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Undead Fred 2553th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Dead or Alive 4 Delayed" , posted Tue 29 Nov 06:52
Replying in a Professor thread!
quote: 360 was just too rushed... but at the same time there's this frenzy over the system. I'm still kind of puzzled over how the mainstream popular of game players are snowed by the 360 lineup... probably the only launch game really worth playing is Condemned... but it's really nothing compared to a game like F.E.A.R. Even Quake 4 and Call of Duty 2 are inferior to the PC versions... yet the general public is just eating it up!
I guess the core audience for video games has really just completely shifted... anyway once DOA4, Full Auto, and Gears of War hit... it could justify the price tag... but not by much.
I'm also a little fearful for Nintendo's US future because of the 360 success. If everyone is buying up the same old recycled crap with marginally improved graphics... I think many of these gamers won't be able to get into a lot of the new ideas Nintendo is trying to bring with the Revolution.
Yeah, everyone's getting off on the 360's graphics at this point... even though the lineup's not really making it worth buying at the moment. The current system "shortage" sounds really suspicious to me, too. "Well, the PS2 had a shortage at first, it came out first, and everyone liked it, right?" Well, even though they hurried the system out, at least not all of the games are rushing out the door too.
I'm sure DOA4 will still win the "best fighting game ever" award on Spike TV anyway, though.
beto 904th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Dead or Alive 4 Delayed" , posted Tue 29 Nov 08:48
quote: I believe you misunderstood what he said, as you've somewhat misquoted him on that (and Ninja Gaiden) before. The deal is that Team Ninja doesn't have an EXCLUSIVE agreement with Microsoft anymore. That just means that other system ports are possible in the future, but it's up to them. Itagaki has expressed (what I believe is ill-placed) disinterest in the PS3, though that may be a business choice.
Itagaki confirmed all the DOA games (4, X2, CC) and a game called "Project Progressive" as Microsoft-exclusive. You can even see them in one of the recent japanese DOA4 ads. He never said anything about Ninja Gaiden 2 being exclusive (and the game wasn't in the ad), but when asked about NG2 being on PS3 (kikizo or 1up interview), he dismissed it.
Didn't actually answer it, though.
He did say, after receiving the PS3 dev kit, that he thought the PS3 was awful to develop for (originally, he said he was excited about seeing what the PS3 was like).
NARUTO 3308th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Dead or Alive 4 Delayed" , posted Tue 29 Nov 18:36
quote: I believe you misunderstood what he said, as you've somewhat misquoted him on that (and Ninja Gaiden) before. The deal is that Team Ninja doesn't have an EXCLUSIVE agreement with Microsoft anymore. That just means that other system ports are possible in the future, but it's up to them. Itagaki has expressed (what I believe is ill-placed) disinterest in the PS3, though that may be a business choice.
Itagaki confirmed all the DOA games (4, X2, CC) and a game called "Project Progressive" as Microsoft-exclusive. You can even see them in one of the recent japanese DOA4 ads. He never said anything about Ninja Gaiden 2 being exclusive (and the game wasn't in the ad), but when asked about NG2 being on PS3 (kikizo or 1up interview), he dismissed it.
Didn't actually answer it, though.
He did say, after receiving the PS3 dev kit, that he thought the PS3 was awful to develop for (originally, he said he was excited about seeing what the PS3 was like).
Well for what I read in a french magazine interview he clearly did say that he wont be 360 exclusive anymore. Not enough cash from the previous xbox release, is maybe be a reason good enough to think twice at the Multi-port release. And Itagaki always said that enven if he likes the xbox , he's always interested by the stronger system, which on the paper is the PS3.
And if the 360 release isn't a sucsess in japan, soon or later he'll maybe change his mind.
 Tu Fuis Ego eris... Like you I was Like me you'll be...
