Valkyrie Profile 2 - Forums

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155th Post

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"Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 02:40post reply

Rink Here

So, it's real then? PS2, 2006. Apparently you play as another valkyrie named Sylmeria. You can see a bit of the VP logo, but in blue now, and that's clearly VP's character artist.


burning kyo
2376th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 03:35post reply

Isnt' her the valkyrie freezed by Bahmut ?

1536th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 04:27post reply


3101th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 04:29post reply


This is the greatest day ever. I just beat my shitty traffic ticket and now this.

7456th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 04:30post reply


Fat Li
51th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 04:34post reply

I came

3102th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 04:39post reply

Oh I hope that if this is true, it won't be dubbed by Pokemon like last time.

43th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 05:10post reply


I'm still amazed by the first one... I hope it keeps the same "magic" that made the first one so memorable.

... I still think VP is one of the gratest RPGs I've ever played.

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

772th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 05:16post reply

Awesome~! this came out of left field, for sure!!!

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

1882th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 06:00post reply

Damn it, I want to be happy but seeing how it looks just makes me too skeptical. Most of VP's appeal for me was its stylized presentation and perspective. Without that I'll just have to hope they made the admittedly dull gameplay more interesting. Argh, optimism where are you?

Time Mage
2283th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 06:32post reply

Just in time! VP is the next one in my "to play" list, so I'll have it fresh when VP2 appears.

1537th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 06:42post reply

Damn it, I want to be happy but seeing how it looks just makes me too skeptical. Most of VP's appeal for me was its stylized presentation and perspective. Without that I'll just have to hope they made the admittedly dull gameplay more interesting. Argh, optimism where are you?

I know this sounds snotty, but if you're mostly just into the presentation, then you're not a "real" fan anyway. I don't mean that like an insult though, just like you're not really into it. Like I play every Tales game, but I wouldn't call myself a "real" Tales fan.

Anyway, I liked pretty much everything about Valkyrie Profile. The story, the presentation, the graphics, the music, the system...but in many ways the battle system hasn't aged well. I still think it's a brilliant system, but at first I had to play the Japanese one because the dub bothered me, and then I couldn't even play that because everything took too damned long.

Buuut...I hope they do something similar again, since I was thrilled with the moderately similar Namco X Capcom system.

773th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 07:31post reply

The story, the presentation, the graphics, the music, the system...but in many ways the battle system hasn't aged well.

I still really like VP's battle system myself. I disliked all the strange spots in the story, where things would just end halfway through, and the slow pacing kind of gets you down after a while... but if you can get through that it's 100% gold...

As long as you can go through the stories a bit faster, I'll be happy. Sometimes the pace would slow to a crawl...

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

3132th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 08:13post reply

Hello, I was mostly just into the presentation. will there be boobs in this version?

3104th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 08:41post reply

Hello, I was mostly just into the presentation. will there be boobs in this version?

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but were there boobs in the last one?

3134th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 08:48post reply

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but were there boobs in the last one?

I don't know, I only played it for five minutes <3

4229th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 09:51post reply

All levels of awesome. It should be fine in 3D, havent had any problems with the combat systems on recent Tri Ace games.

I don't know, I only played it for five minutes <3


331th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 10:43post reply

Rink Here

So, it's real then? PS2, 2006. Apparently you play as another valkyrie named Sylmeria. You can see a bit of the VP logo, but in blue now, and that's clearly VP's character artist.

You have made my goddamned month.

1883th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 11:31post reply


I know this sounds snotty, but if you're mostly just into the presentation, then you're not a "real" fan anyway. I don't mean that like an insult though, just like you're not really into it. Like I play every Tales game, but I wouldn't call myself a "real" Tales fan.

Maybe I'm not a "real" fan, but I did like the game all the same. Can't I lament it when a game with some incredible 2D visuals gets turned into a more pedestrian 3D style? Granted, what I've seen doesn't look terrible, but it doesn't look so different from a lot of Squenix's other stuff.

