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Pollyanna 1532th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(1):Digital Devil Saga 2?" , posted Tue 6 Dec 05:24
I don't know who is the "resident" SMT fan, but I'm among the candidates at least.
DDS is not as good as SMT3. Period. The system is not as good, the mazes are not as well designed and the boss fights are less gratifying.
Between DDS1 and DDS2, you have a really great game. The overall gameplay and maze design in DDS1 is better, and the plot is better in DDS2 (until the end at least). DDS has a good concept and the story is good enough to keep you going, but the framework of the game is rather typical. DDS has a great plot, but sacrifices gameplay by removing and adding characters.
Either way, if you like SMT3, you will probably like both DDS and DDS2, especially if you aren't as picky and bitchy about things as me. But, of course, don't skip DDS1 for DDS2.