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KTallguy 771th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Virtua Fighter 5 Location Test" , posted Sun 27 Nov 03:51
Well, at virtuafighter.jp, they have a small teaser site with some character renders that kind of show off the new look of some of the characters. There was also a loke test yesterday and today.
A small report from virtuafighter.com from RENO:
"I just got back from FOUR HOURS of VF5. Hoooly crap, this game BLOWS AWAY ANY X360 GAME. My god, it easily surpasses anything else I've seen IMO. DOA4 what? Tekken 5 what? The king has returned, suffice to say. To talk about the graphics a bit... it could be because the display was a high res monitor. It could be because Lindbergh is a fucking beast of a machine, but AM2 somehow made a game that looks better than any other game out there. I would dare say that it looks JUST AS GOOD as MGS4's demo. The lighting in the game is absolutely crazy, and the details on the models are incredible.
Here's the details that matter.
In the game, everyone has the normal evade that's done in VF4. However, everyone now has a sway step... kind of. Basically, you press u/f or d/f and P+K+G and you'll sway to one side of your opponent. This allows you to avoid attacks but it also works well after you've staggered an opponent and you want to set them up for a ring out or a wall combo. People who play Lion will adapt to this easily since he already had this command in VF4. I guess AM2 liked it so much that they incorporated it into every character.
Most of what's in VF4 is in VF5. You still have the struggles and all that. However VF.net isn't as expansive as it is in VF4: Final Tuned -- this is expected since the game is still in testing. Right now they just have basic win/loss, ranking and costumes... but I expect it to have everything that Final Tuned does and more. One cool thing is that with VF.tv is that it actually shows the last ten matches of each player. So if you had 4 wins and 6 losses, it'll show that information. Any way, I got on a tangent there... there are some interesting changes that where made...
Low jabs are changed somehow. This is a long shot, but this is my theory.... if you press d+P while standing, your rear hand will do the low jab, effectively cutting down the range and speed of it. However, pressing d+P while crouching will give you the old fashioned low jab that has alot of speed and range. However, I could be wrong on this. I noticed that Wolf players only did the new jab, while I noticed Goh and some of the female characters did the fast, ordinary jab. I have no idea how they implemented this, so dont ask. I'm sure most of the Japanese players will know how this worked out. Maybe it's just a simple thing so that characters with slow jabs (the big guys) have the slower jab animation and the fast characters have the regular one. Who knows.
I didn't get to play El Blaze -- Sega required you to get a VF.net card to play -- but from the matches I saw he seems incomplete right now. His Lucha style is activated by pressing P+K+G... then you can run away or towards your opponent, as well as faking them out. Blaze will basically run until he hits the end of the arena. He has quiet a few moves out of this stance, like a flying body splash and a dropkick. It seemed that most people weren't getting a lot of wins with him though, since everyone was beasting with the old characters.
Throws are now a little slower now, or maybe it's just me. Instead of VF4's intantaneous throws, there's now some animation before they connect, making it a little easier to escape them.
Customization looks fucking SWEET. We're talking about replacing entire pieces of clothing rather than changing the base colour and all. One Goh player I saw replaced his traditional judo gi with a white leather heavy coat (think Neo from Matrix Reloaded, but white) and then brown leather pants, and topped it off with a char face mask. It looked HOT.
VF.tv is the same as Tekken Live in Japan but it's MUCH more fleshed out. They have player power rankings like in Tekken Live, but they give you a lot more information about the players, as well as a good view of what items the player has equipped. The match replays are fucking fantastic. Not only are they great quality wise, but they also include running commentary!"
Anyway, I'm still salivating at the thought of any new info, and kicking myself for coming back to the US. =)
Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY "テメエがヤクブソクなんだよ!"
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hikarutilmitt 330th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(5):Virtua Fighter 5 Location Test" , posted Mon 28 Nov 01:24
quote: I hope that the Gameworks here gets VF5 when it comes out.
I was looking at the character renders on the offical VF site and I am loving them. Lau and Shun have some good looks. Jeffry kinda looks like Macho Man Randy Savage to me, the later nWo Savage that is. But it seems weird that, to me, Vanessa has turned white.
Well, since Gameworks is owned by SEGA now, apparently, chances are a lot better of seeing it show up here.
On the Vanessa thing, I think she looks better now due to lighting. She never struck me as a darker black person, more like a mulatto (sp?) or something, not dark like an islander like Jeff.
Hell, I can't get past Aoi's odd-looking haircut. :P It doesn't look bad, really, but I'm used to her having regular short hair or normal longer hair, not short hair with long sidelocks.