I think I'm just worried how VP's largely 2D design will make the transition to this new style. Maybe I'm just thinking too far ahead, but I have a hard time imagining the platforming and battles and all in 3D without feeling kind of underwhelmed. I guess I'm the only one.

1242th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 11:51post reply


Maybe I'm just thinking too far ahead, but I have a hard time imagining the platforming and battles and all in 3D without feeling kind of underwhelmed. I guess I'm the only one.

Considering that we know jack and squat about the game outside of that tiny magazine scan telling us... well, that there will be 3D graphics, I think you are thinking too much.

3136th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 12:42post reply


The english voice acting made all my vomit come out.

650th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 13:02post reply

Assuming it's real. The scan appears legit, but it looks like almost nothing (and in fact that Valkyrie art there could be ripped-off and I wouldn't be able to tell).

Honestly I don't think picking up where the other left off would do the game a whole lot of good, considering there isn't much to Norse mythology AFTER Ragnarok. If anything I predict an alternative telling of Ragnarok.


So, if Lenneth is in this one, who do you figure would be the secret bosses this time (beside the two angels)? Drag-up Fayt and Luther for another round?

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1539th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 14:15post reply


Maybe I'm not a "real" fan, but I did like the game all the same. Can't I lament it when a game with some incredible 2D visuals gets turned into a more pedestrian 3D style? Granted, what I've seen doesn't look terrible, but it doesn't look so different from a lot of Squenix's other stuff.

I think I'm just worried how VP's largely 2D design will make the transition to this new style. Maybe I'm just thinking too far ahead, but I have a hard time imagining the platforming and battles and all in 3D without feeling kind of underwhelmed. I guess I'm the only one.

Well, you said the system was dull, so maybe putting it in 3D will put an interesting new spin on it.

I don't really disagree with you, though. In the end, I would probably prefer a high resolution 2D sequel, but I can't say anything yet, and I don't believe that different is necessarily bad. long as their heart is in what they do, I'm sure I'll be satisfied. Well, that, and the great 2D was only part of why I liked VP. It's not like you can't achieve beauty and style in 3D.

3328th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 18:21post reply

Rink Here

So, it's real then? PS2, 2006. Apparently you play as another valkyrie named Sylmeria. You can see a bit of the VP logo, but in blue now, and that's clearly VP's character artist.

At leats this game have a sequels....
Hope they'll keep everything who made the 1st game so interesting... they've did keep the same artist which is really good.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...
Like you I was Like me you'll be...

Time Mage
2284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 19:18post reply

At leats this game have a sequels....
Hope they'll keep everything who made the 1st game so interesting... they've did keep the same artist which is really good.

But... But... It's in 3D!! Complain, NARUTO, complain!!!

3105th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 20:24post reply

All levels of awesome. It should be fine in 3D, havent had any problems with the combat systems on recent Tri Ace games.

Personally I think the beauty of the VP battle system was its simplicity. I hope they don't junk it up with too muich stuff since I really hated Radiata Story's lame battle system with incredibly cheap enemy attacks. Admitedly VP made the guts move required in the later parts of the game but the chances of that activating on at least one of your party members was good.

3331th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 20:38:post reply

But... But... It's in 3D!! Complain, NARUTO, complain!!!

Why? I have no reason to complain. Even if I prefer 2D I don't hate 3D at all...

What I hate is 3D VS with 2D gameplay.
I like 3D VS like Tekken or VF, but not those like SFex or KOF Mi...

But VP2 being 3D isn't a problem for me...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Wed 7 Dec 20:42]

7458th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 22:12:post reply

Honestly I don't think picking up where the other left off would do the game a whole lot of good, considering there isn't much to Norse mythology AFTER Ragnarok. If anything I predict an alternative telling of Ragnarok.

The game tells the events that led the 2nd sister of Leneth to the state she is in the first VP (in other words, a prequel/spinoff happenning several hundreds of years before VP).

