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talbaineric 6210th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):KH2: Chicken Little a summon?" , posted Thu 1 Dec 05:18
quote: He means that just because a movie has gotten top billing at the box office doesn't make it good, and I tend to agree.
Yes, very much so. Christmas with the Kranks, Doom, etc etc etc. All proven indeed.
quote: I haven't seen the movie, but it doesn't look all that great and from the critc's reviews, it sounds pretty "blah"
You can't trust critics either. They were wrong about lots of movies. I don't rely on them too much. Besides, I rather liked it. :)
quote: You're pretty much right about Lion King (except Pete showing up and teaming up with Scar), however Port Royal has Oswald-lookalike Luxord and Pete teaming up with Barbossa, if you watch the latest trailer again.
What do you think of Pete's lion form? I think he looks really odd. But I guess he wouldn't look any other way.
quote: As for the latest Dorimanga info, Yuna, Rikku, AND Paine are in it...as FAIRIES. (seriously). Also Fuu and Rai (aka Fujin and Raijin from FFVIII) will be voiced by the seiyuus of Lulu and Wakka from FFX.
Yeah I was rather shocked, I still couldn't tell which was which from the shoddy screens. I wonder since they're fairies if they're convorting with Tinkerbell in some way?
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gorgeous 27th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(1):KH2 bump: First Non-Nomura character" , posted Fri 9 Dec 18:48
quote: the most surprising news here is the appearance of Setzer!
I mean, I already know I hate this game though I still want to play it just to . . . you know. Witness it.
Setzer, though. Hell yeah.
Also, Seifer is in here and he has a "俺" "ORE" kanji on his hat, which is cool as shit.
Still, why do they keep revealing stuff like this? Do they think people aren't going to buy the game unless "THAT" character is in it, or what? Do they really think they're snaring an extra five fucking people just by showing pictures of Chicken Little in there as a summon? I mean, why not let us play the damned thing and eventually be surprised? They're revealing so much, it's like, "I can't believe THAT much is in this game." And by the time it comes out, it's going to be like just taking a tour through all the screenshots you've already seen.
They need to make their games a little more boldly. Just, let us know there's going to be lots of surprising stuff in there, and then trust people to buy it. I don't think they'll do that, though.
Baines 143th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(5):KH2 bump: First Non-Nomura character" , posted Sun 11 Dec 03:57
quote: For me, it's not even a question of liking his old design or not.. it's just that this new character is NOT the Setzer I used to play with.
If it weren't for the label, I wouldn't even think it was Setzer. The only picture of Setzer that I've seen that looked like the KH2 version was on the cover of a dojinshi, and everyone there looked wrong.
It is nothing like the Amano designs.
It looks nothing like the CG FMV design for the PS1 version of FF6.
It is noth-- Hrm. Actually... It looks like someone took a picture of the sprite, then drew their own interpretation of the character that had the wrong hair, the wrong color outfit, the wrong age, the wro-- Okay, it has even only a minimal resemblence to the sprite work and the SD artwork.
It doesn't even look like he'll carry the same "personality" as FF6 Setzer, based on the redesign's look.
Cain Highwind 642th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(6):KH2 bump: First Non-Nomura character" , posted Sun 11 Dec 04:56:
quote: For me, it's not even a question of liking his old design or not.. it's just that this new character is NOT the Setzer I used to play with.
If it weren't for the label, I wouldn't even think it was Setzer. The only picture of Setzer that I've seen that looked like the KH2 version was on the cover of a dojinshi, and everyone there looked wrong.
It is nothing like the Amano designs.
It looks nothing like the CG FMV design for the PS1 version of FF6.
Now that I see the Amano artwork again, I'm inclined to agree. If they just let his hair down, added a simple scar on his face, and actually have him WEAR the jacket and not hang from his shoulders like a cape (which looks simply retarded), it would've looked much better.
But in all honesty, I'm still excited to see him. And for some reason I picture Disney getting Cary Elwes doing his voice.
And from what I've heard with the Ultimania Alpha out in Japan now, Nomura was going to put in Rufus from FFVII in, but he really wanted to see Setzer in 3D. Just an FYI. Probably means the Japanese version will use Rufus' AC seiyuu
It is noth-- Hrm. Actually... It looks like someone took a picture of the sprite, then drew their own interpretation of the character that had the wrong hair, the wrong color outfit, the wrong age, the wro-- Okay, it has even only a minimal resemblence to the sprite work and the SD artwork.
quote: It doesn't even look like he'll carry the same "personality" as FF6 Setzer, based on the redesign's look.
Well that we won't really know until the game's out. Again I think it'll be interesting to see who voices him in English. He is a black jack-playing, world-traveling, casino-dwelling free spirit seems kind of fitting as a master of a minigame. As long as they don't give him some annoying new york accent or something
[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Sun 11 Dec 05:04] |
Just a Person 744th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):KH2 bump: 2nd Non-Nomura character" , posted Thu 15 Dec 01:28
quote: The Chicken Little summon forces your enemies to remember the days when Disney did 2D animation istead of trendy 3D crap (which the exception of Pixar) and they kill themselves in shame.
Haha, great one!! It looks so weird to have Chicken Little as a summon... fortunately, Stitch is a summon as well (heīs cool)! And wow, KHII really has A LOT of FF people. I donīt even know who is Setzer (unfortunately I never found FFVI to play...), but itīs great to see Seifer, Fuujin, Raijin, Vivi, Auron and the "spice-fairies" Yuna, Paine and Rikku (I wonder if theyīll ever meet Tinkerbell in the game)! Even though Aya Brea wasnīt included and Aerith seems to be absent this time, itīs still cool!!
Iīve also seen pictures of four new members of the Organization. Letīs see how much will they be involved in the story...
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