New SCE game : Rule of Rose - Forums

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7429th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Tue 29 Nov 21:24:post reply

England, 1930.
In a place no adult can reach, a group of innocent little girls who just wanted to be loved made a pact with the princess of the red rose.

The player, Jennifer, got lost in this irrational kingdom of the little girls, their innocent desire taking the most cruel forms. She will has been driven there by a book given to her by little boy she can only hear, and who continues to address her through the game. The book contain several extremely sad and cruel fairy tales which swallow the heroin into their world.

It's an adventure game close to Demento, since the heroin will be helped by a dog (Brown), but with a bigger emphasis on the adventure part, where you will look for hints to understand the scenario, and a lesser importance given to the gross boobs of the heroin.

The movies are done by Shirogami, who already did the CG for SC3 or Clock Tower 3.

Look at the gorgeous movie here.

This is definitely Demento, except this time it could actually be good.

I really like SCE as a developper. My only interogation is : why release this one month before Siren 2 ?
Also, why are they making so little noise around this game ? The only in-game picture I found is here :
It does look like Demento.


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
百合なのに薔薇なのか !

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 29 Nov 21:46]


294th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Tue 29 Nov 23:27post reply

It makes me think a lot about "Innocence" (Lucile Hadzihalilovic's movie of early 2005, not the Ghost in the Shell sequel).


2312th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Tue 29 Nov 23:52post reply

Good job finding that game Iggy. RoR looks nice but was Demento popular enough to warrant another game using a similar engine?

7430th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 01:18post reply

Chaz : I haven't been to the movies this year, shame on me.
And shame on you for reminding me that.
Good job finding that game Iggy.

I should have said somewhere Ze Hagué pointed it to me first.
There, it's done.

Clock Tower at least had good sales, and Siren did extremely well for an original game... But at least it had some advertizing effort. Maybe they plan to advertize it on TV a few days before its release ?

3107th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 02:33post reply

I assume you mean SCEJ - cause there's also SCEA and SCEE.

but yeah, this is uhhhhhhhh interesting!!

1875th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 02:50post reply

If you don't like flashplayer, here's a direct-feed WMV teaser.

I like the music

7431th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 05:35post reply

cause there's also SCEA and SCEE.

I refuse to aknowledge their existence.

254th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 06:17post reply

This game looks amazing! But I'm not liking he whole "demento" gameplay.


3108th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 06:53post reply


I refuse to aknowledge their existence.

hmm. I understand.

199th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(7):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 14:37post reply

This preview gives me the creeps. Can't tell if it is in a good way or a bad way though...

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

3090th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Wed 30 Nov 20:23post reply

The game looks cool and I hope it gets released internationally since Demento seemed like it had some neat ambiance but was sullied by bad game design. However I can already see headlines of "Are videogames turning our children into lesbian serial killers??!!!" if it does.

20th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 00:19post reply


Look at the gorgeous movie here.


In fact, I am, at the moment, making a video to show to SCEA so they can decide if they want to localize it or not. They are, at this juncture, yet unconvinced about its quality. The current opinion is, and I quote: "It looks too slow. There's not enough action." I think they also wish it had more nudity. The SCEA rep the other day stabbed me in the chest with his finger and said, "Make the girl a hooker. Give the zombies guns. Do it." He said it through his teeth. I tried to tell him there weren't any zombies and he spit tobacco in my face.

Hong Kong is more optimistic, expecting to sell 1,200 copies total.

It's a pretty fun game anyway.

It plays well with headphones.

7434th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 08:45post reply

(turns to the members of the Café)
Don’t you hate it when you’re at a party, and then there’s… you know… that guy. It’s the guy that feels very, very awkward, and he tries to fit in, and nobody knows who he is and who brought him here. I mean, he must have… friends, or something. Somewhere. Well, obviously not here, but, you know… Somewhere.
Sometimes, that guy is harmless, and he’s just here because he’s lonely. Like, you know, NARUTO, we don’t really like it, but we got used to it, like that old dog you always played with when you went to your now deceased great grand mother’s house.
Oh, yeah, from times to times someone can’t help bullying him, but it’s just for fun. Besides, if God gave him another foot, it must have been in case something happens to the good one.

