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Undead Fred 2563th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Quick question about the PSP..." , posted Sat 3 Dec 12:53
quote: Yeah they fixed that one. Also I think they are still having issues with stuck pixels. Get it from a place that allows you to return it if you get any. Sony will only replace it themselves if you have a large amount of them.
Ahaa, okay. At least the major problems seem to be fixed. Sorry for all of these LOL N00B questions, but how do the music transfers work? For example, can you upload from your computer somehow (either through a firewire or USB cable, or with a wireless adaptor)? I had noticed there was a battery pack with it, too... I'm guessing that's rechargeable?
The reason for all of these questions is that I've been interested in getting a PSP for a while, but I couldn't really get one... I was sort of waiting for them to fix the really annoying problems before I even considered getting one, and since I've also been kind of wanting some sort of MP3 player for a while, I was thinking about starting to save up for one. I had gotten the impression that the PSP's sort of an all-in-one handheld, so that would work out pretty well.
biggsyke 21th Post

New Customer
| "Re(5):Quick question about the PSP..." , posted Sat 3 Dec 13:36:
quote: Yeah they fixed that one. Also I think they are still having issues with stuck pixels. Get it from a place that allows you to return it if you get any. Sony will only replace it themselves if you have a large amount of them. Ahaa, okay. At least the major problems seem to be fixed. Sorry for all of these LOL N00B questions, but how do the music transfers work? For example, can you upload from your computer somehow (either through a firewire or USB cable, or with a wireless adaptor)? I had noticed there was a battery pack with it, too... I'm guessing that's rechargeable?
The reason for all of these questions is that I've been interested in getting a PSP for a while, but I couldn't really get one... I was sort of waiting for them to fix the really annoying problems before I even considered getting one, and since I've also been kind of wanting some sort of MP3 player for a while, I was thinking about starting to save up for one. I had gotten the impression that the PSP's sort of an all-in-one handheld, so that would work out pretty well.
It connects via USB and should be recognized by your computer right away (Windows plug and play don't know about Mac). There is a rechargable battery pack/AC adapter. I'd suggest getting the Giga pack with the 1GB memory stick if you want enough room for music and movies.
Also Capcom (Japan) has a cool campaign going on: http://www.capcom.co.jp/psp/campaign/index.html
"Meet me at the fork in the road where the lost souls are indecisive. Meet me at the crossroads so I can have someone to walk into the light with..." - Sage Francis Crack Pipes
[this message was edited by biggsyke on Sat 3 Dec 13:40] |
gorgeous 21th Post

New Customer
| "Re(7):Quick question about the PSP..." , posted Sat 3 Dec 21:34
quote: Yeah, I had figured I pretty much needed a 1GB card if I got a PSP since I'd definitely put MP3's and stuff on there. Good to know it's got a USB connection. What's the Capcom campaign, though? Is that some sort of compilation game disc or something?
Yeah, I've had my PSP for like four days now, and I really, really don't recommend using it as an MP3 player. Not only is the volume REALLY LOW even at its highest setting -- the damned L and R buttons change tracks. So you might experience random track switching as you slide the PSP into its cloth condom case. And then it'll be bumping around on you and shit as you walk, and changing tracks then, too. Seriously, I tried to use it to listen to TWO SONGS walking down the street this morning and it was just fucking frustrating as hell. I guess I'm too used to having an iPod. If you have a bunch of extra money, just buy an iPod and a coat with really deep pockets, to go along with your PSP.
And get Tales of Eternia, too.