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 7 Dec 22:13]

3106th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 22:38post reply

The game tells the events that led the 2nd sister of Leneth to the state she is in the first VP (in other words, a prequel/spinoff happenning several hundreds of years before VP).



7458th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Wed 7 Dec 23:48post reply


Let's face it : you can't make a game happening after Ragnarok.
Also, I think I remember the whole scenario of the 3rd Valkyrie being left open on purpose, like a window open in case they wanted to make another VP.

All in all, I'm really hyped with this.

6917th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 00:26post reply

the whole scenario of the 3rd Valkyrie being left open on purpose

I hope they don't screw the voice acting again, the annoying voices make the first game umplayable (I turned the volume down in story sequences).

Which remidns me, I haven't seen the best ending yet...

3108th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 01:16:post reply

Let's face it : you can't make a game happening after Ragnarok.
Also, I think I remember the whole scenario of the 3rd Valkyrie being left open on purpose, like a window open in case they wanted to make another VP.

All in all, I'm really hyped with this.

I agree but quite frankly I'd rather them make an entirely new game in the same style as VP (similar art, battle system and reqruiting) with a different story and universe than do a prequel. I hate them because no matter what happens in the next game, the ending will be "You get stuck in a block of ice. The End."

Considering that VP's take on Norse Mythology was wrong on a lot of fronts they could continue after the game with that Valkyrie which wouldn't really conflict with how they ended the last game. Half the villains are still running around on some level combined with some other dangling plot points.

Either way I will still buy it and I'm totally psyched.

[this message was edited by Radish on Thu 8 Dec 01:17]

201th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(5):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 01:23post reply

Let's face it : you can't make a game happening after Ragnarok.
Also, I think I remember the whole scenario of the 3rd Valkyrie being left open on purpose, like a window open in case they wanted to make another VP.

All in all, I'm really hyped with this.

I guess that means Brahms will be in this game.
Overall, I'm quite excited for this game. One of the best announcements made this year.

423th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 01:45post reply

While the platforming elements of the first game could be done reasonably well in 3D, I can't say I can see the beautiful simplicity (yet still surprisingly deep and extremely satisfying) combat of the original translating well into 3D. :|

I... actually don't give a crap about the story. I like the originality of the first one with its depresing characters and settings, as well as the decent story (that was waaaay too hard to get without an FAQ), but I thought it all took a backseat to the battle system and the platforming. With the exception of Xenogears, no other game just sucked me right in from the first word go liek VP did, and that was because it was just TOO MUCH FUN. No other game gave you the impression that you were beating the living hell out of enemies liek VP did. If they can replicate the sheer genius of that combat with awesome character attacks and combos, spiced up with some nice platforming stuff, then I could care less about the story.

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

3108th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 01:56post reply

While the platforming elements of the first game could be done reasonably well in 3D, I can't say I can see the beautiful simplicity (yet still surprisingly deep and extremely satisfying) combat of the original translating well into 3D. :|

I... actually don't give a crap about the story. I like the originality of the first one with its depresing characters and settings, as well as the decent story (that was waaaay too hard to get without an FAQ), but I thought it all took a backseat to the battle system and the platforming. With the exception of Xenogears, no other game just sucked me right in from the first word go liek VP did, and that was because it was just TOO MUCH FUN. No other game gave you the impression that you were beating the living hell out of enemies liek VP did. If they can replicate the sheer genius of that combat with awesome character attacks and combos, spiced up with some nice platforming stuff, then I could care less about the story.

I agree. I will end up being very disappointed if they just take the setting along with some characters and jam it into a SO3 or Radiatta Stories styled battle system. I think they can pull off something like VP’s battle system and platforming well in 3D but I hope that they keep it simple and don’t try to revolutionize the formula and it turns into a clunky game where you control one character and your retarded team mates get themselves killed.

3137th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 01:57post reply

I hope they don't screw the voice acting again, the annoying voices make the first game unplayable (I turned the volume down in story sequences).

yes, I'm done playing games with the sound off, after Ys Eternal PS2.

