[note to self] OZ Konami The best - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"[note to self] OZ Konami The best" , posted Sat 3 Dec 20:09post reply


I thought about picking the game 6 month ago; finally I didn't, and just as I was about to get Oneechambara 2, Konami, true to its usual "let's spit on our own games" policy, re-releases OZ for half the price.
Isn't that nice ?


1470th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):[note to self] OZ Konami The best" , posted Sat 3 Dec 23:44post reply

And I shall answer this thread purely to remind me to pre-order it once I have recovered from the high price of Xmas.

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153th Post

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"Re(2):[note to self] OZ Konami The best" , posted Sun 4 Dec 01:28post reply

And I shall answer this thread purely to remind me to pre-order it once I have recovered from the high price of Xmas.

Yes, the same for me. Though I am tempted by the upcoming EU version...but only as much as it's likely to have PAL60.

1523th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):[note to self] OZ Konami The best" , posted Sun 4 Dec 04:48post reply

I wish I liked OZ more. I mean...I liked it, but I didn't like it enough to unlock all the extras...and in this case, they're really nice.

Thus is the nature of gaming today. I wish I could just stop playing mediocre games.

7446th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):[note to self] OZ Konami The best" , posted Sun 4 Dec 05:57post reply

I wish I liked OZ more. I mean...I liked it, but I didn't like it enough to unlock all the extras...and in this case, they're really nice.

I heard quite a lot of people saying what you say of the game...
So I think waiting for the The Best reedition was a smart move for all of us. It's going to be worth the new price, is it ?

1525th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):[note to self] OZ Konami The best" , posted Sun 4 Dec 06:21post reply

Yes. It's definitely worth the new price. It's not a -great- game, though. There are some irritating things about it. Cheap junk and AI issues that make the experience a little random at times, but it's a good experience overall.

It looks good enough, the music is good, the story is passable and the system is unique and fun. It almost feels like you're playing a rhythm game sometimes and it's easy to get caught up in the combo system.

When I saw previews, I thought "this looks too flashy, it must not be fun to play", but the exact opposite is true. The gameplay is tied into the visuals very well, and there's no "waiting around and watching fancy effects".

Hmmm...now I want to go back and play the game again, though I have a feeling I'll just get irritated with the enemies blocking so much. I mean, they'll block, like...100 blows in a row. NORMAL ENEMIES. And then you have a move that calls your buddies over to hit the enemy (usually from behind) and it STILL blocks. It's like that move was designed to counter their blocking and it doesn't work. If it wasn't for that, I think I would like the game a lot more.

Maese Spt
100th Post

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"OZ pal?" , posted Sun 4 Dec 22:21post reply

And I shall answer this thread purely to remind me to pre-order it once I have recovered from the high price of Xmas.

Yes, the same for me. Though I am tempted by the upcoming EU version...but only as much as it's likely to have PAL60.

Hey, wait a minute... is this game going to be released in Europe? Man, I didn´t have a clue! Does anyone know something about dates?

It would be just great to try it before playing GenSui V, since most of the new Suiko team (plus some II & III "classic"big names like Michiru Yamane and Ishikawa Fumi) are behind OZ. It would be a good pre-test to guess GenSui V´s real possibilities. But I´m afraid OZ have tons of CG vids and stuff, so the voices will be merciless dubbed for the pal version. Ack, how do I loathe such behaviour... >_<

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

454th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):OZ pal?" , posted Sun 4 Dec 23:11post reply

It's coming to Europe on February with the name of "The Sword of Etheria". If they didn't want to call it simply OZ, why not name it "Over Zenith"? Those name changes are beyond me...

1528th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):OZ pal?" , posted Sun 4 Dec 23:56post reply


But I´m afraid OZ have tons of CG vids and stuff, so the voices will be merciless dubbed for the pal version. Ack, how do I loathe such behaviour... >_<

Well, th FMV in OZ is mostly trippy visual insanity, and most of the dialogue in the game is written, not voice-acted. Well, I say "most", but it's not by a huge margin.

Anyway, a bad dub would still be VERY irritating, because sound is a key aspect of the game, since the characters call out to each other to clue you in when to attack.