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Zepy 1155th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Fate outsells Wanda and the colossus" , posted Wed 30 Nov 17:33:
月厨大盛り Type-moon's latest game, Fate/hollow ataraxia has sold 142,686 copies on it's first month. Once again breaking all eroge sales records. (the previous record holder was Fate/stay night which sold 95,640 on the first month, and before that, Air took an entire year to sell 102,080 copies)
In comparison to first month sales for recent console games, Wanda and the colossus sold 129,492, Super Robot Wars J sold 139,802, Yomigaeru Gyakuten Saiban sold 65,458 and Sakura Wars 5 sold 118,284.
Record breaker no.2?
[this message was edited by Zepy on Wed 30 Nov 23:59] | | Replies: |