Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a DS - Forums

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334th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a DS" , posted Thu 1 Dec 05:41post reply

So I finally decided to make the jump... I got myself a Mario Kart DS Bundle.
I wrapped it and won't open it until Xmas (I guess I'm a moron... but I have plenty of fun with Civilization IV and The Movies on the PC anyway... plus it would'nt be fair for my wife to watch me play my Xmas gift while she has to wait for hers...)
I plan on getting Advance Wars: Dual Strike and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney when I can afford them.
My question is: what GBA games should I get? (I want FF Tactics Advance for sure...) Also, is there a good way to find cheaper GBA games? I figure since the DS is the shit now, I should be able to find some good GBA games for a budget price...

Any advice? Thanks in advance!



724th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 05:42:post reply

I'd recommend any of the Castlevania games that have been released. Aria of Sorrow is really good, in particular. The Fire Emblem games are fun as well. As long as you don't mind characters who die permanently if you get them killed.

I think I need to break down and get a DS as well, but I plan on getting a pink Nintendogs bundle one, because it's just what must be done.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Thu 1 Dec 05:43]

198th Post

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"Re(1):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 06:22post reply

As far as the DS goes, don't forget about Lost in Blue. It's probably the best game released this year.

Joe Randel
461th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 06:35post reply

The Mega Man Zero X series is great, but my favorite is Boktai. The story is okay but the art in it is fantastic.

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

9th Post

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"Re(1):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 10:53post reply

I think FF:Tactics as well as many other GBA games will be hard to find (at least with the box, manual, etc).

If you can't find some GBA games, you might want to try and look in the trade forum. I got a complete Aria of Sorrow fairly easily and quickly from someone selling there for a decent price(without the hassle I'd have to go through with ebay).

297th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 11:12post reply

Mario Vs Donkey Kong is a gem.

Otherwise I recommand Screw Breaker, the Fire Emblem games, the Super Mario Advance remakes, Choumakaimura R, Ninja Five-O, Made in Wario and F-Zero Climax (and Mahjong Keiji if you like mahjong).


3092th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 13:06post reply

As far as the DS goes, don't forget about Lost in Blue. It's probably the best game released this year.

Lost in Blue would have been better if your female counterpart didn't die from thirst 5 feet from a barrel of water and the ancient race didn't waste their time making copious block pushing puzzles. Otherwise it was good and did some cool stuff with item creation and the touch screen.

Trauma Center is one of the few games to really use the DS well. It gets crazy in the later levels and has a kind of classic arcade feel.

1416th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 13:33post reply

Don't forget the GBA Zelda games... Minish Cap was one of the best games last year. Also the Sonic Advance games are terrific and like I've been saying... Sonic Rush on DS is a must have game. The GBA Ogre Tactics game was pretty good too I seem to remember... oh and of course all the Advance Wars games.

6903th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 1 Dec 20:46post reply

Super Robot Wars Original Generation 1 and 2, fu fu fu fu

And Drill Dozer/Screw Breaker! best platformer on years.

336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Fri 2 Dec 00:31:post reply

Thanks for the input, keep it comin'.
For FFTA, I have seen it at ToysR'Us, so I don't think it'll be a problem for me to get a new copy...
Also, I mostly bought the DS because I find the new gaming elements interesting, therefore, I might get tempted by Trauma Center and Lost in Blue...
As for other GBA, is sword of mana any good, or just a remake of another mana game I might have played...? Also, I played and finished Golden Sun on a friend's GBA and loved it back when it got a release... I know there's a part 2 that's out, is it as good? (better?)


[this message was edited by Mokona on Fri 2 Dec 00:33]

1018th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Fri 2 Dec 00:37post reply

DS gamers need... Trauma Center! You can't put it down, you just want to kill all the tumors you can find. Now that I think about it I kill 3 ppl, maybe I shouldn't go to medical school...LOL!

~ Mom to a new SC Baby!! Raphael Dante R. ~

3095th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Fri 2 Dec 01:44post reply

Thanks for the input, keep it comin'.
For FFTA, I have seen it at ToysR'Us, so I don't think it'll be a problem for me to get a new copy...
Also, I mostly bought the DS because I find the new gaming elements interesting, therefore, I might get tempted by Trauma Center and Lost in Blue...
As for other GBA, is sword of mana any good, or just a remake of another mana game I might have played...? Also, I played and finished Golden Sun on a friend's GBA and loved it back when it got a release... I know there's a part 2 that's out, is it as good? (better?)

I heard Sword of Mana is very mediocre. Square is making a new Mana game specifically for the DS so it might be better to wait for that.

7437th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Fri 2 Dec 03:40post reply

I heard Sword of Mana is very mediocre. Square is making a new Mana game specifically for the DS so it might be better to wait for that.

Children of Mana, 02/23.

452th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(8):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Fri 2 Dec 21:46post reply

I also recomend Zelda Minish Cup, Gunstar Super Heroes and Castlevania Aria of Sorrow on GBA, Castlevania Down of Sorrow and Super Mario Kart on DS.

Hey Chaz, I would love to see you writing an article about Mahjong games! Mahjong Keiji seems to be like a lot of fun, if you know japanese...

I'm looking for a good Mahjong game on DS, but there isn't anything that caught my attention yet.

298th Post

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Copper Customer

"Ask Exodus tohohoho" , posted Fri 2 Dec 22:22post reply


Hey Chaz, I would love to see you writing an article about Mahjong games!

Actually, if you post that sentence as a reply to each post exodus makes on MMC, I might write one for insert credit someday.


3122th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Ask Exodus tohohoho" , posted Sat 3 Dec 03:23post reply


Hey Chaz, I would love to see you writing an article about Mahjong games!

argh, I deserve to be shot. he wrote one like three months ago, and I've still not published it.

IT WILL HAPPEN THOUGH. I guess I need to stop waiting for the mythical easy php input thing.

454th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Ask Exodus tohohoho" , posted Sat 3 Dec 09:03:post reply

Actually, if you post that sentence as a reply to each post exodus makes on MMC, I might write one for insert credit someday.

Isn't it a contradiction to...

argh, I deserve to be shot. he wrote one like three months ago, and I've still not published it.

...this one?


Hey Chaz, I would love to see you writing an article about Mahjong games!

Edit: Ahhh yeah, I knew you were telling that to remind Exodus about it, I've just missed the "Ask Exodus tohohoho" thing.

[this message was edited by IkariDC on Sat 3 Dec 09:06]

304th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Speaking of GBA games" , posted Wed 7 Dec 22:25post reply

Speaking of GBA games, I have a question for People leaving in Japan: is it easy to get a GBmicro Famicom version again ? I know more of them have been produced in the US market, so I wondered if they delivered more for the japanese market before christmas.


640th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Gaaah, I snapped and finally bought a D" , posted Thu 8 Dec 00:16post reply


As for other GBA, is sword of mana any good, or just a remake of another mana game I might have played...?

Sword of Mana is a remake of Seiken Densetsu 1 (Final Fantasy Adventure in the US), but as someone said, it is pretty mediocre. The game does look nice, but the gameplay has some serious flaws. Battles can become a mashing game, magic has no use, horrible ring menu implementation, and the AI of your partner is useless.

I still haven't bothered to pick up the game again to play it. I will eventually do to get the whole story, but it will be a bit painful.

Honestly, I enjoyed the original Game Boy version a lot beter, despite non understanding it (I played it on a Japanese cart).

Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana.

"Tameraeba makeyo!"