is actually the exception, since they -did- have a team of designers for the swimsuits in that, and it showed.

128th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):DoA movie trailer" , posted Sun 27 Nov 14:03:post reply


I MIGHT see it just for Kevin Nash, but I don't know for sure if I could sit through this movie.

This movie needs more OPAI!

               _∩   おっぱい!!
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Nothing Serious. Casuals Only.

[this message was edited by kilvear on Sun 27 Nov 14:06]

Bata kun
2742th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DoA movie trailer" , posted Mon 28 Nov 08:58post reply

This movie needs more OPAI!

Did it even have any to begin with?

Yeah, Zepeh's asking the right question. Where are the panties? Oh. Before I forget,

*throws NeoRyu eyedrops*

361th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):DoA movie trailer" , posted Mon 28 Nov 16:36post reply

What kind of movie do you THINK it should have!?

Not a movie.

372th Post

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Silver Customer

"Oh god.." , posted Tue 29 Nov 12:07post reply

Wasn't this mistake done a long time ago, wasn't it called the Street Fighter Live Action movie ? (Well, at least Ming Na and Kylie were appealing... sort of.)

Kasumi is my favorite character, and Devon Aoki isn't it. Her face is TOO FLAT.

Anyone know a site with just jpeg pics of the movie? My com is a crappy 586 that runs on windows 98....


4323th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Oh god.." , posted Tue 29 Nov 12:22post reply

Kasumi is my favorite character, and Devon Aoki isn't it. Her face is TOO FAT.


2311th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Oh god.." , posted Tue 29 Nov 23:44post reply

Anyone know a site with just jpeg pics of the movie? My com is a crappy 586 that runs on windows 98....

Link Here.

Dr Baghead
3531th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Oh god.." , posted Wed 30 Nov 11:44post reply

Link Here.

I already hate the movie because Christie looks nothing like (and seems to act nothing like) Christie!

Also, isn't Kevin Nash a little young to play Bass? Maybe he'll be Tina's brother or cousin... or just drop all pretense and admit he's her lover, as it's been implied in every game he's in.... Speaking of Bass, has anyone ever seen "Hogan Knows Best" I find it very odd Hulk has a mildly attractive blonde daughter who wants to be singer. Is this life immating art (if you can call DoA art... and reality TV life) or did Itagaki know about Hogan's family when making DoA2?!

.... at least since Itagaki isn't one to hid his true opinions in interviews we'll get hear the creator actual say how horrible they thought the movie was... or maybe he's so insane he'll be all like "I enjoyed the part where Christie, Tina, and Kasumi went to the Burger King and Christie orders 3 jumbo burgers, 3 large fires, 3 onion rings, 3 large chocolate shakes, and 3 apple pies and then... get this... ASK THE OTHER TWO IF THEY WANT ANYTHING?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Get it, the movie made it seem like she was ordering for everone but really she's over eating!! but she's in shape so it's funny not sad because she's killing herself slowly with food!" either way it'd be fun to read!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

Undead Fred
2556th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Oh god.." , posted Wed 30 Nov 15:04post reply

I already hate the movie because Christie looks nothing like (and seems to act nothing like) Christie!
And Kasumi, and Helena, and Ayane... etc. etc. etc. I think Tina's the only one that's really looking similar to the actual character (looks and character, I mean). I'm still wondering how Kasumi and Ayane are supposed to be connected though, since for all of these years, I pretty sure that they were sisters. Maybe they had a recessive white gene in their family that Ayane picked up.

Anyway, this is just gonna be another game I liked turned into a movie nightmare monster that I'm gonna avoid.

Dr Baghead
3532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Oh god.." , posted Wed 30 Nov 15:20post reply

And Kasumi, and Helena, and Ayane... etc. etc. etc.

eh, I don't care about them... I was just indifferent towards the movie when I thought it was just Kasumi, Ayane, and Tina but knowing they're destorying the only good character makes me join the "I hate it already" club.

I'm still wondering how Kasumi and Ayane are supposed to be connected though, since for all of these years, I pretty sure that they were sisters. Maybe they had a recessive white gene in their family that Ayane picked up.

They're half sisters... it's not impossible they just decided to make Raidou a white guy in the movie universe, and although unlikely if he was White then Ayane could look white herself (well it IS impossible since he's Kasumi's fathers brother, unless their father or mother was white and Ayane is an extremely unlikely genetic fluke... but whatever, it sorta makes sense if you don't think about it)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

Red Falcon
5619th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Oh god.." , posted Wed 30 Nov 15:46post reply


but whatever, it sorta makes sense if you don't think about it)

I think it makes more sense if you just say to yourself "they're a bunch of mis-casting morons".