3109th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 02:02post reply

I hope they don't screw the voice acting again, the annoying voices make the first game unplayable (I turned the volume down in story sequences).

yes, I'm done playing games with the sound off, after Ys Eternal PS2.

Last game I had to mute was Phantom Brave. I wish they at least give us the option of turning the voice acting off all together sine 99% of the time its subtitled anyway.

3138th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 02:39post reply


Last game I had to mute was Phantom Brave. I wish they at least give us the option of turning the voice acting off all together sine 99% of the time its subtitled anyway.

I agree!
but with Ys it wasn't the voice acting (though that was bad) as much as the walking and the music. STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP everywhere he goes!

1540th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 04:25post reply


Which remidns me, I haven't seen the best ending yet...

The "best" ending is the worst ending I have EVER seen. However, the hours of extra gameplay you get before the end make you OBLIGATED to go for it.

1243th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 07:32post reply


Last game I had to mute was Phantom Brave. I wish they at least give us the option of turning the voice acting off all together sine 99% of the time its subtitled anyway.

I agree!
but with Ys it wasn't the voice acting (though that was bad) as much as the walking and the music. STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP everywhere he goes!

Oh man, you have not played Record of Lodoss War for the DC.

There are these wonderful boots that make you really hard to knock down... but they issue this LOUD clanging noise with each step. The step step step of Ys is nothing compared to the CLANG CLANG CLANG of those. Eventually, you have to decide whether you will just equip the silent boots, or turn off the audio.

3139th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 08:10post reply


Eventually, you have to decide whether you will just equip the silent boots, or turn off the audio.

at least you're allowed silent boots!

554th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 08:19post reply

WOW, I never thought I'd hear this news!!!ICO, Wanda, Valkyrie Profile 2... it seems I'll have to buy a PS2 after all...

1262th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 09:27post reply

Last game I had to mute was Phantom Brave. I wish they at least give us the option of turning the voice acting off all together sine 99% of the time its subtitled anyway.

I mailed NISUSA when the game was first announced and specifically asked they include this feature :(

463th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 10:34post reply

Last game I had to mute was Phantom Brave. I wish they at least give us the option of turning the voice acting off all together sine 99% of the time its subtitled anyway.

I mailed NISUSA when the game was first announced and specifically asked they include this feature :(

But isn't there enough space to fit both english and japanese dubs into the disc, so you can choose which one you want?

I love Genji because it allows just that.

259th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 11:48post reply

::feels worthless because he skipped the chance of buying Valkyrie Profile for a measly 10 bucks::


3331th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 19:02post reply

BTW on the 1st VP did someone have beaten Queen Iseria?? seems that I'm too weak to do so...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

3110th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 22:00post reply

BTW on the 1st VP did someone have beaten Queen Iseria?? seems that I'm too weak to do so...

I've done it. She's not too hard if you use the super characters they give you in the extra dungeon along with the Guts ability and those items that have a chance of reviving you.

555th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 23:02post reply

I did it as well, but only once. Guess I was lucky this time...not even "guts" can save you most of the time...

426th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 8 Dec 23:45post reply

BTW on the 1st VP did someone have beaten Queen Iseria?? seems that I'm too weak to do so...

I'm sure many people have. Build up your characters to high levels (best characters to use are the Seraphic Gate characters, though I've used Angrim as well), equip the strongest weapons, and have Level 8 Auto Item/Guts/Angel Curio x 2 defense going, and just chain away.

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

3111th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 00:03post reply

BTW on the 1st VP did someone have beaten Queen Iseria?? seems that I'm too weak to do so...

I'm sure many people have. Build up your characters to high levels (best characters to use are the Seraphic Gate characters, though I've used Angrim as well), equip the strongest weapons, and have Level 8 Auto Item/Guts/Angel Curio x 2 defense going, and just chain away.

Yeah I hope in VP2 they do away with the end game bosses requiring the guts move. That was kinda unfair seeing it was entirely up to luck.