But then, sometimes, the that guy is not as friendly. You know, it’s the that guy who really desperately tries to fit in, with incredibly low self esteem and social skills. Well, no, it’s somewhat quite credible actually.
But, well, the problem is that he just doesn’t have a clue about how to act in front of others, and the very action to talk to another animated object requires a huge effort from him, such a huge effort that when he finally manages to pull it out, it takes a form so totally out of proportion with what was required in the first time that it makes him look like a total jerk (which he debatably actually is).
On one hand, you understand him, you know you should even help him, explain him there’s really no need to shout and cry and move his arms around, but then… He’s so annoying, you'd really rather ignore him and convince you he’s not there, and then you continue your discussion with your usual friends, who turn their backs at him as well.
Yeah, it’s not fair, but… He’s such a retard.

You know, it’s exactly like at that party at Brussels.
Hairy #1 was there, my unreachable fantasy since the early summer, way out of my range, and also Hairy #3 and #4, who argued about me. Well, finally, long story short, I ended up with Hairy #3, and tried to keep Hairy #4 for this week. (to keep the story understandable if you missed the episode, I won’t talk about what happened with Hairy #5, #8 and #9. Also, please note that I lost interest in Hairy #6 after a few times, so he’s out of the show ; in other words, from now on, Hairy #8 is actually last week’s Hairy #9, Hairy #9 is actually last week’s Hairy #10, and so on).
But then, just as I thought that I could finally get Hairy #4 in my bed this week, Sunday, I learned that, upset by my temporary rejection, the bastard managed to have sex with Hairy #1 ! Just like that, in a few days, while I gave up after several month of repeated failures !
Needless to say, I was totally devastated for a whole day (thank god Hairy #2 was here to cheer me up).
But then, several other subplots entered in action, like the one about the anonumous text about the governor of Ovari in 987 or the surprise return of Not Hairy Guy #2 who made a guest star appearance, and then, finally, just a few days later, I just came home from Hairy #4’s bedroom where I totally [censored] him against his wall until he begged for mercy.
I should also write down that it was surprisingly easy to get him in the mood.
Most importantly, I also gathered valuable information about Hairy #1 and his intimate anatomy, which will surely become a key plotpoint in the upcoming episodes.

So, where was I going with all that…
Yeah, so, you know, kids, you have to believe in your dreams.
And stay away from drugs.

725th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 10:32post reply

Iggy...I think you've effectively made this your thread and your thread alone. Nobody has any reason to post anything else. Ever.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

3115th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 10:33post reply

Nobody has any reason to post anything else. Ever.

what about those of us who are smooth as seals?

726th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 10:35post reply


what about those of us who are smooth as seals?

Simply otters waiting to happen.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

1251th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 10:46post reply

We're men of peace, so we'll attack. Deploy the orbital, the expulsion of all foreign particles...

3116th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 10:50post reply


Simply otters waiting to happen.

I won't hear your lies.

727th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 10:53post reply


I won't hear your lies.

Which implies you know what an otter is, tohoho. Trapped.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

3093th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 14:05post reply


I won't hear your lies.

Which implies you know what an otter is, tohoho. Trapped.

The face of the enemy.

1417th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 14:26post reply

I liked Demento... I'll admit Fiona's boobage probably did play a part in keeping me playing... especially after unlocking the bikini cowgirl outfit... but the main problem was it came out around the same time as Resident Evil 4... and well pretty much anything compared to RE4 looks inferior. I liked that Demento tried something different with the survival horror genre... even though the game was too easy and bland for the most part.

728th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 14:26post reply


The face of the enemy.

Ohhh Radish. If you only knew. Not THAT kind of otter, is all I'll say.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

1418th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 14:31post reply

After watching the clip... I wonder if Yoko Kanno is the composer for this game... that singer sounds a lot like one from Wolf's Rain.

7436th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 17:15:post reply

Iggy...I think you've effectively made this your thread and your thread alone. Nobody has any reason to post anything else. Ever.

Sometimes, after I've slept enough and had a nice cup of tea to wake me up, I read posts I wrote the night before, and I think "oh god, what was I thinking".

Amazingly enough, this morning, I'm laughinh like a little baby.

Thank you, me of yesterday, for my first laugh of the morning.
I think I'm in love with you.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 1 Dec 19:01]

3094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):New SCE game : Rule of Rose" , posted Thu 1 Dec 21:13post reply


The face of the enemy.

Ohhh Radish. If you only knew. Not THAT kind of otter, is all I'll say.

I'm way ahead of you <3

40th Post

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Rare Customer

"Rule of Rose site officially open" , posted Fri 2 Dec 21:14post reply

Just checked it out. They've let loose with a torrent of information. Be sure to pay attention to the "keyword" section under World. The character mini-bios were nice, but we're missing Eleanor the Countess. Jennifer's noted as being "irritating," heh.

Quite looking forward to this game.