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Pollyanna 1537th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 06:42
quote: Damn it, I want to be happy but seeing how it looks just makes me too skeptical. Most of VP's appeal for me was its stylized presentation and perspective. Without that I'll just have to hope they made the admittedly dull gameplay more interesting. Argh, optimism where are you?
I know this sounds snotty, but if you're mostly just into the presentation, then you're not a "real" fan anyway. I don't mean that like an insult though, just like you're not really into it. Like I play every Tales game, but I wouldn't call myself a "real" Tales fan.
Anyway, I liked pretty much everything about Valkyrie Profile. The story, the presentation, the graphics, the music, the system...but in many ways the battle system hasn't aged well. I still think it's a brilliant system, but at first I had to play the Japanese one because the dub bothered me, and then I couldn't even play that because everything took too damned long.
Buuut...I hope they do something similar again, since I was thrilled with the moderately similar Namco X Capcom system.
Pollyanna 1539th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(4):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 14:15
quote: Maybe I'm not a "real" fan, but I did like the game all the same. Can't I lament it when a game with some incredible 2D visuals gets turned into a more pedestrian 3D style? Granted, what I've seen doesn't look terrible, but it doesn't look so different from a lot of Squenix's other stuff.
I think I'm just worried how VP's largely 2D design will make the transition to this new style. Maybe I'm just thinking too far ahead, but I have a hard time imagining the platforming and battles and all in 3D without feeling kind of underwhelmed. I guess I'm the only one.
Well, you said the system was dull, so maybe putting it in 3D will put an interesting new spin on it.
I don't really disagree with you, though. In the end, I would probably prefer a high resolution 2D sequel, but I can't say anything yet, and I don't believe that different is necessarily bad. So...as long as their heart is in what they do, I'm sure I'll be satisfied. Well, that, and the great 2D was only part of why I liked VP. It's not like you can't achieve beauty and style in 3D.
s-t-e 265th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(4):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 03:40
quote: ::feels worthless because he skipped the chance of buying Valkyrie Profile for a measly 10 bucks::
...it costs more than that? I bet you could buy it for a measly 10 bucks right now.
Well it goes for around $50-100 on ebay. Stores like babbages sell it used for more or less retail at $39.99 if they get it in which is rare.
It's not up to Suikoden 2 levels of being stupidly overpriced but getting it for $10 would be pretty lucky outside finding it at a flea market or something.
true, true, you'll be hard-pressed to find it cheaper than even $80 on ebay and damn lucky at a retail store for half that....then again, you could just download it...ahem, anyway i'm also excited about this news. i never finished the first game because disc 2 looked like it got into a fight with a wolverine and lost, but now i'm really tempted to complete it. i really enjoyed the 2d graphics, so i'm a little peeved that it's 3d, but the gameplay can still be like that of the first in both 2d or 3d. i can't make out any gameplay screenshots from the scan, so we'll have to wait and see, but as long as they keep it simple and addicting just like the first game, then i'll be satisfied
Ultima 428th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Tue 13 Dec 05:36
re: Guts
> Yeah I hope in VP2 they do away with the end game bosses requiring the guts move. That was kinda unfair seeing it was entirely up to luck.
The problem was two-fold: You practically *needed* Level 8 Guts, plus all that other crap, to survive at the end, but on the other hand, Guts made the game too *easy*. Level 8 Guts plus 2 Angel Curios on all characters gave you something like a 1 in 3096 of actually losing (i.e. all 4 of your characters getting KOed). But in the Seraphic Gate, the boss attacks were so goddamned strong, you just kept dying over and over and over, making death lose all meaning.
What I hope for in VP2 is your defense to be more balanced, so that you don't just get slaughtered repeatedly.
Oh, and while I would love to see VP done in non-SD format, I guess VP's SD was pretty well done, so it can stay at that level.
I wonder if the likes of Fayt, Maria or Cliff will show up?
-- Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron http://uramble.com/index.html - U's Rambling Page
Radish 3126th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 15 Dec 00:45
quote: re: Guts
> Yeah I hope in VP2 they do away with the end game bosses requiring the guts move. That was kinda unfair seeing it was entirely up to luck.
The problem was two-fold: You practically *needed* Level 8 Guts, plus all that other crap, to survive at the end, but on the other hand, Guts made the game too *easy*. Level 8 Guts plus 2 Angel Curios on all characters gave you something like a 1 in 3096 of actually losing (i.e. all 4 of your characters getting KOed). But in the Seraphic Gate, the boss attacks were so goddamned strong, you just kept dying over and over and over, making death lose all meaning.
What I hope for in VP2 is your defense to be more balanced, so that you don't just get slaughtered repeatedly.
Oh, and while I would love to see VP done in non-SD format, I guess VP's SD was pretty well done, so it can stay at that level.
I wonder if the likes of Fayt, Maria or Cliff will show up?
I agree with this entirely. It became battles where you had to eventually get lucky and hope enough of your characters would GUTS and live so you could set up a chain, otherwise you had to start reviving and healing. Either way you'd rarely lose but it just made the bosses take forever.
And thanks for the new scan Rid. It looks like they captured the style of the last game in 3D which is all I could hope for.
Maese Spt 104th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):new scan" , posted Thu 15 Dec 05:46
Darn, I must admit this new VP looks as neat as did the old one in it´s time...
Heck, I´m beginning to consider retaking PSX´s Valkyrie Profile for the 10th time and try to get past Argrinm´s story once for all! I dunno why, but even though VP seems to have enough elements to catch me up (interesting scenario, promising plot, good music, eye-catching character designs...), I can´t get myself into it.
Anyway, I must confirm Hayato´s wacky theory about Norns as the three valkiries in the game, so I guess I´ll gather more courage and confront the task before Christmas. Yup, this would be my alibi this time!
 "At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"