3140th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 02:17post reply

::feels worthless because he skipped the chance of buying Valkyrie Profile for a measly 10 bucks:: costs more than that? I bet you could buy it for a measly 10 bucks right now.

3113th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 02:39:post reply

::feels worthless because he skipped the chance of buying Valkyrie Profile for a measly 10 bucks:: costs more than that? I bet you could buy it for a measly 10 bucks right now.

Well it goes for around $50-100 on ebay. Stores like babbages sell it used for more or less retail at $39.99 if they get it in which is rare.

It's not up to Suikoden 2 levels of being stupidly overpriced but getting it for $10 would be pretty lucky outside finding it at a flea market or something.

[this message was edited by Radish on Fri 9 Dec 02:39]

265th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 03:40post reply

::feels worthless because he skipped the chance of buying Valkyrie Profile for a measly 10 bucks:: costs more than that? I bet you could buy it for a measly 10 bucks right now.

Well it goes for around $50-100 on ebay. Stores like babbages sell it used for more or less retail at $39.99 if they get it in which is rare.

It's not up to Suikoden 2 levels of being stupidly overpriced but getting it for $10 would be pretty lucky outside finding it at a flea market or something.

true, true, you'll be hard-pressed to find it cheaper than even $80 on ebay and damn lucky at a retail store for half that....then again, you could just download it...ahem, anyway i'm also excited about this news. i never finished the first game because disc 2 looked like it got into a fight with a wolverine and lost, but now i'm really tempted to complete it. i really enjoyed the 2d graphics, so i'm a little peeved that it's 3d, but the gameplay can still be like that of the first in both 2d or 3d. i can't make out any gameplay screenshots from the scan, so we'll have to wait and see, but as long as they keep it simple and addicting just like the first game, then i'll be satisfied

3142th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 04:13post reply


Well it goes for around $50-100 on ebay. Stores like babbages sell it used for more or less retail at $39.99 if they get it in which is rare.

weird. guess I should sell mine.

651th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 16:03post reply


I agree!
but with Ys it wasn't the voice acting (though that was bad) as much as the walking and the music. STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP everywhere he goes!

It's a wonder you managed to walk down the street to pick up your pizza.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1542th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Fri 9 Dec 17:37:post reply


It's a wonder you managed to walk down the street to pick up your pizza.

I know the rest of us have to walk to get our pizza, but he's different. He's SPECIAL. The pizza guys deliver the pizza to him!!!!

PS: I was always too cool to use Aluze.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Fri 9 Dec 18:02]

6921th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Fri 9 Dec 19:07post reply

7460th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Fri 9 Dec 19:18post reply


The PSP remake of the first VP will be scalled to fit the wider screen of the PSP, and will have one new movie to open the story to VP2.

3113th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Fri 9 Dec 20:30post reply


The PSP remake of the first VP will be scalled to fit the wider screen of the PSP, and will have one new movie to open the story to VP2.

God I hope Squeenix localizes this. I'm desperate for anything on the PSP even if I've beaten the game a million times already.

556th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sat 10 Dec 01:52post reply


The PSP remake of the first VP will be scalled to fit the wider screen of the PSP, and will have one new movie to open the story to VP2.

So...PSP is going to have a GOOD game after all!!!

266th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sat 10 Dec 03:14post reply


The PSP remake of the first VP will be scalled to fit the wider screen of the PSP, and will have one new movie to open the story to VP2.

is it really a remake or just a port?

3115th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sat 10 Dec 04:31post reply


The PSP remake of the first VP will be scalled to fit the wider screen of the PSP, and will have one new movie to open the story to VP2.

is it really a remake or just a port?

Sounds like a port with some video enhancements.

7461th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sat 10 Dec 06:21post reply

Sounds like a port with some video enhancements.

Yeah, at least the game will use the widescreen and won't be shown in a window in the center of the screen.
It's more of a remake than, say, bokujo monogatari.