Best site EVER:Link Here

95th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):Oh god.." , posted Wed 30 Nov 15:52:post reply

They're half sisters... it's not impossible they just decided to make Raidou a white guy in the movie universe, and although unlikely if he was White then Ayane could look white herself (well it IS impossible since he's Kasumi's fathers brother, unless their father or mother was white and Ayane is an extremely unlikely genetic fluke... but whatever, it sorta makes sense if you don't think about it)

Yeah I kind of heard along the lines that Raidou had his way with Kasumi's mom and out came Ayane a while while back. But since were some what along the topic of dead or alive I remember Itagaki saying this Ryu Hayabusa had nothing to do with Ninja Gaiden of the NES series.

I wasn't sure to believe after looking at the DOA ultimate site for the first doa game that leads me to believe it was actually connected with his spouse "Aileen." Mistranslation spoof with Irene Lew or just out of randomness? Not that I don't mind a personal reboot on the Ninja Gaiden hero's backround himself but hmm.Much abliged for the help.

[this message was edited by catalyst on Wed 30 Nov 15:53]

Undead Fred
2557th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Oh god.." , posted Wed 30 Nov 17:11post reply

But since were some what along the topic of dead or alive I remember Itagaki saying this Ryu Hayabusa had nothing to do with Ninja Gaiden of the NES series.

Weird. So Ryu from the new Ninja Gaiden would have to be some sort of "not the same guy" as the DOA one, since they're definitely the same guy, then... I mean, the one in DOA Ultimate has the old and new Ninja Gaiden outfits to choose from...

Bata kun
2748th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Connection?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 01:35post reply

Well, you know how companies love to change the spelling of names of their characters. Look at "SC III". =P

96th Post

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"Re(7):Oh god.." , posted Thu 1 Dec 05:57:post reply


Weird. So Ryu from the new Ninja Gaiden would have to be some sort of "not the same guy" as the DOA one, since they're definitely the same guy, then... I mean, the one in DOA Ultimate has the old and new Ninja Gaiden outfits to choose from...

Whoops, Sorry about the confusion Fred. I meant that this Ryu Hayabusa, both from DOA and the new Ninja Gaiden has no relevant connection towards the old Ninja Gaiden of the NES series. Both the DOA and new Ninja Gaiden one are the same characters I believe just not connected to past games.

As for the costumes I suppose those were made for those hardcore fans who remember the old nes series

[this message was edited by catalyst on Thu 1 Dec 06:01]

Undead Fred
2559th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Oh god.." , posted Thu 1 Dec 06:11:post reply

Whoops, Sorry about the confusion Fred. I meant that this Ryu Hayabusa, both from DOA and the new Ninja Gaiden has no relevant connection towards the old Ninja Gaiden of the NES series. Both the DOA and new Ninja Gaiden one are the same characters I believe just not connected to past games.

As for the costumes I suppose those were made for those hardcore fans who remember the old nes series

Ah, okay. That's still really weird, though. I hate it when they do that kind of thing... "I know it looks like a chicken, smells like a chicken, tastes like a chicken, and has 'chicken' written on it... BUT I SAY THAT IS NOT A CHICKEN" Why aren't they the same guy, did they say? I hope it's not for some stupid reason like "well, if it were the same guy, he'd be too old!"

EDIT: Grammar.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Thu 1 Dec 06:11]

96th Post

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"Re(9):Oh god.." , posted Thu 1 Dec 06:37post reply

Why aren't they the same guy, did they say? I hope it's not for some stupid reason like "well, if it were the same guy, he'd be too old!"

No real reason, from what I remember Itagaki said he just wanted to start fresh. He took references from the NES series but he wants the New Ninja Gaiden as a completely new story or reboot. Not necessarily directly linked like you mentioned with the funny chicken quote you made earlier but its just there.

"One of the biggest mysteries surrounding the latest Ninja Gaiden is its position in the series' timeline. "Many things in [the new Ninja Gaiden] are tied into previous games in the series," said Itagaki. "But the game is completely different. It has an entirely new storyline that is based on a different premise than the one found in the previous Ninja Gaiden games" quoted from gamespot interview with Itagaki.

Kinda similarities would be with the The dark Sword of chaos being made from the bone of the demon boss in Ninja Gaiden 1, and in the new ninja gaiden the dark dragon blade being based off the bone of a demon. That and the whole Ken Hayabusa thingie.

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"Freeter/ Baghead" , posted Thu 8 Dec 12:35post reply


Thanks for the still shots... Uhmmm... this looks like uhhh .... something I would probably watch as a TV movie on a UPN matinee while I am glancing back and forth drawing artwork or something.

Baghead: you have a really really good point about Christie. She looks NOTHING like her, even though Christie is one of my favorite characters too - I liked her in DOA Beach Volleyball because she was so sarcastic, the element in her voice sounded so lazy, and just plain funny for an assassin.

Anyways, good one freeter for the fix he he ^^

Kasumi is my favorite character, and Devon Aoki isn't it. Her face is TOO FAT.


(Right on Brother)