NARUTO 3325th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Dead or Alive 4 Delayed" , posted Mon 5 Dec 03:29
quote: So TTT2 would be TK5DR + old missing characters like Jun, Michelle, Ogre, DR B... and a tag system,
... I'm a Tekken character?
No! Nomca would need to pay you... this is Dr Boskonovitch.
with DOA4 like graphisms. ...I thought people weren't happy with DoA4's graphics, why would that be a plus for Tekken?
Well DOA4 graphisms are better than most of the 3d games out now, only VF5 have better graphisms so...
quote: As far as I know, you're wrong.
Well Mr Ze Hagué, I don't want to contradict you, but the TZ site which is really reliable for Tekken info, did say that a TK5Dr version for Ps2 "would be " made...
 Tu Fuis Ego eris... Like you I was Like me you'll be...
Professor 2255th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):Dead or Alive 4 Delayed" , posted Tue 6 Dec 21:36:
AAaagh so it takes me about a week before I get to make a reply! Hope anyone that wrote to me doesn't miss this post.
> sabo10 >holy freaking crap posting in a professor thread! A WINNER IS YOU!
> Juan >Professor 360 I'd rather buy a JuanStation 3, thankyou. Those controllers have penguin feet.
> kilvear OMG I'M IN THE THREAD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. Professor!? Where!?
(゚Д゚ ≡ ゚д゚) Please relay to Lanzer that the best way to catch me is mail. I don't use IM applications anymore. Eats too much time!
> EddyT >We are also experiencing the delay here in the US, Maddy. Eddyy!! How's it going! Looks like Bonus Stage is as outdated as MMCafe's index page. Let's see who makes the update first!
> Maese Spt Posting in a Professor thread for the first time since I´m in teh forum!! Internet: serious business. Monkey business is always serious business. Welcome to the board enjoy your stay and you get my drift!
> NARUTO >wow Professor! Glad to see you... Wow, Nice you see you too! I don't recall Itagaki saying that, but maybe he did...? Not really sure. I bumped into him once at a hotel, his face really looks like a pizza when you look at him in person.
> Iggy >m(_ _)m to the Professor !
( ゚Д゚)=◯)`△゚)・;' To the Iggy-man! My health is doing relatively well, thanks! Hope I just had more time overall. Hope you won't mind throwing in some news once MMCafe gets updated?
> Radish >Posting in a tread about posting in a Proffessor thread! It's an equation for an eternal loop! I'm really wondering about the Xbox 360's launch in Japan. Seems almost like the old Xbox all over again.
> Time Mage >Posting here should rise my reputation... Posting here will raise your tolerance against many other things as well, including foot diseases, evil stepmothers, sweating smelly otakus, and rotten soybeans.
> Zepy >He's more than a god! He's a superstar professor! I'm no superstar, but I can sure fly during comiket, oh wait, that's superman. BTW, coming this winter?
> Ammadeau >Seeing the Professor post gives me more satisfaction than any news of DOA4 But let's be honest though, we want to see bouncing boobs more than the Professor.
> Arngrim Salutes to the Professor! It's nice to see him around. Salut to Arngrim! Nice robot you've got there.. . Gundamn?
> exodus pro-fessa! are you still going to the december events? I am mulling. Probaaaably to C69, just because it's something of a year-end tradition. Oh, and look, the catalogue's coming out the same day as Xbox 360. I can already see it, the long line of people at Akiba on Saturday morning to pick up that huge, overweight, oversized object that'll come in handy as a bulletproof armor. Of course, I'm talking about the Comiket catalogue.
> Undead Fred >Replying in a Professor thread! And replying to a reply on an Undead Fred Thread! (Hey that rhymes)
> Krzyzewski Man I'd post in this thread, but the Professor might remember he forgot to ban me. It was mistakingly a mistook mistake to make such a mistakeable mistake.
> Nate >Also, another Masterposter appearance. Does he think he can just waltz his way back into our hearts? But no, I'll riverdance my way back here, half topless.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 6 Dec 21:44] |