1543th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sat 10 Dec 06:22post reply


So...PSP is going to have a GOOD game after all!!!

Come now, let's not disrespect Popolocrois.

3146th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sat 10 Dec 08:27post reply


Come now, let's not disrespect Popolocrois.

or legend of heroes!

though maybe that's not actually good, but...FALCOM!

307th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sat 10 Dec 10:50:post reply





though maybe that's not actually good, but...FALCOM!

Speaking of which, what a shitty week for news. Not only is it crunch time at work, but Tuesday the site bandwith issues killed a long newspost I was writing, and this friday's falcom newsletter has been eaten up by my workplace's spamfilter.


[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Sat 10 Dec 10:58]

653th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Sat 10 Dec 17:39post reply


It's a wonder you managed to walk down the street to pick up your pizza.

I know the rest of us have to walk to get our pizza, but he's different. He's SPECIAL. The pizza guys deliver the pizza to him!!!!

No! Pizza delivers you!

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

3147th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):logos for VPS and VPL" , posted Sun 11 Dec 11:25post reply


Speaking of which, what a shitty week for news. Not only is it crunch time at work, but Tuesday the site bandwith issues killed a long newspost I was writing, and this friday's falcom newsletter has been eaten up by my workplace's spamfilter.

that sucks, sorry!
I hadn't had time to post anything, so I got really behind. bleh!

3335th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"VP2 more infos...!!!" , posted Mon 12 Dec 19:41post reply

So the game will be shown at the jump fiesta the 17 and 18 of this month.

The game will change his anime part fro CG scenes, like in FF games.

And most important, games system may be the same as before!! Since when you're in the normal phase your characters have serious 3D graphisms (like FF12,) but when you are in a battle phase your characters are turned into SD and they are in a similar battle scenes from those of VP1...


Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

3119th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):VP2 more infos...!!!" , posted Mon 12 Dec 20:55post reply

So the game will be shown at the jump fiesta the 17 and 18 of this month.

The game will change his anime part fro CG scenes, like in FF games.

And most important, games system may be the same as before!! Since when you're in the normal phase your characters have serious 3D graphisms (like FF12,) but when you are in a battle phase your characters are turned into SD and they are in a similar battle scenes from those of VP1...


I hope they aren't TOO SD...

They are keeping to same style as the first game so that sounds great though.

6926th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"screens" , posted Mon 12 Dec 22:04post reply

3120th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):screens" , posted Tue 13 Dec 00:27post reply


Can someone put these up on the image board? The page just won't load past the title bar image for me.

6928th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):screens" , posted Tue 13 Dec 00:56post reply

3121th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):screens" , posted Tue 13 Dec 01:02post reply


Thank you very much

My fears about the SD characters in battle have been alleviated.

7468th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"official sites" , posted Tue 13 Dec 04:04post reply

Nothing for the moment.

428th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Tue 13 Dec 05:36post reply

re: Guts

> Yeah I hope in VP2 they do away with the end game bosses requiring the guts move. That was kinda unfair seeing it was entirely up to luck.

The problem was two-fold: You practically *needed* Level 8 Guts, plus all that other crap, to survive at the end, but on the other hand, Guts made the game too *easy*. Level 8 Guts plus 2 Angel Curios on all characters gave you something like a 1 in 3096 of actually losing (i.e. all 4 of your characters getting KOed). But in the Seraphic Gate, the boss attacks were so goddamned strong, you just kept dying over and over and over, making death lose all meaning.

What I hope for in VP2 is your defense to be more balanced, so that you don't just get slaughtered repeatedly.

Oh, and while I would love to see VP done in non-SD format, I guess VP's SD was pretty well done, so it can stay at that level.

I wonder if the likes of Fayt, Maria or Cliff will show up?

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

6934th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"new scan" , posted Wed 14 Dec 23:46post reply

205th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):new scan" , posted Thu 15 Dec 00:12post reply


Nice! I was really hoping they would eventually explain why she was like that in VP. I guess now we'll know.
It's good to see the battle system looks the same as well.

3126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Valkyrie Profile 2" , posted Thu 15 Dec 00:45post reply

re: Guts

> Yeah I hope in VP2 they do away with the end game bosses requiring the guts move. That was kinda unfair seeing it was entirely up to luck.

The problem was two-fold: You practically *needed* Level 8 Guts, plus all that other crap, to survive at the end, but on the other hand, Guts made the game too *easy*. Level 8 Guts plus 2 Angel Curios on all characters gave you something like a 1 in 3096 of actually losing (i.e. all 4 of your characters getting KOed). But in the Seraphic Gate, the boss attacks were so goddamned strong, you just kept dying over and over and over, making death lose all meaning.

What I hope for in VP2 is your defense to be more balanced, so that you don't just get slaughtered repeatedly.

Oh, and while I would love to see VP done in non-SD format, I guess VP's SD was pretty well done, so it can stay at that level.

I wonder if the likes of Fayt, Maria or Cliff will show up?

I agree with this entirely. It became battles where you had to eventually get lucky and hope enough of your characters would GUTS and live so you could set up a chain, otherwise you had to start reviving and healing. Either way you'd rarely lose but it just made the bosses take forever.

And thanks for the new scan Rid. It looks like they captured the style of the last game in 3D which is all I could hope for.

Maese Spt
104th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):new scan" , posted Thu 15 Dec 05:46post reply

Darn, I must admit this new VP looks as neat as did the old one in it´s time...

Heck, I´m beginning to consider retaking PSX´s Valkyrie Profile for the 10th time and try to get past Argrinm´s story once for all! I dunno why, but even though VP seems to have enough elements to catch me up (interesting scenario, promising plot, good music, eye-catching character designs...), I can´t get myself into it.

Anyway, I must confirm Hayato´s wacky theory about Norns as the three valkiries in the game, so I guess I´ll gather more courage and confront the task before Christmas. Yup, this would be my alibi this time!

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

3338th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"better scans!! ^ ^" , posted Thu 15 Dec 20:27post reply

More Valkyrie bonanza!! copy & paste for your own pleasure...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

114th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):better scans!! ^ ^" , posted Fri 16 Dec 12:43post reply

More Valkyrie bonanza!! copy & paste for your own pleasure...

I unfortunately fall in that same category of never quite getting past Angrim's story. At the time I hadn't quite grasped the system fully yet, and I remember it being terribly slow-paced.

I do admit, I kinda hoped the sequel would have SD models in battle like the first - there was just something about having these tragic and angsty characters being super-deformed in battle that was great...

559th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):better scans!! ^ ^" , posted Sat 17 Dec 03:16post reply

More Valkyrie bonanza!! copy & paste for your own pleasure...

OMG!!!!! It looks so great...I need a Valkyrie Profile dose!!! *Faints*

4231th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"combat" , posted Sat 17 Dec 13:47post reply

Good, looks like they are keeping the same combat system.

Can anyone tell me if they talk about any details on the combat system in the third page?


7477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):combat" , posted Sat 17 Dec 18:19post reply

Can anyone tell me if they talk about any details on the combat system in the third page?

They say it's the same system, but they added "new features" to make it even better.

Also, instead of shooting ice bolts, she shoots light bolts that apparently have an effect when she shoots them to ennemies.

4232th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):combat" , posted Sat 17 Dec 19:43post reply

Very nice. Thank you mang with the medical boobs!

They say it's the same system, but they added "new features" to make it even better.

Also, instead of shooting ice bolts, she shoots light bolts that apparently have an effect when she shoots them to ennemies.

431th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):combat" , posted Wed 21 Dec 22:00post reply


> They say it's the same system, but they added "new features" to make it even better.

Well, that narrows it down. :|

> Also, instead of shooting ice bolts, she shoots light bolts that apparently have an effect when she shoots them to ennemies.

Also rather vague. IS it like in Star Ocean 3 perhaps?

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page